Game On!


Making Sense, by Michael Reagan

Well, Democrats in Washington did it. They unilaterally passed a $938 billion health care plan that was overwhelmingly disapproved by Americans.

But not to worry, the United Nations Health Organization proclaimed our leaders courageous for their actions. I will prefer to call them extinct.

Voters fought, called, protested, and debated up until the moment of the vote. With willful blindness, many in the Democratically-controlled Congress simply chose to ignore their constituents.

Biden F-bomb ObamaCare
Cartoon by Nate Beller – Washington Examiner (click to purchase)

It is easy to argue that the health care bill was the wrong prescription for our ailing economy and growing deficit. It is just as easy to argue against such a seismic shift to the size and influence of our government; anything that required so much intra-Democratic Party arm-twisting, threats and bribes to get it through their own caucus can’t be good for our nation. But Democrats in Washington aren’t satisfied there. Today our banks, auto industry, student loans all join our health care as being instruments of the federal government.

We’ve watched as, one by one, new segments of the economy have moved into the government’s balance sheet. The American people have been overlooked in favor of new power, new control, and new taxes. We’ve seen rough economic times, are still seeing them, but in spite of inappropriate government action we will make it through.

And come this November, voters will have a choice. A choice between a Republican Party that hopefully will have returned to its roots of smaller and limited government and responsible fiscal policies versus a Democratic Party that will stop at nothing to grow our government and grow our debt.

The time is now for us to act. Each of us has a responsibility to get engaged, help Republicans get elected and demand that Washington recoil from its massive expansion. I will do my part as well. Our PAC, Reagan PAC, is dedicated to finding and supporting Republican candidates that recognize the contemporary conservative principles of Ronald Reagan and are committed to their realization. We will target Democratic candidates in key swing districts across the nation who recently voted in support of this dangerous health care legislation, and seek to find qualified conservative candidates in these districts and states and others who can help return America on a path to prosperity.

We will also be working to defend the Republican candidates who have stood for sound, limited government in the face of an overwhelming big-government presence so that our worthy elected officials can stand against the volley liberal Democrats are sure to fling their way. And throughout this country, I will be on the ground working with activists, both conservative and independent, to build a new coalition for individual liberty.

I am eager to get to work, to further my father’s legacy and restore the greatness of this country.

This fight is important. This fight will not be easy, but the outcome will determine the shape of our nation for decades to come. This fight cannot be won without all of us becoming engaged come this November. I ask that in the coming days you visit to join the fight to renew America.


Mike Reagan, the elder son of the late President Ronald Reagan, is spokesperson for The Reagan Nation and chairman and president of The Reagan Legacy Foundation ( Look for Mike’s books and other information at E-mail comments to [email protected].

©2010 Mike Reagan. If you’re not a paying subscriber to our service, you must contact us to print or Web post this column. Mike’s column is distributed exclusively by: Cagle Cartoons, Inc., newspaper syndicate. For info contact Cari Dawson Bartley. E-mail [email protected], (800) 696-7561.


62 responses to “Game On!”

  1. Cantor Avatar

    >>>With willful blindness, many in the Democratically-controlled Congress simply chose to ignore their constituents.


    I am a Democrat. I think this health care bill didn't go far enough because it doesn't have a public option. Many of my fellow democrats feel the same way. So no, we're not happy with the health care bill either, but for entirely OPPOSITE reasons that the neocons are unhappy with it. Everyone knows this, it's important that neocons like Reagan's offspring aren't allowed to control the conversation by restating lies until they are believed.

  2. laura Avatar

    why in the hell would anyone listen to you-a man who proposed the complete extermination of the Iraqi society? "blow up Iraqi babies" ring a bell?

    You Republicans had no issue with Bush giving billions of our tax payer dollars to the wealthiest 5% and two unfunded wars, but NOW you want to be "fiscally conservative"? What a joke.

    MOST Americans are catching on to the RNC BS, and we want no part of it.

  3. Scott Avatar

    Great column! 90% of the people I know agree with this. Obama is all about control and taking over as much private enterprise as possible. I'm looking forward to voting in 2012 and know many people who voted for Obama that will soon be voting against him.

  4. Dale Avatar

    The Republican Party is so far to the right that were Ronald Reagan alive today he would have no chance of being nominated as a candidate for anything.

    Was he as fiscally responsible as the Repubs would have us believe? Not a chance, one year of tax cuts and 7 of tax increases and still the national deficit increased year on year.

    Bush the lesser by invading a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 racked up huge deficits that will take decades to work off, trashed the constitution and led the way to the financial rorting of the great American public by the financial sector. The Obama bailouts are better described as the Bush bailouts as it was the Bush administration that initiated them. At least he was true to the base Republican belief – Privatise profits, socialise losses and then blame it all on your successor.

