Tea Parties Mark a Milestone in Civil Rights


The most pivotal scene in our nation’s recent civil rights history was not as some would assume, electing the more qualified, younger and dynamic presidential candidate (of a different party than George W. Bush) who also happened to be half African, ““ but it was, in fact, the self-proclaimed Tea Party protesters hurling racial epithets at members of Congress.

tea party race bigotry teabagger nigger
Cartoon by Brian Duffy – PoliticalCartoons.com (click to purchase)

Let me explain: Congressman John Lewis of Georgia was a Freedom Rider in 1961. He was beaten bloody by police on several occasions. Those doing the beating likely used epithets to add some insult to injury. As a then speaker and representative of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, he was just an uppity young black male and the cops were just the establishment shielded by 100 years of the rest of the county looking the other way. Civil Rights was not as former House Speaker Newt Gingrich recently described just a law that “shattered the Democratic Party for 40 years.” It was a bloody war with years of carnage to battle crippling institutionalized racism. A time when the law was segregation; blacks were “equal” just separate.

Plus, with all this talk of the biblical (meaning ancient) definitions of marriage, people of mixed races couldn’t legally get married in some states in this country until the aptly named Loving Decision was handed down by “activist judges” on the Supreme Court in 1967. They ruled unanimously in favor of a Virginia couple whose bedroom had been intruded in on by police who then arrested them for violating Virginia’s Racial Integrity Act. Their sentences were commuted on the condition they leave the state. As many have pointed out President Barack Obama was born in 1961 and if his parents happened to live in one of the several anti-miscegenation states they could not have been legally be married at the time.

And of course women were not allowed to vote nationally until the passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920. And as much as homosexuals are discriminated against today, up until 2003 sodomy laws in some states criminalized homosexuality. “Created equal” didn’t just happen once the Declaration of Independence was approved.

So after a year of rigorous debate over health care reform, a year of sound bites and selling points and hysteria, at last the whip count was in and there was going to be a final vote in the House. A small group of irate protesters were at the Capital. En route to hear the President’s speech on Saturday at the Longworth House office building, the aforementioned civil rights champion now Congressman Lewis was called  “nigger,” as was Congressman James Clyburn of South Carolina. Congressman Barney Frank of Massachusetts, an out gay man was called “faggot” by the crowd. Speaker Nancy Pelosi was degraded on signs (to less outrage mind you).

What it pointed out wasn’t that progress is stagnant, because those words exist and are still in use, what it pointed out was how far we’ve come: Those who used to be the victims of legalized racism, homophobia and sexism are now lawmakers. The words once used against the powerless by the authorities are now the desperate yaps of the outer perimeter.

The Tea Partiers’ smears are like a war wound that doesn’t cause disability just aches every so often to remember the fight. But most importantly, those middle-aged puffy white people screaming insults at members of Congress are a specter of the past. They’re the civil disobedience equivalent of a telegram. Their vocabulary is clearly analog.

The battle cry for the Tea Parties has been that members of Congress need to listen to the American people. But to an observer of the people walking past jeers, members of Congress are now more than ever, the American people.


Tina Dupuy is an award-winning writer and the editor of FishbowlLA.com. Tina can be reached at [email protected], and follow her on twitter @TinaDupuy


31 responses to “Tea Parties Mark a Milestone in Civil Rights”

  1. Cantor Avatar

    You Might Be a Tea Partier If…

    1. You believe President Obama is not an American citizen

    2. You fail to spell check your protest signs

    3. You fly your U.S. flag upside because you feel distressed

    4. You believe religion only means Christian

    5. You believe President Obama is (in secret) a Muslim

    6. You only respect the Office of the President if the President is one you voted for

    7. Your gun safe is hidden inside a second gun safe which you keep stored in your bunker, along with a five year supply of food and water

    8. You call law enforcement about 'suspicious activity' when you see a Muslim woman wearing a burka

    9. You forget that your ancestors probably didn't speak English, but you think non-English speakers should learn English or 'get out of your country'

    10. You believe the world's money supply is controlled by the 'bilterbergs' or some other group with fishy intentions of which only you are aware

    11. You're from Brewster, and you head out of town for a protest involving five other people – in Goodland

    12. You believe the 'bilterbergs' are scheming to put an agent in the water supply to prevent population growth. You can't explain the details, but you know it's true!

    13. You know that Fox News is the only unbiased news source and you believe that Beck and Limbaugh are speaking directly to you, through the tee-vee and the radio

    15. You are burying gold in your backyard in preparation for the coming Amero money

    16. You say you want a revolution but when asked for details you just keep saying 'no more taxes or we'll have a revolution'

    17. You believe H1N1 was created by 'them' in order to force vaccinations on 'us' with a secret motive to sterilize 'us'

    18. You believe 'internment camps' are being built throughout the land by 'them' and part of the secret is who will be housed in them but that is one part that remains a mystery

    19. You refuse to let your kids listen to President Obama speak because you believe he is sending them 'subliminal messages' of some kind

    20. You call President Obama a fascist, and you're being serious

    21. You think Tea Party Patriots is a political party

    22. You start interesting fashion trends – like tying tea bags to your head

    23. You ask to borrow your granny's bedsheets so you can make signs

    24. You use up all your kids' crayons making signs

    25. On the way home from a protest your huntin dogs, all six of them, slide out of your pickup truck because you forgot to shut the tailgate

  2. Good Life Avatar
    Good Life

    You forgot—-If you spit on Congressmen. If you call Congressmen N—-s. If you put maps on a web site showing Congressmen's houses marked with rifle scope cross-hairs (Palin) If you throw rocks though the windows of Congressmen's offices. If you think 48% is a "vast majority" of Americans. If you can't accept the fact that you lost an election and a vote even though you are the "vast majority". If you think the story of the "Good Samaritan" can be interpreted in favor of the priests. If you think science is a conspiracy against the truth. If you think educated people are less knowledgeable than dropouts. If you think everyone that doesn't agree with you is a socialist and fascist at the same time. If you think compromise is equivalent to surrender. If you don't see a difference between commentary and news. If you only listen to and read commentary that you agree with. If you can't express yourself without using demeaning words towards others.

  3. Professor Omicron Avatar
    Professor Omicron

    "The most pivotal scene in our nation’s recent civil rights history was not as some would assume, electing the more qualified, younger and dynamic presidential candidate"

    Yea, man, I remember when they made a movie about assinating the sitting president Obama in Ottawa, those scum bags. Oh, no that was about Bush.

    Well I remember when the "real" Teabaggers bit off the finger of the very nice older gentleman, the racist was a …oh that was an hispanic member of Move-on.org apparently the 35 year old wasn't sure he could take the 65 year old guy, so he bit off the finger and ran like a dog.

    Well at least "we haven't shot out the window" like they did to Bush Chenny campaign offices and that “guy” Cantor….oh never mind.

    "Let me explain: Congressman John Lewis of Georgia was a Freedom Rider in 1961. He was beaten bloody by police on several occasions. Those doing the beating likely used epithets to add some insult to injury."

    Please don't let them tell you that all of the "Racists" on the other side hurling and beating were democrats, that might be "embariassing".

