Nice Miracle; May We Have Another?


Raging Moderate, by Will Durst

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a Glenn Beck-quoting, gun-toting, Tea Party-voting Evangelical, or a solar-heating, tofu-eating, New York Times crossword puzzle-cheating Environmentalist, you still got to admire the way the president breathed life into the health care reform bill. It was a gosh-darn miracle. Coming right at the advent of the Holy Season. Coincidence? Well, yeah, okay, probably. But. still.

Cartoon by Taylor Jones - (click to purchase)
Cartoon by Taylor Jones – (click to purchase)

Think of the wondrous accomplishments he’s already racked up, like casting out the unclean spirit that controlled John McCain and changing the inevitability of Hillary Clinton into a whine, and you’ve made a pretty good case for the second coming of that Jewish hippie kid who pissed off the Romans so much a couple centuries ago. Although fully 25 percent of Republicans believe the President is the Anti-Christ, it seems most of us agree he has supernatural powers; we just can’t agree as to whether they come from above or below.

Don’t forget Obama won the Nobel Prince of Peace Prize after being in office only 12 days before nominations were closed. Then consider a black man walking on the waters of racial dissension to the promised land of the White House. If those aren’t bolts shot through the clouds straight out of heaven, what are? Obama is even credited by surviving members of The Grateful Dead for getting the band back together last year. So not only did he raise health care from the dead, he also raised the Dead from the dead. Red, blue or purple, you got to admit, that’s good.

Come to think of it, there are quite a few similarities between POTUS and that Nazareth carpenter’s son. Both born in semi-tropical climes. In mangers. To virgins. One was visited by three wise men, another spends time with Rahm Emmanuel. The two undoubtedly were equally hated by classmates for ruining the curve in 5th grade social studies. They both disappeared for about a dozen years to work as community activists. One had an acolyte named Lincoln, the other a disciple named Kennedy.

Jesus forgave his crucifiers. Obama forgave the Salahis. Mary’s son healed the lame while Ann’s son calmed the turbulent Democrats. Artists throughout time have depicted the Savior with overly large ears similar to the Defying Hawaiian. And spiritual followers alter time itself in reference to their particular philosopher king’s existence. AD & AO (After Obama); 2008 marking the beginning of the New New Testament.

Light of the World or not, the only question Americans are interested in is, “What have you done for us lately?” If he wants to extend his realm here on earth (or D.C.), he’s going to have to pick up the pace and replicate further feats outside the bounds of natural law. Such as driving out the money lenders. Or at least quieting the stormy seas of Wall Street. True believers are holding out for a campaign of casting a few or five demons from the Supreme Court.

Of course, feeding the multitudes is always nice: you know, like about 310,000,000 US citizens, 9.7 percent of whom are still out of work. I imagine healing the leper that is the U..S economy right now might be too much to ask. Then again, what was it that Deadheads used to say outside of venues: “I Need a Miracle”? We’re all Deadheads these days. Just stay away from the brown antacid.


Will Durst is a San Francisco-based political comic who writes sometimes, this being an apparent example. His new CD, “Raging Moderate,” released this week from Stand-Up Records, is available both on ITunes and Amazon. And don’t forget, he’s hosting Showtime’s “The Green Collar Comedy Show” on Thursday, April 22 at 9 p.m.

Copyright ©2010, Will Durst, distributed by the Cagle Cartoons Inc. syndicate. Call Cari Dawson-Bartley at 800-696-7561 or e-mail [email protected]. Will Durst is a political comedian who has performed around the world. He is a familiar pundit on television and radio. E-mail Will at [email protected]. Check out for the latest podcast. Will Durst’s book, “The All American Sport of Bipartisan Bashing,” is available from Amazon and better bookstores all over this great land of ours. Don’t forget to check out his rooftop comedy minutes at:


31 responses to “Nice Miracle; May We Have Another?”