  5. B. Burnett Avatar
    B. Burnett

    Republicans said all the same things about the introduction of Social Security, Workers Compensation, Unemployment Compensation and Medicare. Whenever there is social progress to be made, they throw "isms" at it — statism, socialism, communism, etc.

    Of course the package thet passed has its tradeoffs and is hardly perfect — it could have been better with even 1% Republican help and cooperation, but why would they work in the best interests of the public when they can unite for a great pissing contest.

    They claim the "majority of Americans" were against it, but then they only listen to a minority of Americans and only count those as "American people."

  6. Stug Avatar

    "a Republican Party that hopefully will have returned to its roots of smaller and limited government "

    – That would certainly be preferable to their current roots of hate and ignorance among the masses and manipulative greed among the elite.

  7. Gloria Nelson Avatar
    Gloria Nelson

    As i told my Republican son and his hate filled wife, please shut up. I'm sick of people like you and your lies. Please, Rush go to Costa Rica and buy yourself some young girls, I forgot your engaged to one. Please Shawn and Riley go someplace where the sun doesn't shine.

    And Please Reagan, shut up the lies.

    I am not happy with this health care insurance reform. I am a lot less healthy about people like you spreading bull crap meant to inflame the sheep.

    2% of the people and elected to policial office, 8% work for the 2% and the other 90% eat whatever bull crap is fed to them by the Crappers like Reagan.

  8. boelander Avatar

    Put a sock in it, Mike. I can't live with the thousands of deaths due to no health insurance on my conscience. Probably you can. Thank goodness more people don't think like you.

  9. Ted fox Avatar
    Ted fox

    Are you kidding me??? You are an even bigger moron than your father was, and that's saying a LOT.

  10. Escritor de Tejas Avatar
    Escritor de Tejas

    Well, for once, I’m with many of the comments…buut, I’m choosing the middle ground, neither the left nor the right, but The Patriots’ Path of checks and balances, of fidelity to The Constitution of our Founding Fathers, of States’ Rights and freedom from intrusion by a spiraling spending central government that denies its citizens any semblance of self-actuated individual behavior; a release from the ‘nanny-state’ that tells us it is caring for our best interest, all the while surreptitiously stealing our children and grandchildren’s inheritance and decimating our hard-earned legacy to them. The grassroots have just begun to smolder, and with no eye to party affiliation will soon burst into raging flames that will sweep from coast to coast, cauterizing the massive wounds to our beloved Republic and bringing in a new day of responsible, responsive representation by a congress that fully understands who their employer is: the people of the United States.

  11. Escritor de Tejas Avatar
    Escritor de Tejas

    Hey, Gloria/bolander/Ted: Believe me. The Constitutional Patriots won't forget what happened in the House; neither will the Germans who legally elected Hitler by a similar 'majority.' The Nazi mutant, 77 years ago (almost to the day), used Germany's legitimate political system to seize dictatorial power. With Obama's 'Czars and Czardines' serving as parallel henchmen (SA, SS and Gauleiters for Hitler), the U.S. Constitution and our tri-cameral government structure has been similarly trampled in the 14 months since MAObama stormed Washington. And with liberal automatons such as the aforementioned following the socialist shepherd off a cliff, maybe our divinely inspired system will recover from the Blunt Barack Force Trauma. Here comes November 2010 and 2012, and thank God, here comes the cliff!

  12. Jeff Avatar

    You say overwhelmingly disapproved by Americans. Maybe the overwhelmingly disapproved by the TEABAGGERS, but not the majority of Americans. The right wing fanatics are not the majority…did you forget you idiots got VOTED OUT last year. Go back under the rock you crawled from under and let the intelligent people fix your messes.

  13. reaganot Avatar

    Sucking on Daddy's cold, shriveled,mummified (or is it 'formeldafied'?) demented tit again Mikey (but to be fair, can tits dement?).

    If you really cared about the greatness of this great country you would in no uncertain terms repudiate your paternal legacy.

  14. Barbara Avatar

    It is amazing how you can spout government take over when the government grew more during your father's presidency. Get the the facts, more American's want health care reform than the vocal few that you help to inflame. Being louder and more outrageous does not make anyone right. You all are wrong, wrong, wrong, stop the lies…

  15. OMG! Avatar

    I find it strange that so many philosophize the "feel good" mentality while maintaining such piles of hate. The long term consequences of instantaneous gratification will be heavy and intractable. It is alarming so many are perfectly willing to toss the greatest resource of individual endeavors, and hence by their collective efforts have yielded their own significance, while crying out for the same.

  16. CORINTONIC Avatar

    I do remember a Ronald Reagan send records to people so they could listen in their living room about how medicare the government program was going to lead to socialism and Communism, did it happened? Of course not it was stupid rhetoric then like it is beyond stupid today.