    Oddly, President Woodrow Wilson was said to be a KKK member, and “Give ‘em Hell Harry Truman was, but apparently asked for his $10 membership fee back when he found out that he couldn’t appoint any of the Catholic Bosses men to political jobs, fortunately our “hero of the south” Bobby Byrd was only a “Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops of his local chapter”, not a grand master and, “During the year 2001 on a broadcast of Fox News Sunday, Senator Byrd twice used the "N" word. He NEVER publicly apologized for the use of that word, instead sending a written apology to the network.” After all it was only on Faux News. Fortunately Al Sharplton , Jesse Jackson, Louis Farakhan, the Black Panthers, SDS, Weather Underground and a list of others are “liberals” like us.

    “those middle-aged puffy white people screaming insults at members of Congress are a specter of the past”

    Boy, girl, you sure speak the truth, like the Hispanic that bite off of one those “middle-aged puffy white people’s” finger, or the good looking, young “amerikans” who scream and shout, throw bottles and rocks, and turn over cars and set them on fire, break store windows in a rather understandable “rage against the man”, and then just as understandably loot the stores, at any G-8 or Republican KKK meetings. I do wish they’d bath a bit, after all the founder of the Weather Underground, Bill Ayers (the presidents friend) did say, “kill your parents” and “I wish we had done more” (bombing was the implication), you know to bring Our Beloved Leaders “vision of Piece” to the land that was once the great Nation of America, but now is only becoming an over taxed third world country. I just feel badly about poor Barney, first his young (very) “room mate” runs a “call boy” service out of their townhouse, then he’s just sitting on the porch with his new boytoy (this one’s a serious relationship) and the facist police have the nerve to arrest his ‘friend” just for growing a “little pot”, the out rage.

    Yea , those tea partiers sure are racists.

    BTW, I love the Bozo smear of ruby red lipstick, so shiek, most couldn’t get away with a look so “fetching”, they’d look like an out of work mime, with no place to go. Sad really, but we could always come up with an “invisible house”, kinda like the invisible attempt to take over all facets of America to change it into that Amerikan dream.

    We will over come, Sista.

  4. Connor Avatar

    I tried to get through Omicron's post, but it really was just a lot of "assinating" (his word, not mine)

    Seriously dude. Either take your meds or get a prescription. You might even be covered now.


  5. Our Mutual Friend (a Avatar

    Connor: PO looks like a JS-wannabe (why…?).

  6. Cal Avatar

    Tina, I’m sure you’ll be the first to win the $10,000 reward for producing proof of a racial incident. And of course if we find one that will be conclusive proof of widespread racism on the Right. Great reporting, Teenster. Why aren’t you reporting on the threats Senator Jim Bunning was receiving a few weeks ago when he insisted the Senate comply with the pay-go legislation it passed rather than just print up another $18 billion for the second stimulus bill? (It was erroneously named a “jobs” bill but since spending doesn’t create jobs let’s call it what it is. Well, it won’t stimulate anything either so maybe the second “porkulus” bill would be a better fit.)

    Did I also miss the threats from pro-abortion women to Rep Bart Stupak in the article? I heard one of them played on TV this morning. “You a worthless piece of _____ human ____.” That’s okay. We don’t expect objectivity. That’s why America has Fox News which is blowing away the competition by HUGE margins in every category. And fortunately we have talk radio keeping the radicals in check as well by exposing every lie they tell us and every underhanded deal they make. I won't be surprised to see MSNBC try and make those calls into pro-life calls but since Stupak didn't change his vote until the weekend and the call was made before then that will hard to do.

    But thanks for the wonderful, one-sided article, Tina. Anything else would be too much to ask for. Is your maiden name Lyons by any chance? You look just as happy as Gene, Gene, the whinin’ machine.

    And just look at the excellent expose from Cantor. All original thoughts from a deep thinking man. Bravo!

  7. ArtW Avatar

    Conner: "I tried to get through Omicron’s post, but . . . "

    I know the feeling. I got to about #4 of your OP before realizing what an idiot you are (yeah . . . it took me THAT long).

    "Seriously dude. Either take your meds or get a prescription. You might even be covered now."

    Yeah dude, he just might be . . . come 2014.

  8. geoff Avatar

    “Created equal” didn’t just happen once the Declaration of Independence was approved.

    In contrast to a number of comments to the effect that these rights were "God given."

  9. Good Life Avatar
    Good Life

    Cantor —Are you from Nebraska or Kansas? Not many people know where Goodland is and almost none know where Brewster is.

    11. You’re from Brewster, and you head out of town for a protest involving five other people – in Goodland

  10. Cantor Avatar

    Grew up in Kansas. I know the neocon mindset well.

  11. Good Life Avatar
    Good Life

    Cantor—I grew up in SW Nebraska. Actually have distant cousins in Brewster.

  12. Cal Avatar

    I don’t think I’ve seen such a large flock of loons in one thread before. It’s good to see the true colors flying. The anger, the hate, the “shut up” to my own child’s wife comments. All very classy stuff. As for the “majority of Americans” opposing the bill, we posted the CNN poll link at least three times. I reposted it again this week alone. It showed 73% of respondents wanted congress to stop or start over. Last time I checked, that represents a majority of Americans. But then, I only taught math for a few years so I may be wrong on that.

    Thanks Sheri for the anecdotal evidence provided from the perspective of one female liberal that “proves” Reagan’s policies were a disaster. I saw those policies restore American credibility throughout the world after it walked all over the feckless James Earl Carter. His policies also led to the end of the Soviet Union which the Left was too busy appeasing to stand up to. We sat in gas lines for hours to get TEN GALLONS of gas every other day because we let OPEC push us around. Maybe you want that kind of America again where weak leaders rule the day like we have now but I’ve seen what that brought. We have another weak sister running the country (into the ground) right now as he breaks our fiscal back with enormous amounts of unrestrained spending with no results. Not a single private sector job in 15 months. Not bad for a trillion dollars pissed into the wind. And now we can only “hope” this latest “change” in health care policy will bring us the long lines and low-quality care the United Kingdom has once we add 30 million new people and NO new doctors. But looking at that side would require objectivity and a concern for the fiscal health of America. Let’s NOT do that. Let’s just rejoice that someone else will now be paying for all these poor people who don’t have insurance and bury our heads in the sand about the negative consequences. Limited access, long waits, denials, and HUGE increases in the national debt. I apologize for continuing to point out what should be obvious to all Americans regarding spending and the debt but far too many look only at one side.

    We could have had real bipartisan reform but this is what happens under Democrat-only rule. We’re $107 trillion in debt and yet we’re spending trillions more we don’t have. A noble idea but WE DON’T HAVE ANY MONEY. It’s like taking over the checkbook from your husband after you find out he somehow managed to run up $500,000 in credit card debt AND bought ten new houses on credit for poor people while taking home only $3,500 a month. So you get mad and go out and borrow a million dollars to BUY more houses to “fix” the problem. In liberal logic that’s “problem solved" because some folks have a place to stay. Well, at least until the foreclosure notices arrive.

    And the comments about Michael Reagan getting a column “because of his last name” go hand in glove with the same kind of “logic” that gave us four million lost jobs and two trillion dollars in debt since Obama became King. And soon, we may the same guys who run AMTRAC running health care. As they said in Caddyshack, “At least we got that goin’ for us!”

