Census 101


“I’m a busy person. Why do I have to fill out this U.S. Census form anyhow?”

“The U.S. Constitution says that every 10 years, the federal government must count every resident in the United States. It sounds simple, but what it really comes down to is politics and money.”

Cartoon by Jeff Parker – Florida Today (click to purchase)

“How does it involve politics?”

“There are 435 seats in the U.S. House. The government uses the population count to determine the number of seats your state will have. In 2002, after the 2000 census results were tallied, 12 seats moved across 18 states.”

“Change happens. What’s the big deal?”

“When a state gains or loses seats, the political party in power redraws congressional districts with hopes of making it impossible for the other party to win.”

“Politicians would do that? I’m shocked. But what does the census have to do with money?”

“It determines, says the census form, the ‘amount of government money your neighborhood will receive.’ The idea is that the more people the census determines to be living in a region, the greater percentage of federal dough that region will receive. You better fill out the form to get your fair share.”

“Wait a second. I work hard and pay taxes to the federal government. The government skims off its share, then sends what is left back to me based on the number of people who live in my neighborhood?”

“You’re beginning to understand. The government sends your neighborhood money to fix roads, build bridges and fund all kinds of government programs — so that your House member can take credit.”

“That doesn’t sound like a very efficient way to use my money.”

“It’s much worse than that. Our government is spending hundreds of billions more than it is taking in. It is borrowing that money. Your children and grandchildren will be saddled with the cost of that debt.”

“People not yet born are already in debt? But how does this tie into the census?”

“If the people in your neighborhood don’t complete the census form, some other neighborhood will receive your children’s and grandchildren’s hard-earned money — that would be immoral!”

“I’ll complete the form as soon as I get it. Is it difficult?”

“Not at all. There are 10 questions. You are asked to state your name, sex, age, race, telephone number and whether you own or rent your home. There are no questions about your religion, whether you are a legal U.S. resident or if you have a Social Security number.”

“That figures. I’d be happy to say what my religion and Social Security number are, but I’m touchy about giving my age. What if choose to keep some of this information private?”

“If you don’t complete and mail the form by April 1, census workers will come to your home. If you don’t cooperate with them, criminal charges may be filed or you may be fined up to $100. Besides, the information is to be kept private.”

“OK, then let me get it all straight: I need to complete the entire form by April 1 to ensure that my state counts as many people as possible, so that my representative will be able to take credit for as much government spending as possible, and so that my neighborhood will receive its fair share of my children’s and grandchildren’s hard-earned money?”

“Now you’ve got it.”

“Too bad the census people can’t collect information of people who aren’t born yet.”

“Why is that?”

“If we had their future addresses, we could send them cards to thank them for so generously advancing us billions of dollars of their hard-earned dough.”


©2010 Tom Purcell. Tom Purcell, a humor columnist for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, is nationally syndicated exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate. For more info contact Cari Dawson Bartley at 800 696 7561 or email [email protected]. Visit Tom on the web at www.TomPurcell.com or e-mail him at [email protected].


12 responses to “Census 101”

  1. Cal Avatar

    I’ve heard a lot of concerns raised about the census being overly invasive but it wasn’t. Ten questions, two minutes, done. It wasn’t intrusive and it didn’t hurt filling it out. Maybe I’m “slipping” but I just don’t see the privacy issue here. Health care reform? Cap and trade? Card check. I get it. But this particular census just doesn’t seem contentious. The government already knows more about it me than these few questions asked. Fill it out and send it in.

  2. Good Life Avatar
    Good Life

    Perspective—-Questions over the years


    1790 Census questions

    Name of the head of each household.

    How many free white males age 16 and older.

    How many free white males under age 16.

    How many free white females

    How many of all other free persons.

    How many slaves.

    Questions Asked on the 1910 Census

    Name of street, road, avenue etc.

    House number for city dwellers.

    Number of dwelling in order of visitation.

    Number of family in order of visitation.

    Name of each person.

    Relationship of each person to the head of household.

    Sex of person.

    Color or race of person.

    Age of person at last birthday.

    Is person single, married, widowed or divorced.

    How many years in present marriage.

    Mother of how many children and how many still living

    Place of birth of each person.

    Place of birth of the father of this person.

    Place of birth of the mother of this person.

    Year of immigration to the US.

    Is person an alien or naturalized.

    Can the person speak English. If not, what is language spoken.

    Occupation, trade or profession of person.

    General nature of industry, business or where this person works.

    Is the person an employer, employee or working on own account.

    If an employee, was the person working on April 15,1910.

    How many weeks during the year 1909 was the person unemployed.

    Is person able to read and write.

    Did the person attend school since Sept. 1, 1909.

    Does this family own or rent home.

    Is home owned outright or mortgaged.

    Is the dwelling a farm or house.

    If a farm, what is the number on the farm schedule.

    Is the person a survivor of the Union or Confederate Arm or Navy.

    Is the person blind.

    Is the person deaf and dumb.

    Questions Asked on the 2010 Census

    1. If the housing unit is owned or rented
    2. Telephone number
    3. How many people live in the residence
    4. If any additional people who lived at the residence on April 1, 2010, were not

    And for each household member, the census asks:
    1. Name
    2. Sex
    3. Age/date of birth
    4. Relationship to the person who owns or rents the residence
    5. Hispanic origin
    6. Race
    7. Does this person sometimes live or stay somewhere else

  3. Cal Avatar

    Good Life. Would it have been that painful to say, “I agree with Cal?” No need to answer. I was just musing.

  4. Good Life Avatar
    Good Life

    I agree with Cal it was no big deal.

  5. Cal Avatar

    Good Life. Why so quiet lately? Everything okay?

  6. Good Life Avatar
    Good Life

    Cal–Just that time of the year. Starting a new part time job at Phoenix University. Election judge training this morning. Getting the farm ready if it ever dries up. Probably won't hear much from me til fall.

  7. ArtW Avatar

    Good Life . . . wishing you good luck.

  8. Cal Avatar

    Good Life. Ditto the good luck comment. (And please don't earn too much money. We don't want you to become one of the evil rich!)

  9. Jack Sprat Avatar
    Jack Sprat

    Ditto GL, and don't let the KC dead vote, it's nice to honor those who have passed, but even life long Dem's get to rest on Ballot Day.

  10. Cal Avatar

    Good Life. Stug and geoff and the others who aren’t bitter neocons also wish you success. At least I’m pretty sure they do. Well, I “hope” they do. I'm sure it just slipped their minds!

  11. Stug Avatar

    Thanks for not being able to pass up an opportunity for a jab Cal, without it I might not have seen the posts.

    Good Luck GL!

  12. Cal Avatar

    You’re welcome, Stug. Anything to help out shipmate!

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