    It seem to me that the party that calls themselves Christian and compassionate are the ones objecting to, no longer a cap on coverage, no pre existing conditions,trying to close the hole in medicare part D and so much good coming out that bill,


  17. Sabby Avatar

    Interesting how the Republicans supported Universal Health Care for Iraqis …

    Flashback: 2004 Place: Iraq

    Tommy Thompson: Fresh from a two-day weekend visit to Iraq, the Bush administration's top health-care official defended the $950 million that will be spent to help Iraq establish universal health care. Congressional Democrats have criticized the administration for helping Iraq to establish universal health care without doing the same for U.S. citizens. Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson said yesterday there are major differences between the two countries that defy simple comparisons. "Even if you don't have health insurance," said Thompson, who toured medical facilities in the Iraqi cities of Baghdad and Tikrit on Saturday and Sunday, "you are still taken care of in America. That certainly could be defined as universal coverage. Every American's health care is far superior to what the health care is in Iraq." Universal coverage as in… the emergency room, Tommy? Oohh, I need some Tylenol. I wonder if it's covered by COBRA. It should be for $20,000 a year. Meantime, it's good to know the Iraqis were looking to us for better health care reform ideas. Sen. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, ranking Democrat on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, responded yesterday, saying the U.S. system doesn't sufficiently meet the needs of 44 million uninsured Americans.

  18. Freshwaterdrum Avatar

    Michael, Michael, Michael…

    That's all you've got? Months of debate, polling, gnashing of teeth, horse-trading, and a large dose of bullsh1t from both sides, and all you've got are the same, tired, debunked talking points from the AM radio boys?

    I guess the progressives were right after all. You got nothin', homes.

    Enjoy the scrap heap of history, you've earned your place in it.

  19. isleshire Avatar

    Simply the Republican Party line. Heck the Democrats and the Republicans in Congress ignored me too! I wanted a universal single payer system. No issues with eligibility. No issues with access. No profit on suffering. Did I get that? I did not. Will I vote Republican? Nope.

  20. Tim Stocken Avatar
    Tim Stocken

    Yes, we're talking about Mike's father, who spent record amounts so the Democrats would have no funding for necessary social programs when they regained power. This resulted in an economic disaster that Jimmy Carter bravely took the blame for. The byproduct was a bankrupting of the Soviet Union that Reagan jumped on as his legacy, which was a joke. Just as Iran will crumble on its own foolishness, the Soviet Union was going down all by itself.

    By the way, Cantor, don't blame all of Reagan's offspring. Ronnie junior was solidly behind the health plan.

    Here in New Jersey we are already feeling the pains Republicans seek to inflict on us. Our new governor, the AntiChristie has cut school aid by one billion and aid to hospitals by half that amount. Oh, let's not forget he is giving a tax break to those who make in excess of $400,000 per year. At least George W. had the sense to give a pittance to the masses while giving $1.8 trillion to the rich.

    When you include those who wanted a public option, a majority of Americans are in favor of the reform. That is amazing when you consider the millions the health insurance industry spent on lies to keep the status quo.

  21. click1947 Avatar

    Scott: Small wonder! 90% of the people you know are just as ignorant as you have proven your self to be. No, we're not about control: we are about giving control back to the consumer — health or otherwise — and not insurance companies or large corporations. These are truly robbing America blind. Republicans are all about turning America over to them.

    Ed Brown: Top notch work, Ed! I too am sick of hearing about the ninety percenters (see Scott). Once again, the Repubican-Regressives show they are either ignorant — in which case they should shut up — or just plain liars — in which case they should shut the hell up.

    Escritor de Tejas: Interesting you should use Hitler as an example. Hitler and his minions came to power by whipping up lies, fear, and bigotry which is what Palin and her ilk do best — you are a shining example of the result of her work. Nazi thugs threatened, attacked, and killed those who would dare disagree with their fuehrer. Sorry, Escritor, but you, the Repbulicans, and the Palinists are the Nazis you write about.

  22. ellis Avatar

    if michael could talk to his late father , he would be surprised to find that they were in complete disagreement. the president at least knew that what he was doing was for the good of the country, michael only thinks of party and the hell with the people.

  23. Sheri Avatar

    When you add up this total of "vast majority of Americans," are you included the ones that actually put Obama in office or just the ones that think like you. You are in no position to talk about ethics, and as someone that grew up in the 80s, President Reagan's fiscal policies were a disaster. My predominantly-Republican hometown went from gradually improving to becoming a ghost town in the 80s. Major stores disappeared and several employers folded. And don't give yourself airs; you know very well there is only one reason you got to be available on Cagle and it is not because you are a political genius. All you have done is quote talking points; your last name got you this article.