  13. Cal Avatar

    And where’s the outrage over the voicemail from the Cincinnati man who called Rep Jean Schmidt who said, “Uh, yeah. That car that ran over you? Yeah, it shouldda broke yo’ back bitch. All a’ you all Republicans are nothing but a bunch of ________ racist ______.” I don’t watch MSNBC but I’m guessing that wasn’t part of the coverage. There are many others but that’s just one little gem to share with my “tolerant” friends on the left who are trying to paint the Right with a broad brush of racism. I’m still looking for someone to claim the reward.

    At least the comments of Republicans fanning the flames of terrorism from a member of congress were reasonable. That would be a liberal Democrat making the outrageous claim just in case you didn’t know. The $10,000 reward is still out there for the first evidence any such thing happened.

  14. geoff Avatar

    Portrait of the chief teabagger:

    Only one month before that populist moment on Capitol Hill, Armey was employed as a lobbyist by leading international "consulting firm" DLA Piper. In that capacity, from 2005 to 2009, Armey promoted the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran, otherwise known as Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK), which the State Department has branded a terrorist group. Armey lobbied his former colleagues on behalf of legislation that would have provided taxpayer support to the MEK.

    Armey's work as a lobbyist–during which time he also served as chairman of FreedomWorks and organized Tea Party protests–is not mentioned in his FreedomWorks biography. This omission can perhaps be explained by the anti-lobbyist sentiments held by so many Tea Partiers. At the first national Tea Party Convention held in Nashville in February, former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin spouted off on the Obama administration's failure to eliminate lobbyists and cronyism in D.C. during her keynote speech and the crowd burst into loud applause.

    As a lobbyist, Armey has not let his stated ideology stand in the way of his paycheck. In 2008, as corporations and banks across the nation were being bailed out with billions of tax dollars, Armey was lobbying on provisions of the TARP Reform and Accountability Act of 2009 for CarMax, a Fortune 500 company that went on to issue $1.5 billion in asset-backed securities eligible for investor loans under the TARP and Federal Reserve-subsidized Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF).

    More here: http://www.inthesetimes.com/main/print/5698/

  15. geoff Avatar

    Cal just reminded me: did anyone ever claim the reward out there for proof that Bush ever actually showed up for duty in Alabama?

  16. Jack Sprat Avatar
    Jack Sprat

    "You might even be covered now."

    I would doubt that anything would be covered, since one of the main reasons given for the massive multi-trillion dollar spending was to make sure that "the children" were no longer denied health care, but OOps we seem to have left that particular part of the bill out, and the deals with the “big Pharm”, you know those bad guys that say people can no longer import less expensive drugs from Mexico, or that other “little” country, what was the name….oh I forget, but then in the scheme of things it’s unimportant.

    Wasn't there actually a movie and a book about assassinating Bush when he was in office, probably by some right wing "neocon", oh no, it was by "tolerant", non-racist liberals. Gee, I would have to agree that beyond the lipstick on the pig, pointing out the mean men over there, not much has been said about the loading up of buses to go to peoples homes and intimidate them, or to their meetings to "citizens" arrest them for trying to make an honest living that doesn't have to do with taking away people's lively hood at the point of a gun, like any good, honest leftist liberal. Let alone the routine riots and fire bombing of almost any “activist” meeting on the left.

    I remember when the Black Panther members were “poll watching” and one of them was holding a club while in the door way of a voting place and kept a white voter out, saying “this is our turn”, apparently he was neither “racist” or “mean”. You know I think Holder should just forgive and forget, you know in the name of “racial harmony” just drop the charges, oh yea he did, it was only a white guy and probably a racist, neocon conservative who didn’t deserve to vote.

    And thank you our lil' im-poster for showing us your own lil' half a brain cell, like a kindergarten, “show and tell” time. As always nothing to add but conformation of shear stupid, GL does that guy who says he knows “the neocon mindset well.” Presupposing any sentient ability to use thoughts and information and “stuff” does that mean that he too is a racist like all of the whites that moved out of KC? If what was said about Harry that kinda paints your version of “thinking” Kansans as a little more the big part of “what’s the matter with Kansas” than your obverse.

  17. Jack Sprat Avatar
    Jack Sprat

    "Cal just reminded me: did anyone ever claim the reward out there for proof that Bush ever actually showed up for duty in Alabama?"

    Yea, didn't Dan Rather? Oh my bad, he was fired for "making up the news" and pushing phoney documents, kind of like Jayson Blair.

    You maybe able to "cash" in on the big reward for finding "Ogopogo", but I think "she's" been found….


    Gee, how heart breaking, Canada couldn't "make it big" in that arena either could it?

  18. Jack Sprat Avatar
    Jack Sprat

    Hey Cal

    In all this faux outrage is "Hooey" sucker anything like a "fagot"? because the former is used here all the time.

    As I understand the "party of choice, tolerance and love" it's only racism, bigotry or hate", if 'they" do it?

  19. Jack Sprat Avatar
    Jack Sprat

    Since what's his name knows the "midwest neocon" so well, maybe he'll recognise the southern liberal/progressive

    Curtis &Leroy saw an ad in the The Oxford Eagle Newspaper in OXFORD, MS. and bought a mule for $100. The farmer agreed to deliver the mule the next day.The next morning the farmer drove up and said, "Sorry, fellows, I have some bad news, the mule died last night."Curtis & Leroy replied, "Well, then just give us our money back." The farmer said, "Can't do that. I went and spent it already." They said, "OK then, just bring us the dead mule." The farmer asked, "What in the world ya'll gonna do with a dead mule?" Curtis said, "We gonna raffle him off."

    The farmer said, "You can't raffle off a dead mule!" Leroy said, "We shore can! Heck, we don't hafta tell nobody he's dead!" A couple of weeks later, the farmer ran into Curtis &Leroy at the Piggly Wiggly grocery store and asked. What'd you fellers ever do with that dead mule?"

    They said,"We raffled him off like we said we wuz gonna do."

    Leroy said,"Shucks, we sold 500 tickets fer two dollars apiece and made a profit of $898."

    The farmer said,"My Lord, didn't anyone complain?"

    Curtis said, "Well, the feller who won got upset. So we gave him his two dollars back."

    Curtis and Leroy now work for the government.

    They're overseeing the Bailout Program.

  20. geoff Avatar

    You seem bitter, JS. Try meditation.

    And in case you don't remember, Sarah Palin did try to tell the teabaggers that the US should stop insulting its allies.

  21. Cantor Avatar

    If meditation doesn't work, I hear clutching your gun and or squeezing your religion might help.

    Or something to that effect. 😎

  22. OMG! Avatar


    There appears to be a concerted effort among the political Left and many mainstream media people to demonize and marginalize the expanding citizen-based movement known as the tea party movement. This effort flows from both a fear of what these tea parties represent and a contempt for everyday Americans. But those ordinary citizens are poised to be the ones laughing when it’s all over, when democracy takes its course.

    There seems to be a consensus now among the liberal elite when it comes to the tea parties. Senior administration officials deride them, as do liberal congressional Democrats. These elitists characterize the tea partiers as extremists, some drawing analogies between these ordinary citizens and right-wing militias, fanatics, and religious zealots. Some members of Congress are even saying that these tea party people are racist, which is pretty much the worst label that can be slapped on you in modern politics.