  24. ed Avatar

    Which Americans "overwhelmingly disapproved", besides your fellow FUAX News friends. Get a life. Thsi country has been heading in the wrong direction with focus on the wrong priorities since oh say Januuary 1981. So much so that it may be "Good Night and Goiod Bye in America"





  26. Just annother vet Avatar
    Just annother vet

    As a veteran, I can tell you that among the military there are few presidents more revered than Ronald Reagan. You would have to go back to Teddy Roosevelt to find a president as popular. All this social engineering by the Democratic party over the last 60 or so years has led us to becoming a welfare state, where kids go to college not to get an education, but to get a financial aid check.

    I will tell you this however, the Republican party will not recover as long as it remains in the hands of the religious right. We need to enforce the separation of church and state. A starting point would be for the Republicans to stop pushing for abortion control. Maybe they could work out a deal. No more anti-abortion legislation if the Democrats will give up their anti-gun legislation.

    There should be NO federal funding af ANY school, college, or university that treats religion as anything more than a topic for the social sciences department. Religion should be treated as any other mytholgy, perhaps a topic sutable for a cultural anthropology class, but hardly as a basis for government. Freedom of religion should guarantee freedom from religion. Students should be taught that law and morality (two completely different topics) are not dependent on the existence of religion, and that it is wrong to try and legislate morality.

    When the Republican party dumps religion, then maybe they can really focus on getting government out of our lives, reducing both the size and the cost of the socialist welfare state we have become.

  27. Cantor Avatar

    >>>When the Republican party dumps religion, then maybe they can really focus on getting government out of our lives, reducing both the size and the cost of the socialist welfare state we have become.

    Wont' happen. The Republicans are now the party of Christian Evangelists. They're synonomous and fiscal conservatism is no longer a relevant term for Republicans. Love guns, hate gays, love tax breaks for rich, hate minorities, etc. The poor bitter neocons have precious little of worth left to run on.

  28. Glen Avatar

    Maybe the health reform act is pretty good after all; seems like almost nobody likes it in its present form! Anything that can unite Americans like this is not an entirely bad thing.

    Seriously, the law does seriously expand coverage (highly desirable) and offer some supervision of the insurance industry (long needed). However, it does not really hold a lot of promise in reigning in costs. The latter very important issue was compromised by failing to adequately address the medical delivery system(s), the costs of drugs and equipment, and what is to be done for/with the 10-15 million illegal immigrants. There remains a lot of work to be done to make reform effective.

    Politically, we can not afford to (re-) elect politicians who are unable to work to improve the situation. Those who simple wish to repeal, rather than reform, remain an undesirable burden our society would do well to reject.

  29. geoff Avatar

    “Religion should be treated as any other mytholgy, perhaps a topic sutable for a cultural anthropology class, but hardly as a basis for government." No argument there. Otherwise you get things like theocracy in Iran and theocratic tendencies in Saudi Arabia, and religious wars like in Northern Ireland and the 30 Years War.

  30. LOVE MY COUNTRY Avatar

    Mr. Cagle…..Some of these bloggers make some amazing comments on a regular basis. Instead of giving room here for someone just because their last name is Reagan….why not have some guest / by the people commentators write some articles? Many of these intelligent people are terrific at making their points in a very clear manner. I am also tired of reading articles that represent 5% of the country. Your political cartoons seem to represent both sides in a much more fair manner or percentage….why not the commentary?

    Thank you.

  31. Stug Avatar

    “Religion should be treated as any other mytholgy, perhaps a topic sutable for a cultural anthropology class, but hardly as a basis for government. Freedom of religion should guarantee freedom from religion. Students should be taught that law and morality (two completely different topics) are not dependent on the existence of religion, and that it is wrong to try and legislate morality.”
    – Well said

  32. Cantor Avatar

    “Religion should be treated as any other mytholgy, perhaps a topic sutable for a cultural anthropology class, but hardly as a basis for government. Freedom of religion should guarantee freedom from religion. Students should be taught that law and morality (two completely different topics) are not dependent on the existence of religion, and that it is wrong to try and legislate morality.”

    Agreed, it was well said.

  33. Stug Avatar

    Your comment and your poitive attitude is appreciated. I agree, the current bill is far from a panacea, if such a thing is even possible, and a great deal of work by both parties is still needed. Still, it is an excellent first-step.

  34. Karen Avatar

    "…that they, themselves, take advantage of…"

    Typo…lest someone think I did that on purpose.

  35. click1947 Avatar

    Once again, Easttexasredneck has shown himself to be his usual eloquent, thoughtful, and inciteful spokesperson for the right wing of the American Right Wing.

  36. JonnieB Avatar

    Mr. Reagan …

    What poll shows Americans overwhelmingly disapprove? All the polls I've seen show about 45%-55% approve and about 32%-42% disapprove (the difference accounting for those that are undecided).

    I am an American that happens to be Republican that supported your father. Large factions of my party has been consumed by the neocons and evangelists and many have gone off the deep end. The only thing you can do now is operate like Fox News and keep saying the same lies over and over and over again.