    And many leftist talking heads in the media parrot this message, with their own biting editorial, adding that some in the tea party crowd are dangerous. Some talking heads, including some Hollywood actors and others who don’t seem to have any credentials as policy analysts but are nonetheless given air time, are really playing up the racism angle, and even suggest that some tea party attendees may be domestic terrorists.

    Try the decaf, people.

    Agents of big government and their boosters in the mainstream media seem determined to throw cold water on this growing grassroots movement that is a reaction to the Obama administration’s power grab of the growth and expansion of this country’s central government.

    There’s a great deal of diversity among tea party people. Some just want lower taxes, and some also want less regulation. Still others are pro-life voters or Christian conservatives that also want fiscal responsibility. Many others push for conservative judges, while still others hold up signs calling for a restoration of American sovereignty, or protecting America’s borders, or defeating cap and trade or card check.

    But they all have two things in common: They all want smaller government, and oppose the trampling of the Constitution embodied in these efforts to radically expand the size and scope of government. And as part of that desire, they want this utterly-ludicrous spending binge to end before it bankrupts all of us.

    There’s nothing extremist about that agenda, because common sense is never extreme.

    Are there some people attending tea party rallies who are intemperate in their remarks? Sure. Whenever you get tens of thousands of regular folks together, you’ll always get a few who makes comments that they should reconsider. Even then, nothing we’ve seen is worse than the truly outrageous statements that we’ve heard from the Left in recent years about President Bush or Republicans.

    Having been engaged in many gatherings of the tea party crowd, it’s offensive that many in the mainstream media are engaging in a systematic effort to marginalize American citizens who are simply trying to take a stand for individual liberty—a stand in opposition to big-government expansion. Also one of us speaking as an African-American (Blackwell), it’s especially insulting to suggest that these people’s opposition to President Obama is driven by racism.

    America’s history of grassroots activism goes back to the founding of our republic. Government of the people, by the people, and for the people includes as a necessary element those same average, ordinary people being able to gather and speak out. This freedom to assemble was considered so essential to a free nation that our Founders put it in the First Amendment, right alongside the freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

    Ironically, these rights are set side-by-side with the freedom of the press, as well. The leftists in the media would do well to remember that their liberty to be a free press comes from the same constitutional amendment as the tea party crowd’s liberty to gather together.

    And our elected leaders would do well to remember that the First Amendment exists to protect average people from the government, not the other way around.

  23. Rob Avatar



    You are against the War on Terror, but are only too happy to make millions of dollars by making movies about it.

    You preach about the evils of Capitalism from the comfort of your Beverly Hills estate

    You cry about "profiterring corporations", but still demand your weekly paycheck.

    You think "rich people" are evil, but are willing to over-look the fact that Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, George Soros, Michael Moore, and Al Franken are "rich", as well.

    You scream and shout when innocent civilians are accidentally caught in the cross-fire, but remain silent when terrorists kill them on purpose

    You think OJ Simpson is really looking for the "real killers"

    You think claim a higher moral ground in opposing the death penalty, but celebrate killing of innocent un-born babies

    You think America deserved 9/11

    You think the troops are "war criminals", but a thug who killed somebody in cold blood is just a "victim of society"

    You think you can give a dollar to somebody, without first having to take it from somebody elsed

    You want to ban and outlaw legal gun ownership, yet the same time, you want to be allowed to have armed guards at your beck-and-call

    You think Ted Kennedy knows how to manage your money, better than you do.

    You think Saddam, Kim Jong Il, and Castro were fairly elected, but President Bush was not

    You fail to see the connection between Lenin and Lennon

    You think "tolerance" is reserved for those who share your opinions, views, and ideals

    You think the name of God/Jesus should be banned and censored, except when spoken in profanity

    You think it was wrong for Bush to use images of 9/11 in political ads, but saw nothing wrong with Kerry using flag-draped caskets in his ads.

    You refuse to allow a child to carry a Bible to school, but demand that schools make special provisions to accommodate a non-Christian's religious beliefs.

    You whine about religious leaders involvment in politics, but only when the Reverend's name is Robertson…not Jackson or Sharpton

    You support radical Judges who interpret what they "think" the Constitution means, instead of what it actually says.

    You think the meaning and definition of the Constitution should change, based on your own feelings or opinions.

    You constantly cry about defense spending, but scream when bases in your areas are closed.

    You think Greenpeace and the Earth Liberation Front burning down SUV dealerships or torching chemical plants "help" the enviroment.

    You support low-income housing, until they start to build in your neighborhood.

    You think the term "illegal alien" is a bad word

    You think Michael Moore's films are "historically accurate"

    You believe the AIDS virus is spread by a lack of federal funding

    You believe that there was no art before Federal funding

    You think the only thing wrong with the forged Rather Memo, was people refused to believe it.

    You think girls should be allowed to go to an all-boy school, but not the other way around

    You support welfare for illegal immigrants who don't pay taxes, anyway

    You think Fox News distorts the truth, but Dan Rather reports "honest journalism".

    You complain that we never give peace a chance

    When asked about your favorite Marx Brother, the first one to come to mind is Karl.

    You think NPR is the only really fair and balanced news source

    You think race riots are acceptable

    You think racial hatred is wrong, but "class hatred" is acceptable

    You think that every misbehaving child has ADD and needs to be doped-up on Ritalin.

    You think lawsuits that deny any personal responsibility on the part of the plantiff is justified.

    You think the best way to deal with terrorist regimes is to please and appease them.

    You are opposed to a military presence in Europe, unless it's to bail out France

    You would rather defend Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Saddam and Castro before you defend the US

    You think violent gun-crime would automatically disappear if honest citizens could not bear arms.

    You constantly equate Conservatives to the likes of Hilter as your only defense

    You believe 1 + 1 = 2, or 3, or 4…or whatever it takes to protect the child's self-esteem

    You think that porn should be federally protected per Freedom of Speech, but public profession of Faith should be outlawed.

    You applaud Jimmy Carter for talking about Human Rights, but screamed and shouted when President Bush actually did something about it.

    You think we should have given Saddam 12 more years, and then 12 more on top of that, if he didn't comply by then

    You think the UN should be the final authority, even in the U.S.

    You think if a person makes more than $50,000/year, then he/she is cheating people and ripping them off.

    You think being able to play the President on a popular TV drama automatically equates to "political wisdom" in real life.

    You scream and shout about Christians ramming their beliefs upon you, but you say nothing when Athiests do the same

    You think it was "un-ethical" for Bush to accept campaign donations from the NRA, but not when Clinton accepted campaign donations on behaf of the Communist Chinese government.

    You think if somebody disagrees w/what is being said, they are challenging or denying your rights to Free Speech

    You think that poverty is caused by the wealthy

    You think the ACLU really gives a damn about individual rights

    You think the Dixie Chicks and Tim Robbins should say what they want, but O'reilly, Hannity, and Limbaugh should be censored

    You protested American intervention in the Middle-East, because we did not have UN approval, but supported American intervention in Haiti, Somalia, and Bosnia, even though we did not have UN approval.

    You screamed and shouted when Ah-Nold allegedly groped women, but cheered when Bill Clinton did the same.