    A majority of Americans DO support healthcare reform. Stop lying, Mr. Reagan and Fox News.

  37. Karen Avatar

    The Right…unbelievable! What’s wrong with you people? As in many of the cartoons of late on this site, the Right has opposed all the past societal contributions made by former presidnets–that them, themselve, take advantage of. : Roosevelt and Social Security, Johnson and Medicare, and Obama on health care. What do they all have in common? The elephants opposed them all!

  38. Bill S. Avatar
    Bill S.

    I am aghast that Mr. Reagan's straight point/s became so twisted as to lose the perspective of the article, or that being sired by Ronald Reagan was used to discount his thinking or that anti Christs' used this medium to regurgitate their hatred. To paraphrase: "…anything that caused so much bribery and arm twisting in the majority party" should cause alarm bells to sound. Point Two: and, regardless of the growth of government during the Reagan years'; the point remains – this LWA (spelled incorrectly to make a point) makes the STATE tremendously larger and more deeply rooted into the citizen's lives. As the man said, he who controls the information – has the power. Point Three: Mr. Reagan implores other concerned citizen's to join with him to FIRE THE BUMS. And, Point Four, which is only hinted at: WHAT industries will the STATE take over next?

  39. Stug Avatar

    "WHAT industries will the STATE take over next?"

    – What industry has the state taken over to begin with?

  40. boelander Avatar

    Good ol EASTTEXASREDNECK, you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground, but you do know where the Caps lock is.

    Escritor de Tejas: What happened in Germany, could never happen again, especially in the USA. This alarmist thinking of yours is just amusing, sorry.

  41. Brett Avatar

    MG! What a sick, twisted, jealous, hate-filled typical little Republiscum! Playing into the constant Repug abyss of Darkness which is the GOPster Black Hole and Vomitorium. Personal failiyres, constantly enraged – drawn to one onother like insects to the light. Doing their usual dysfunctional dance w their Demons.. Perhaps the new health care bill will one day develop a vaccine for you diseased conditions.

  42. ArtW Avatar

    Brett: "Perhaps the new health care bill will one day develop a vaccine for you diseased conditions."

    Perhaps it will help you learn how to spell and write a decent sentence. Doubt it, but you never know.

  43. MIKE Avatar

    Irrelevant, out-of-touch, marginalized lightweight. Michael grew up privileged. His father didn't, and would have got the importance of this bill. It embodies the New Deal values of looking out for those who need a hand up — not a hand out — that made Reagan a Democrat in his younger days. It warn't the best, but it was the best that could be done. We'll build on it and make it better. If Michael doesn't want to collect his social security (he sure isn't getting paid to do these "columns") or opt into a future public option — that's his biz. Live and let live.

    If a columnist can't do better than plugging his PAC, perhaps its time to pull the plug on giving him a platform. Give us a break, Daryl. You can do better, and your readers deserve better.

  44. ArtW Avatar

    JonnieB: "What poll shows Americans overwhelmingly disapprove?"

    To pick one at random – how about Rasmussen? The most recent, yesterday, had these numbers:

    55% favor repeal of the bill.

    52% say they’d vote for a candidate who favors repeal over one who does not.

    Most senior citizens (59%) also favor repeal.

    Sixty percent (60%) of likely voters believe the new law will increase the federal budget deficit.

    81% believe the actual cost of the program will be higher than projected.

    49% overall believe the new health care legislation will be bad for the country.

    41% overall believe it will be good for the country.

    43% expect the healthcare bill to have a negative impact on them personally.

    26% expect the healthcare bill to have a positive impact on them personally.

    "A majority of Americans DO support healthcare reform. Stop lying, Mr. Reagan and Fox News."

    Sure . . . but NOT in the way Obama has done it.

  45. Irene Avatar

    I don't get it. Can anyone name a single entitlement program that has come in at or under its projected cost? Medicare – which through taxes has obligated generations of retirees – will be (allegedly) slashed in half by ridding it of corruption, Social Security is a joke (and filled with corruption), many small businesses are keeping employment down to a minimum because of the costs and fraud of Workers Compensation, etc., etc.. I'm all for a free market cure to the problems that ail us, and the government getting more and more into our lives isn't the way. The much-lauded MA health care system is having its share of problems (understatement) and Hawaii stopped theirs because of the fraud.

    But then, letting the Republicans back in (puhleez) isn't the answer either. The reason we're in this mess is because of their idiocy in government, and Reagan wants them BACK?!? With that being said, when the taxes go up to pay for the health bill, when all of the states have to begin/increase state income taxes to pay for the mandates, when those who have a job find that they are paying ridiculous amounts for government approved insurance, and when the medical supplies are abusively taxed, maybe *then* they'll see why so many of us have been against THIS BILL. And improve it? Since when has the government done improvements on anything like this? As the old saying goes, you can put makeup on a pig, but it's still a pig.