    You are against sexual harrasment except when committed by a Kennedy or a Clinton

    You object to little old ladies wearing fur, but not bikers wearing leather

    You believe President Bush is too dumb to be President and Arnold Schwarzenegger is too dumb to be Governor of California, but the Dixie Chicks, Martin Sheen, Alec Baldwin, Barbra Streisand, Eddie Vedder and Jeanine Garofalo are qualified to discourse at length on foreign policy

    You think Saddam had WMDs when Clinton was in office, but all of the sudden, didn't have them when Bush was in office.

    You think the Middle East crisis can only be solved once Israel is wiped off the map.

    You believe the Bible is racist, sexist, and homophobic, but think the Koran should be required reading

    You consider the Catholic bishops noble and idealistic when they oppose capital punishment and welfare cuts but dangerous fanatics when trying to promote pro-life

    You think a lawyer taking 33% from a settlement for his services is fair, but the Government taking 33% of your paycheck for taxes is "too low"

    You find Christianity and anything relating to it potentially harmful to you and your children, but you're completely open-minded to Witchcraft, occult-ism, mysticism, ect

    You think having an open-mind means being "pro-Gay", "pro-Abortion", "anti-Christian", "anti-Business", and "anti-Conservative"

    You think only white people can be racist

    You think that tax cuts hurt poor people and are uncompassionate but taking 30% from their paychecks is compassionate

    You believe that posting the "Ten Commandments" in schools will hurt the children, but promoting homosexuality and paganism "helps" the children

    You think the answer to ANY crime no matter how henious or serious, is counseling.

    You only watch "All in The Family", because Meathead made so much sense

    You think Rush Limbaugh and Michael Reagan are mean spirited racists and promote hate crime but Maxine Waters, John Conyers and Louis Farakahn aren't and don't

    You think that Doctors should be made into government bureaucrats, but that lawyers should not

    You think O.J. is actually innocent, but that Bernard Goetz is not

    You would have supported the war in Iraq, if Clinton or Gore was President

    You are against censorship unless it's censoring race, Christianity, Conservatism, Western culture, Rush Limbaugh, or Ann Coulter

    You make snide remarks about guys who look at women, but champion Clinton's right to do whatever he wants with his interns

    You think that the four cops who beat Rodney King should have been thrown in jail forever, but the four thugs who beat Reginald Denny should get just a slap on the wrist

    You get mad when rape victims' sexual history is plastered all over the news media, but demand Paula Jones' sexual history "must be made public"

    You hear a news report of a man beat nearly to death because he is a minority or gay and you rally about punishing the bigot who committed the terrible act BUT, if you hear a news report of a man beat nearly to death for his money, and you start talking about the poor disadvantaged person who is forced to commit such acts to survive

    You think that pouring blood on a $1,500 fur coat is a sure-fire way to get your message across, but if anyone protests outside an abortion clinic, they're the extremists!

    You think that the only way the tragedy at Columbine could have been avoided was to outlaw legal, private gun ownership

    You think hunters don't care about the enviroment, but wacky Seattle folks who have never stepped foot outside of their local Starbucks, do

    You think it takes a village, instead of parents, to raise a child

    You think tolerance of your opinions and acceptance of your opinions go hand-in-hand

    You believe that doctors are over-paid, but ambulance-chasing lawyers are not

    You think that Celebrities and other media icons have the right to Free Speech and those who agree with them have the right to Freedom of Speech, but those who dare to disagree with them do not.

    You slam Ah-Nold for his father having alleged ties to the Nazi when you have a known and un-apologetic Klansman and public anti-Semite in your own company (Sen. Byrd)

    You think Ah-Nold should not be in politics because he's "just a celebrity", but you would have endorsed Martin Sheen, Sean Penn and company based on that sole criteria

    You scream and shout over alleged "violence" in Mel Gibson's "The Passion", yet you ran to see "Kill Bill", "Freddy VS. Jason" , "The Texas Chainsaw Massacure" and play "Unreal" and "Duke Nuke'em", "Grand Theft Auto", ect. and said nothing about the violence portrayed in those.

    You think Hollywood can say or do no wrong and should be treated as such

    You think a child who is quietly and privately saying Grace before a meal at school, constitue the said child ramming his/her beliefs upon others

    You turn a blind eye to the suicide bombings at the hands of radical fanatics, but condemn Israel and the Western World for wanting to keep their people safe from Terrorism

    You think if Sean Penn or Martin Sheen said so, it should be revered as holy scripture.

    You cheered and applauded when Clinton stated he "smoked pot but never inhaled" and at the same time, screamed and shouted when Rush Limbaugh admitted to being addicted to LEGALLY OBTAINED MEDICATION

    You think Freedom of Speech is reserved for those who think as you do, but not for anybody else

    You ban the Bible in schools because of Church/State, then welcome Islamic and New-Age, and other religion teachings in the same school

    You think every problem can be solved by simply throwing money at it

    You think more taxes are an ecomomic cure-all

    When a violent crime is comitted with a gun, you think it's the gun itself, and not the offender, who is responsible

    You blame the NRA, and not the criminals, for violent crime with guns

    You think Freedom of Speech and agreeing with what is being said go hand-in-hand

    You think everything wrong in the world is automatically Bush's fault and everything right in the world is automatically because of Clintoin

    You feel people should "share the wealth" (as long as your money is not the one being "shared")

    You think that being a Hollywood icon automatically means you are more "in tune" to world events than the leaders of the country

    You complain about the SUVs and other less-econmical cars, yet you parade around in a 5-mile-per-gallon limo

    You think that you can understand politics from Hollywood and activist celebrities without doing any research yourself

    You ban Tom Sawyer from schools for being "racist" but you approve of My Two Moms as wholesome and acceptable.

    You think every solution to every problem can be solved with bigger Government

    You think people should be rewarded for laziness, but hard-working people should be taxed dry

    You frown upon self-thought and independent thought.

    You think convicted criminals and democratic politicians who screw up are worth understanding and forgiving but conservative politicians and religious people who speak their opinion should be banned from public service.

    You think that tolerance equals acceptance and anyone who doesn't accept a liberal cause is a racist or bigot.

    You throw down the "race card" as your only argument.

    You think terrorists and arsonists who burn down private property and harass businesses are noble but the troops who liberated Iraqis are war criminals.

    You think that violent protests and domestic terrorism are how you affect change in our country instead of voting.

    You believe people are owed restitution for injuries inflicted on their long-dead ancestors.

    You find charisma to be an appropriate replacement for honesty.

    You find flashy rhetoric to be a suitable substitute for sincerity.

    You don't believe willful omissions of facts should be considered lying.

    You have a problem with the mention of God in the Pledge of Allegiance, but have no qualms about it being printed on your wonderful money.

    You simultaneously piss on our country and its system while reaping its rewards.

    You refuse to acknowledge any contributions to society that were not made by minorities.

    You continue to trash America, claiming how horrible and evil it is, yet you refuse to leave

    You think Yassar Arrafat was deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize

    You think guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens are more of a threat than nuclear weapons in the hands of a hate filled dictator.

    You believe that people should not have to be expected to take responsibility for their actions

    Mothers who are drug addicts should be allowed to have children and to raise them while they're addicted.

    Capitalism oppresses people and Socialism liberates people.

    You think the Governnment should provide "entitlement" programs, rather than expect us to earn what we have

    You refuse to lift a finger to save an unborn baby but at the same time, rush to the aid and defense of violent serial-felons on death row

    You think teachers should not use the class-room to promote politics, unless the teacher is promoting anti-Conservative agendas, then it becomes a matter of "Free Speech".

    You try to make excuses on behalf of terrorism

    You believe in choice except when it comes to retirement, schools, health care, and religious speech

    You think Clinton was an "honest and virtuous man"

    You believe that unwed teenage mothers should get a paycheck from the Government

    You ignore more than 50 years of medical warnings about tobacco use, but when you get cancer, the tobacco company is to blame.

    You think society "owes you a living"

    You somehow believe that George Bush is more dangerous than Bin Laden, Saddam, Hitler, ect.

    You believe conservatives telling the truth belong in jail, but a liar and sex offender belongs in the White House.

    You believe that the same teacher who can't teach 4th graders how to read is somehow qualified to teach those same kids about sex.

    You believe that hetrosexuality is a learned behavior, but homosexuality is normal and natural..

    You somehow think that a President who lied under oath, compromised with fanatical dicators, and gave military technology to hostile regimes is somehow better for America than the present Administration.

    You believe that 9/11 was an "Israeli conspiracy" and could never have been carried out by Bin Laden or his croonies

    You want to legalize drugs but outlaw tobacco.

    You want what you feel "you deserve", instead of what you earn

    You think it's OK to be dis-honest, if personal gain is at stake

    You can exaggerate the facts and make up fiction to prove your point

    You spew out your rhetoric, but have nothing to back it up.

    You think that "truth" is irrelevant.

    You think the Corporations are evil, but Communism and dictatorships are "noble"

    You think the UN is an efficient governmental body

    You like to say that you fight discrimination, then you turn around and give "perks" simply based on race.

    You think the Kennedy Family was a "respectable family" but call George Bush a "Hitler"

    You think traits like honesty and character are "out-dated"

    You think that the minority should have the right to force their will upon the majority

    You think 1 white and 20 blacks is "diversity"

    You somehow think taking guns away from honest citizens will reduce crime by violent offenders

    You somehow think Saddam and Bin Laden are better for the world than President Bush

    You believe people should do what you say, but not what you do

    You preach "peace" and "love" and "non-violence" and "anti-gun laws" but appear in movies that glorify guns, explosives and twisting people's heads of with martial arts to win over the bad guys.

    You deride Bush for landing on a plane to boost moral and show his gratitude to the troops but you praise Clinton for using the military as a social program to force gays into the ranks and lowering moral.

    You think the "all Men are created equal" comments in the Declaration Of Independance means that they are actually equal in ability (as opposed to being given equal opportunity) and no one should make a choice about them based on their actual abilities to perform.

    You think a person's sexual preference, or race, and not their ability to perform, should be the deciding factor in who-gets-what job.

    You think demanding respect is more important that actually doing something to earn it

    You think the "right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances" means breaking into military installations during wartime, stopping commerce, and breaking nudity laws are what the founding fathers meant.

    You think Conservatives should be held to a different, and higher standard than you are willing to meet, yourself

    You claim you are "offended" by Christianity, yet you still partake in the Christmas festivities and demand a paid holiday.

    You think SUVs are supportive of terrorists, but houses with 10 car garages are A-OK

    You think "choice" applies only to abortion

    You scream about our dependance on foreign oil, but refuse to allow us to tap into our own reserves

    You think the word "unilateral" is defined as "without France, Germany, and Russia"…

    You call Conservative millionaires "greedy", while calling Liberal millionaires "hard working", "creative", or "clever"

    One day you label President Bush as just a "stupid hick from the sticks" and the next day call him an "evil genius"

    You believe that condoms and clean needles should be handed out at school, but Bibles must not be allowed

    You believe that standardized tests are racist, but racial quotas and set-asides aren't

    You believe that taxes are too low, but ATM fees are too high

    You refuse to wave or salute the American flag, because America has so many things wrong with it

    You think since Clinton only "smoked and didn't inhale" pot, it's OK

    You preach against racial/sexual bias, but turn around and endorse Affirmative Action

    When you boycott a Conservative person and/or company you call it "Freedom of Choice"….but when Conservatives boycott, you call it "McCarthyism".

    You think Church/State means that religion should be banned from all aspects of public and private life

    You begin every sentannce with "I (or we) demand"…..

    You have ever used the expressions "that poor guy," or "he couldn’t help it" to describe a convicted murderer

    You have an "I'm the victim" mentality and every day, milk it dry

    You think Barbara Steisand really cares about the Iraqi children

    You think Iraq was just a "War for Oil"

    You think Bin Laden is not really all that bad, and is just "mis-understood"

    You think evangelical is a dirty word

    You think the New York Times is a "beacon of truth", but Fox News is just a book of lies

    You think Maureen Dowd should get the Nobel Prize for Journalism

    You complain that Fox News has a "slight Conservative edge", but say nothing about the far-to-the-Left Liberal bias of CNN, New York Times, BBC, ect

    You think Sen. Joseph McCarthy was "evil" but the American Commies he tried to expose within the State Dept were "heroic"

    You think Jimmy Carter handled Iran just fine and dandy.

    You refer to President Bush a "Hitler" as your defense to any critisism on your stance/position

    You think if a Conservative is under investigation, it should not matter whether or not the allegations are true/false, but should be totally based around the seriousness of the said allegations.

    You think Jayson Blair is an honest and legitimate journalist

    You think that rights of gays, lesbians, drag queens (or kings) should be forcibly recognized, but rights of Christians/Jews should be denied

    You believe that we can "spend our way" out of the deficit

    No trees should be cut down, even if they're dead

    .The government should tax every last bit of your paycheck.

    You think that Saddam, Stalin, and Hitler were "noble" and in the same breath, you call President Bush "evil".

    You think morals and integrity are not relevant and should not stand in the way of personal gain

    You keep calling it "Clinton's Army" and "Bush's economy"

    You poke fun at the "cookie cutter houses" in the suburbs, yet live in the city, in a giant brick building called an "apartment", no different from any other in the city.

    You would rather have a President who spend his Administration caving in to terrorist demands in a frenzy to please and appease them, rather than a President who is fighting them to make the world a safer place for all..

    And Finally………………………………………………

    You think Ralph Nader cares about consumers, Unions care about their members, the ACLU cares about civil liberties, the National Education Association cares about education, People for the American Way care about the American way, and Bill Clinton cares about anything other than Bill Clinton


  24. OMG! Avatar

    The Tea Party is the only obstacle remaining that will prevent the the government from waterboarding all it's subjects.

  25. geoff Avatar

    OMG: "The Tea Party is the only obstacle remaining that will prevent the the government from waterboarding all it’s subjects."

    Hmm. Never heard of the Constitution? Supreme Court? 10 Commandments? Common sense? the real world?

  26. geoff Avatar

    Actually, OMG: I thought you didn't have anything against waterboarding. If it's not torture, what are you worried about?

  27. OMG! Avatar

    "Hmm. Never heard of the Constitution? Supreme Court? 10 Commandments? Common sense? the real world?"

    Actually, I was worried about your kind. They're the majority right?