  46. ArtW Avatar

    Irene: "Can anyone name a single entitlement program that has come in at or under its projected cost?"

    No. No one can.




  48. Jack Sprat Avatar
    Jack Sprat

    "The reason we’re in this mess is because of their idiocy in government"

    Irene, Fidel Castro congratulated 'bama for getting Health Care passed, did he ever congratulate any republican? How well did the Little General run for the White house help, we got two terms of the convicted liar Bill Clinton, our choice is the lesser of the evils, that was the only way I could vote for Bush. We have to get involved in the sewage part of the "swamp". Did San Fran Nan, Drain anything but the treasury's bank account? Then congress has been held by Democrats for 3 of the last 10 years, and in the last year little Lord Fauntleroy has spent more that all of the other presidents combined, and is going to try to spend trillions more. Creating only government jobs.

    What is your better idea, another few years of spending by the Dems? You might remember Barney Frank and Chris Dodd who stopped the Repub's from reigning in Fanny and Freddie, that was the smoking gun, free home loans as a "right" and forcing the banks to give them. This batch of buffoons have out spent the Republicans by a factor of 3-4 times and they want to go back to the roulette table to wager your money and mine, but this time "it'll pay off", no really.

    My rule of thumb, one party holds the White House and the other party can have either or both houses of Congress, Osama Obama has dropped our security to that of Canada with every intention of nationalizing all of the illegals now in the country, the Dems have to have more voters to rape.

    I am a life long Independent who actually has waited for the last 30 years for a Democrat I could vote for, but almost any guy with an R will be forced to follow the leader and toe the line on fiscal discipline and security matters, the people of MA still pay the highest insurance premiums in the nation, according to the now turned Independent, Democrat Sec. of the state Treasury, the premiums just went up 38%, Blue Cross went up 39% and they weren't the "highest in the nation".

    If we can't focus on the "opposition" party and vote in enough people to cancel out and over ride a presidential veto then we will be watching only our country slip into the exalted status of Venezuela or Cuba.

    If we can throw out Comrade President Political Hack and all around bum in 2014, then we can do something about the Repub’s, perhaps you remember how we really got here? How many Repub’s had the same attitude you did in 2006 and threw out the bums and we got the “really big spender” to replace them, from the frying pan into the fire.

    Not much of a choice, but this batch is destroying our country.

  49. Pierre Avatar

    Dear Mr Reagan:

    A few questions.

    1) Will you not agree that the Federal Government's involvement in Banks, Insurance companies, and Car companies is: 1) Requested by the "Capitalism Oriented" companies? 2) A problem of "if they fail, who else fails?" 3) Goes back to problems and issues that pre-date even the Clinton Era? 4) IFF the US Govt can get out of it, ASAP, this will have been TEMPORARILY, a good thing for America? (And signs show that the Government and the firms are trying to part ways… Not that I can blame them… Assuming that Uncle Sam can get back his investment!)

    2) IFF the following former 6 Presidents all agreed that SOME form of Health Care Assistance for ALL Americans was a "good thing", then perhaps the idea is not bad? The former Presidents are: T Roosevelt, FD Roosevelt , HS Truman, LB Johnson, RM Nixon, and WJ Clinton, Not to mention all the Kennedy Brothers… So, then… adding them all up, they might more than equal one man: Ronald Reagan? True, the current plan has innumerable faults. But where were you trying to repair those faults? (You will notice I have not mentioned Mr. Obama, which would make 7 Presidents. But Mr. Obama is a "Johnny Come Lately" to the job. No historical track record. And, he does have a big axe to grind… No offense meant Barrack. Sorry. Just the truth.)

    3) What would you suggest sir, as a piece of constructive criticism, that would be a good, decent alternative to the current plan? I realize, that this is a "tall order to fill", a tough question to ask. But none the less, rather than mere complaining, I ask for your earnest, well thought out, alternative ideas. I think you have sufficient education, training, experience, and access to advisors to put out such a plan. I, for one, would be very interested in hearing it. And I think it would be a good thing too, to make such a plan known.

    4) I know of your father's 1950's era "anti socialist health care" ummm "commercial"…. But today is 2010. I think even you will concede, that things have changed since your father was alive. What do you honestly think that Ronald Reagan would propose as a solution today. I ask you, because you would have more personal insight than any of us outsiders. I think many would like to know.

    Cagle/Slate will know how to contact me. For you, sir, out of some small respect for your father, I give them permission to tell you how to reach me, should you desire to. I am at your disposal, if needed.

    Thank you for your time and attention in this matter.


  50. geoff Avatar


    Let's see: the "Sermon on the Mount" might be a good place to start. Then there's the "Golden Rule" (do unto others as you would have others do unto you" and its numerous variants). Then there was John Donne's bit about "No man is an Island" and the fact that humans are not only social animals, but also rational.

    You see: whereas most other animals are generally selfish (many species often eat their own young, or that of others of their own species), humans have recognised the advantages of altruism. A guy named John Nash even provided the mathematics to show why cooperation brings better wins out in the long run than trying to go it alone (the "Nash Equalibrium"). And whereas this sense of altruism is, according to most of the advanced religions, claimed to be one of the highest and noblest expressions of the human spirit, the kind of greedy selfishness you (and Social Darwinists like Ayn Rand and Herbert Spencer) espouse tends to be looked down upon as being childish. Instant gratification, associated with lusts, gluttony, pride, alcoholism, etc. The "me" generation: it's OK if it feels good, right?

  51. Jack Sprat Avatar
    Jack Sprat


    "Roosevelt and Social Security, Johnson and Medicare,"

    What do these both have in common; they are already broke and have been for years, now we're going to take even more money out of them and add patient to them in the tens of millions. Just how is that going to help?

    Oh, many of FDR's programs were found unconstitutional by a court pack by him. His own economic "architect" Morgenthau, said that throwing money at the depression, lot’s of it, “just didn’t work”, but our new “vision” is “well they didn’t throw enough.”

    Got some more money for your electricity “necessarily skyrocketing” as your president has publicly stated, you’ll find out, because I’m sure that’s next and new taxes on everything that moves or doesn’t because that is the “Chicago way” the Cook county sales tax is 11% plus taxes in Chi-town without end, and Illinois and Chicago are still belly up like most big city Democrat run havens of heaven tin cup out to the Federal government. Where you going to go to borrow more money after the rest of the world says “get a job”?

    Also, before the Great Society and it’s “war on the poor” American families of African ancestries had a 20% out of wedlock birthrate and consequential intact family, it is now 70% to 80%, with just as many American poor, how did that become a “success”?

    “Obama on health care.”

    Most of us are for health care reform, not health care take over by a “large margin” more will join as the 4 year waiting period becomes more apparent and the price of everything “necessarily skyrockets”, we are still waiting for the other shoe to drop when the Obama Fed “monitized the debt” by printing up 2 trillion dollars in “funny money” and another 2 trillion dollars in Fed Bonds, “reputedly”, there is an additional 2 trillion dollars loaned to someone that the Fed will not name, we will suffer Carter like inflation. The gas prices are $1 a gallon higher than last year at almost $3/ gal. The other factor of this recession is the fuel prices that, in 2008 went to $3.50-$4.00/gal, that was not a small matter, it helped push us over the ledge.

  52. Jack Sprat Avatar
    Jack Sprat

    “Sermon on the Mount”

    Gee, that seems to be the only touch point for the "liberation theology" crowd of socialists, didn't work for Benito, Jim Jones, did kind of work for Wright, he got to retire in a mostly white suburb of Chi-town in a 2 million dollar house built for his retirement, and had at his disposal an other $10 million line of credit. Boy that G D America stuff seems to pay off, not quite the “Sermon on the Mount” miracle of the “fishes and the loves” story, oddly antithetical.

    I believe the really “Sermon on the Mount”, went that man was “flawed” and needed redemption not found in this tawdry world’s riches, strangely not the “take away message” of Rev Wright or Jimmy. Did you follow up the “words in red” with the other “guy” who said ‘if you don’t work you don’t eat?”

    I always enjoyed immensely Meditations XVII, but too often only partly quoted, as it goes on, “but this bell, that tells me of his affliction, digs out and applies that gold to me: if by this consideration of another's danger I take mine own into contemplation, and so secure myself, by making my recourse to my God, who is our only security.”

  53. JonnieB Avatar

    ArtW … Thank you for providing that information about the Rasmussen poll … but do you know who Scott Rasmussen is? He was a paid consultant for George W. Bush. Many news outlets don't use Rasmussen because of the lack of objectivity.

    And not only that, but 55% is not an "overwhelming majority". Give it a rest my fellow Republicans … stop buying into the lie. Gallup is much more respected … and most Americans are NOT against Health Care reform.

    If all you listen to is Fox News, you will only get spin on top of spin. Try the BBC, CNN, NPR … there are other news outlets out there.

    Let's be Americans and work together to solve OUR problems. Thank you …

  54. SeaChris Avatar

    Here's the unfortunate truths for everyone, categorized by which group gets the bad news;

    Dems: HCR is going to cost you seats in the fall

    GOP: You still won't get control of either house

    GOP: Limbaugh will be proved a liar, and will not leave the country

    Dems: Limbaugh will be proved a liar, and will not leave the country

    GOP: Sarah Palin is not the answer, and will not even win the primaries

    Dems: Sarah Palin will not win the primaries

    GOP: people will like the immediate benefits of the HCR bill

    Dems: people will still think it's a bad idea

    Dems: Obama is not the messiah

    GOP: After Bush, a feces-flinging chimp still looks good.