  28. OMG! Avatar


    Big Brother Becomes Big Bully

    By Ed Lasky

    The government in the Age of Obama has gone beyond the big brother that watches out and cares for us. Instead, it has becomes the big brother that torments and bullies us and then takes what is rightfully ours: our savings, our freedom, and our futures.

    Liberals are often labeled as wanting to bring out the nanny state (the feminine version of a big brother). This is wrong. A nanny cares for her wards so they can mature into responsible adults able to take care of themselves.

    But a bully has other desires. A bully cares only about himself and his own greedy will to power. A bully taunts and threatens. A bully holds others in contempt. A bully disregards not only the wishes of those around him but also the rules that may his restrain his power. A bully takes what is not his.

    A bully will not stop until people rise up and put an end to him.

    Has our government become a big bully? Let us count the ways.

    Very early in 2009, the troika of Pelosi-Reid-Obama sought to expand the power of the federal government over states, businesses and us. They all but nationalized the American auto industry (save Ford), overriding debtor rights and decades of law. They have also taken over chunks of the financial industry and, via their control over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, much of the housing industry. Many salaries will be set by the White House. Education, a local matter, is increasingly becoming a federal one. The student loan industry has also been brought in-house; the White House, that is. That was merely a warm-up.

    The smash and grab style of governing has since run rampant. Rules, regulations, taxes, and mandates; the proliferation of unelected czars; the orders and commands; the abuse of power; the diktats-all stuffed down our throats.

    Does it feel like we are all being waterboarded?

    The Department of Justice has hired a legion of lawyers for its Civil Rights Division. They will be busy investigating businesses across America for violations of civil rights laws. Fine — but they will be using what is called a "disparate impact" standard. Under that criterion, any business that has job standards — even legitimate ones — that happen to result in fewer minorities being hired than the DOJ sees fit will be hit with the full might of the Justice Department, which has been staffed with a coven of radical lawyers. Not to be outdone, the Education Department will also be sending out investigators to ensure schools do not discriminate either. Discrimination is often in the eye of the beholder, and under Eric Holder I can guarantee you those eyes will see racism across the breadth of America (because, after all, we are a nation of racists). Businesses, local government, schools: all will be bullied in the years ahead.

    But wait …there's more.

    The Environmental Protection Agency has gone mental — off the deep end.

    Eager to expand its power to bully businesses, the EPA is busy trying to regulate every carbon molecule out of existence (except those burned by Al Gore, John Edwards, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama and their friends and allies, what with those massive homes, private flights, hothouse White House) even if it means circumventing Congress to do so.The climate con is being used to seize sweeping power over much of the economy.

    Cap and tax is coming, as are shortages and price increases — even though climate change (fictitious or not) is dead last in a list of public priorities in a recent Pews survey.

    The Interior Department has all but killed drilling offshore and in vast parts of onshore America-despite Americans overwhelming desire to tap our nation's bounty of our concerns and of us. Adding insult to injury, the feds now may seek to seize vast swaths of land via "presidential proclamation."

    The old smash and grab.

    The bullies running our country don't care. They only care about themselves.

    One could go on and on.

    The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is on a hiring binge to make sure the height of the steps in your business is centimeter correct.

    The Federal Communication Commission has become a playpen for those who want the airwaves filled with even more liberal claptrap than we have now. Obama and company have declared war — not on Osama Bin Laden or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad but Rush Limbaugh and Rupert Murdoch, and remember, when they wanted our friends and neighbors to report "fishy" stories about Obama's agenda?

    Bullies want only their voices heard.

    The Labor Department has been outsourced to allies of the Service Employees International Union — and these people know how to bully.

    Obama will use his executive power to coerce businesses that receive government contracts to pay its workers what he decides, in his imperial wisdom satisfies him and his union pals and promoters. He enjoys issuing executive orders-skirting the legislative branch and quaint notions such as the separation of powers. He has also used signing statements to "sidestep" new laws passed by (a Democratic) Congress. Why should Congress and the little people tie him down? He will also reportedly circumvent the Senate confirmation process by naming Craig Becker (a leftist union ally) to the National Labor Relations Board via a recess appointment.

    A bully fights in underhanded ways.

    How will they know when is "enough" — there is no such word in their vocabulary? These are people who have never had to meet a payroll, in the words of Democratic Senator Blanche Lincoln, and are strikingly lacking in real-world business experience.

    But who cares? It's not their money but ours. Bullies take and give to satisfy their whims and not our needs. They want to pay off their allies not our debts (can we console ourselves that it will all be funny money issued by a Banana Republic by the time they get done with us?).

    Pelosi-to Reid-to Obama then moved into the major leagues: paving the way to the nationalization of health care.


    American don't want ObamaCare, and the more they know, the more they rebel against it. The bullies that rule over us do not care. When they want our opinion, they will give it to us.

    So why did Obama make healthcare reform the focus of the past year in face of a struggling economy and poor job numbers (not helped by the hyped-up so-called stimulus)? A crisis was just too good to waste (ask Rahm Emanuel), as was the filibuster-proof Democratic majority in Congress. Therefore, the massive redistribution of wealth that was a goal of Barack Obama all along (the, "spread the wealth" gaffe that was one of the few truthful sentences Barack Obama uttered in 2008) has been done behind the façade of health care. What a charade.

    We have been subjected to a year-long spectacle that can best be described as a Congressional Grand Guignol — a grotesque theatre of the absurd where arm twisting, bribes, payoffs, job offers, reconciliation trickery, loopholes and thuggery are substituted for genuine bipartisanship or even much discussion among Democrats themselves regarding the monstrosity of the so-called "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" (euphemism alert). Voters don't want ObamaCare and they don't want it done through strong-arm tactics that mock our democratic principles.

    The three-headed hydra (Pelosi, Reid, Obama) just bullied it through, overcoming opposition among not just Republicans, some Democrats but also most Americans. They engaged in financial gimmickry that makes Bernie Madoff look like a piker .

    They misused parliamentary procedures, customs, broke promises and rules.

    So what? Nannies obey rules; bullies don't.

    Or as Congressman Alcee Hastings of the House Rules Committee summed it up, "There are no rules here, we make ‘em up as we go along" (and he knows how to break rules; he was impeached as a federal judge for breaking them himself-hence, his spot on the House Rules Committee-makes sense?).

    Now we are forced to buy health insurance (but not Congressmen or their staffers ). But that is just a relatively small loss of our freedom because the goal, according to Congressman Dingell, is for Obamacare to eventually "control the people."

    The Constitution is just so much fish wrap to these Democratic leaders. Smash and grab.

    Barack Obama himself admitted he saw it as an obstacle — some Constitutional Law professor (lecturer, part-time) he must have been. No wonder he fled from conversations with other law professors.

    So we have what may very well be an unconstitutional abuse of power in the form of the health care act. The mandates will be piled on us; as will the micromanagement of health care. There are at least twenty ways ObamaCare will take away our freedom, writes David Hogberg in Investor's Business Daily.

    Will there be much freedom for us left after this takeover? Not freedom to earn, save, invest and spend as we see fit.

    We have already seen local governments grasping for our money. Police are swarming the streets to raise cash via an epidemic of ticketing; traffic cams are proliferating; tax refunds are being held; states are mining IRS data as never before to extract money from citizens. Big brother/big bully wants to take or tax candy and soda pop from us, too.

    But these are picayune. Wait ‘til the IRS gets into the game.

    The Internal Revenue Service is yet another growth area of government. Even before the health care was on its way to passage and signing, the IRS was busy hiring more people. Now at least 17,000 more people will be hired to not watch out for you, but watch you (at the additional cost of one billion dollars per year and with reams of personal ainformation about you at their fingertips.

    Scores of new federal mandates and fifteen different tax increases totaling $400 billion are imposed under the Democratic House bill. In addition to more complicated tax returns, families and small businesses will be forced to reveal further tax information to the IRS, provide proof of ‘government approved' health care and submit detailed sales information to comply with new excise taxes.

    Thank you, Mr. President, Madame Speaker, and Mr. Majority Leader!

    Recall, Barack Obama joked about unleashing the IRS on people before. He wasn't joking.

    A bully does not care about your money, except in so far he schemes to make it his money.

    Smash and grab.

    We should have known how he would govern by how he campaigned. His focus group slogan may have been "Yes We can!" but that was for the yahoos. When he was off script he revealed his true style when he taunted that if his opponents "bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun." He echoed these comments when he was President when he confronted a Democrat who resisted the health care takeover with the warning, "Don' think we're not keeping score brother." In one generation the Democrats have gone from "Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country" to "think about what I can do to you". Bully for him!

    We should get used to these types of thrashings since, in the wake of the health care coup d'etat, Speaker Pelosi has promised that the passage (or as Pelosi put it, "the kick through the door") of the health "reform" act will empower the Democrats to push through more such "reform". Wonderful!

    But in the end, bullies become hated figures.

    We have reached that point.

    Congress is held in very low esteem; generic Democrats poll badly; a recent poll found Pelosi has a 11% favorability rating which beats the pants off of Harry Reid's 8% favorability rating (and of the two, she wears the pants — or designer pantsuits). Barack Obama himself is listing as well; his job disapproval rating tops his approval rating . His ratings have gone down and down and down. We just don't believe much of what he says anymore-and now recognize him for what he is: a bully who rules but does not govern.

    Have we had enough of the bullying from big brother and are we prepared to defend ourselves from" the mugging of personal freedom"?

    Will Howard Beale's cry, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore" become this year's "Yes We can!"?

    We may be there.

    A CNN poll found that 56 percent of Americans believe that the government has become so powerful that it constitutes an immediate threat to the freedom and rights of citizens .

    But it gets worse for the Democrats. A Rasmussen poll reveals that "only 21 percent of the people believe the US government is governing with our consent." Have any of our Democratic politicians ever read the Declaration of Independence? Such thoughts and righteous rage give rise to revolutions.

    These are the leading indicators that the Democrats are in for a bad fall season.

    How can the little people show the tyrants the door? How do people get rid of bullies who stomp all over us? We come together as we always have.

    Hence, the Tea Party movement has emerged at this time and place in our nation's history and why the "Don't Tread On Me" flags are now flapping in the wind.

    People are willing to fight to protect the freedoms and futures for themselves and generations to come.

    Come November 2010 and 2012, they will be heard, loud and clear.

  29. geoff Avatar

    "People are willing to fight to protect the freedoms and futures for themselves and generations to come." Seems to me, a while back, people were willing to die for the freedoms promised them under their constitution, but denied by various means. Equal rights from women, black's, native Americans, etc.

    Now you're protecting the freedom to go bankrupt if you can't pay your medical bills? the freedom to die because you're poor? The freedom for big corporations to deny coverage for "pre-existing" conditions or any other arbitrary excuse they happen to make? Sure don't sound like freedom from want, freedom from fear, freedom from the greed of others…

  30. Cal Avatar

    And I was saying Cantor couldn’t offer anything more substantive than a juvenile one-liner. Where did I dream that up? “If meditation doesn’t work, I hear clutching your gun and or squeezing your religion might help.” Run, Forrest, run…

    Rob. Thanks for the reminders of the hypocrisy of the loving Left. They’re just swell. I particularly love that beached whale of a guy, Michael 'I love Cuba' Moore. He makes movies. They’re great. Just like AlGore only he practices what he preaches on energy usage. He’s swell, too. So’s that humble servant of the people, John Edwards. He lives in the One America he reviles.

    OMG! Frighteningly true. It’s a good thing elections come around every two years!

  31. Jack Sprat Avatar
    Jack Sprat

    "Equal rights from women"

    Oddly the first women to vote in the Americas were in the American colonies in 1756, and then in Wyoming Territory in 1869.

    You do know that the children of your neighbor country, my country, has just passed a Health Care bill has no provision for making insurance required for children with "pre-existing" conditions, and your courts seem to admit that your system "kills people", you might want to "sermonize" on someone else’s "mount", Lil' fella, because your steadfast to liberal lunatic talking points is a bit old.

    Loved the whole "Now you’re protecting the freedom to go bankrupt if you can’t pay your medical bills? The freedom to die because you’re poor", oddly having been in the position of having need of an operation 2 years ago and being "down sized" by a "liberal batch of ingrates" saving money, I was willing to "make payments but the Catholic hospital a Surgeon both "forgave" what I owed them, gee, I didn't have to die or go bankrupt because of them, but I did have to file bankruptcy because of the NE Liberals trying to improve their "bottom line".

    You keep saying that the poor in America "have to die", but your own Supreme Court says that provisions of your healthcare are "killing people", need the quote again? I always like the obligatory "mean old Americans" to the "native Americans", so is it better to "take land" in treaties or the "kindly Canadian way"? Make no mistake, my little Progeny of the Dirty European Crusaders, you have as much blood on your hands as anyone does.

    I do so love the "it's all them other guys" defense of the lunatic fringe of inbred thought.

    And one thing you don't seem to fathom, Americans are polite, but straight forward, we will tolerate just about anything, and as other world dictators have found out when aroused will die for the principles of our founding fathers, not the batch of dimwits who now want to be our floundering fathers. When the lackeys of the commonwealth, our Canadian neighbors, went in to France in 1914 as the same batch of war mongering incompetents that repeated that stupidity in 1939, Americans were trying to be "neutral", in both instances, it was a Democrat President who felt the need to "bailout" the "elite (though highly ineffectual) intellectuals of the European political entanglements and ineffectual appeasers and surrender monkeys of the self-same "educated and sophisticated" old school. As I've said, Canada, full of really great people have always followed the "Crown" until WW II when it had a specific threat to the Civilized world, your response was less than any other Crown Colony in the positive, the US had as many casualties as you had in the fight. Those who fought fought valiantly, as did Dallier in his Canadian one-man operation of monitoring the mass murder of Rwandans.

    Keep your ignorance at Historic sights such as the "historic" Franklin Expedition "winter camp", that seems more your speed.

    For a history professor you are remarkably ignorant, as a partisan, redundant, but you have certainly gotten down the Che accent and Hugo mannerism.

    All in all, loved the DNC talking points. You do know you aren’t actually an American, but only a “North American”, because you seem to poke your nose where it doesn’t belong, is that a “Canadian trait” or just yours? I seem to have recalled the RCMPs tear gasing the 30 or so “ruffians” at the winter games in “the big riot”, but you did hand out 100,000 condoms, fortunately the Girls Hockey team didn’t need them.

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