    GOP: The recession is Bush's fault

    Dems: Obama now "owns the problem"

    GOP: The tea-party will help split votes and skew primaries costing you opportunities this year

    Dems: The people who were excited about Obama, are less than enthusiastic about Harry Reid (nice knowing you Harry, enjoy retirement)

    I encourage everyone to vote for 3rd party candidates this fall, it's clear that neither of these parties have our interests in mind.

  55. whoever Avatar

    My guess is that TEX hates WETBACKS because they OUT-COMPETE him atHIS level of the JOB market, WORK harder and do BETTER work and CHEAPer, though the last he would not complain about, being a free market-anti-union-no-health-care-enthusiast… sorry, should have ALL CAPPED ALL THAT F#*$K YOU!!!

    Also ( obviously legitimate citizenship issues here ), would like him to submit his papers, assuming they are not all spread out on the kitchen floor to absorb his uncontrolled ESRITORS, I mean \"EXCRETIONS\"…

  56. whoever Avatar

    Made a couple of typing errors, being pestered by humans and animals in the house, but the message should not be too hard to follow by initiates…

  57. OMG! Avatar

    Vote for no third party candidates, other than primary races.

  58. Glen Avatar

    SeaChris…I like your style, but I am not so confident that any third parties have our interests at heart either.

  59. BlackTantalus Avatar

    In 2008 a majority of Americans elected Barack Obama President of the United States.

    When Reagan and his tea bagger friends shout that "Washington" does not listen to them, it is they who are hysterically deaf to the majority who voted "Yes we can."

  60. Jack Sprat Avatar
    Jack Sprat

    "I encourage everyone to vote for 3rd party candidates this fall, it’s clear that neither of these parties have our interests in mind."

    Seemed to have worked out well with the "Green Party" and the Little General.

    I think they had literally hundreds of parties in Iraq, but then we may soon look to Iraq and other third world countries with no small level of envy.

  61. Cal Avatar

    “The Republican Party is so far to the right that were Ronald Reagan alive today he would have no chance of being nominated as a candidate for anything.” From someone who’s been a conservative Republican since the days of Jimmy Carter (I didn't care about politics before Reagan came along) I can tell you the Republican Party has drifted left, not right. Under Bush Republicans acted and spent like Democrats culminating with his infamous line of “abandoning free market principles to save the free market.” Many conservatives sat the last two elections out cutting off their noses to spite their face.

    Just the opposite is true. JFK would not recognize his party today. It has become weak on national defense to a point never before even thought of, it spends at a rate that is bankrupting us (yes Bush helped), and in love with the idea of raising, not reducing taxation as Kennedy did. The party is on the side of those that do not protect life or traditional marriage and is openly hostile toward religion and people of faith. One party slid left and one has fallen completely off the left cliff. That, of course, is comparing America with America, not with Europe or Scandinavia that are so far left Obama looks like a conservative.

    B. Burnett. Are you aware that the very programs you’re touting are $107 trillion in debt in unfunded liabilities? Does that figure have any meaning to you or is it just a number? And you want to add to it by making health care another entitlement. Great. Please take a look at where we are in terms of debt in America before you get giddy with glee over more hand outs.

    “hate and ignorance” Thanks, Stug. I appreciate that.

    How could Rasmussen possibly provide objective polling data if he has a past connection with any Republican let alone George W. Bush? There appears to be no end to the number of ridiculous, unfounded conclusions people come to. Rasmussen polls likely voters rather than registered voters and his polls have been on the money wrt to election results the last several years. A person’s past political affiliation has nothing to do with objectivity of polling. That can be gleaned by looking at the polls, the questions the ask, the audience they seek, and the margin of error.

    "Those who seek repeal and not reform." A central tenet among conservatives in the short time since passage of health care destruction has been its repeal AND reform. It’s a simple issue. Replace the 2,200+ pages with a much shorter version that incorporates inter-state competition, portability, an end to pre-existing condition exclusion, and solid tort reform. Costs go down, no one is forced to buy a service they don’t want, and a majority of Americans are finally represented by the final product. That in stark contrast to passing a bill the majority of us opposed and still oppose. And have I mentioned recently how adding 30 million new patients will destroy access and result in massive rationing?

    I know an entitlement program that’s under budget! Okay, got your attention, though, didn’t I? Answer: None. But _this_ time things will be different. No, really, they promise. If you missed the link on social security going broke six years early, here it is again:

    A majority did indeed vote for the empty promise of “hope and change.” Now that they’ve seen what that meaningless phrase means, it won’t be happening again. “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice…” Virginia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts are the first chapter in retaking and remaking America—not “fundamentally transforming” it. Here are some very early forecasts on House and Senate races. My bet is Republican gains of 40+ in the House and 5-7 in the Senate.

    Lots of good comments on both sides and lots of other uh, “comments.” Good thread.

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