  1. Rob Avatar

    "A year into Obama's first term in office, unemployment is higher, the national debt is higher and there are more soldiers serving in Afghanistan. When asked about it, Obama was like, "Well, technically that is change." – Jimmy Fallon

    "Today, by the way, is our president, President Obama's, one-year anniversary in office. I looked it up. Traditionally on the first anniversary, you give paper, so, I got him his birth certificate." -Jimmy Kimmel

    "That's pretty amazing, Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize. Ironically, his biggest accomplishment as president so far: winning the Nobel Peace Prize." –Jay Leno

    "Obama said he will attend the ceremony in Oslo if he's not too busy with the two wars he's conducting." –Bill Maher

    "President Barack Obama told his Cabinet yesterday to insure that every taxpayer dollar is spent wisely. But there was one embarrassing moment when he had to explain to the Cabinet what a taxpayer was." –Jay Leno

    "President Obama should get a big refund this year because he has a lot of dependents. AIG, Citibank, Morgan Stanley — all dependents." –Jay Leno

    "Barack Obama's daughters are very smart. They told him they will take the same responsibility for the dog that he is taking for the economy. That way, if the dog leaves a mess in the White House, it'll be cleaned up by future generations." –Jay Leno

    Barack Obama was seated next to a little girl on an airplane trip back to Washington. He turned to her and said, “Let’s talk. I’ve heard that flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger.”

    The little girl, who had just opened her book, closed it slowly and said toThe Obama, “What would you like to talk about?”

    “Oh, I don’t know,” said the Obama. “How about What Changes I Should Make To America?” and he smiles.

    “OK,” she says. “That could be an interesting topic. But let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same stuff – grass. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, and a horse produces clumps of dried grass. Why do you suppose that is?”

    Obama, visibly surprised by the little girl’s intelligence, thinks about it for a second and finally says, “Hmmm, I have no idea.”

    To which the little girl replies, “Do you really feel qualified to changeAmerica when you don’t know shit?

  2. Rob Avatar

    Your retiree medical bill: $197,000

    That's how much a new study says an average 65-year-old couple WITHOUT chronic illness will need for out-of-pocket health care costs. Other estimates are even higher.

    Chances are, health care will NOW be one of our biggest expenses in retirement. Qualifying for Medicare coverage at age 65 will quell some cost and coverage worries. Although Medicare is far more affordable than private health insurance coverage for seniors, the government health insurance program still leaves retirees with significant out-of-pocket costs.

    Your retiree medical bill: $197,000

    By U.S. News & World Report

  3. Rob Avatar

    So . . . uh . . . what happened to this concept of FREE HEALTHCARE? Are you Europeans getting it yet? NOT!

  4. Cantor Avatar

    LOL! Very funny article by Will Durst. Sure got bitter Rob foaming at the mouth. And that's usually a good indicator!

  5. geoff Avatar

    Rob: whoever said it was free? except you wingnuts looking for a strawman to knock down? Someone has to pay for it; it's just a question of who and how; if everyone pays, then you get economies of scale and efficiency. If not, you get the chaos we see in the US.

  6. Stug Avatar

    "So . . . uh . . . what happened to this concept of FREE HEALTHCARE?"

    – Nothing happened to it. It was a BS misinformation tool used by the conservatives before passage of the HCR, and it still is. The difference is it was previously used to try and derail the HCR whereas now it is largely part of an impotent rant.

  7. Rob Avatar

    Hello Cantor/Geoff

    Dear Mr. WRONG!

    I happened to post just after brushing my teeth with lemony fresh toothpaste (Maybe you could try a fresh new one-liner, this one is getting a little old).

    Geoff, yes, unfortunately, inefficient, expensive, never expanding U.S. government does tend to create chaos.

    For example: the U.S. post office, DMV, Social Security, etc., etc.

    As we are seeing, the promise of "lower costs' for health care was just another politcial pig in a poke (A common colloquial expression in the English language, to buy a pig in a poke is to make a risky purchase without inspecting the item beforehand. The phrase can also be applied to accepting an idea or plan without a full understanding of its basis – such as HEALTH CARE REFORM).

  8. geoff Avatar

    Rob: Enron, Exxon, Caiga, Halliburton, Blackwater, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, GM, Chrysler, American Motors.

    A pig in a poke: like the ever-changing excuses brought up to justify invading Iraq? or staying in Afghanistan? and for doing nothing about human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia or Egypt or Kuwait?

  9. Rob Avatar

    C'mon, Geoff, when did two wrongs ever make a right?

    When did it beome a perfect world?

    When did it become possible to make all the people of the world happy all of the time?

    When did asking 10 different people their opinion suddenly turn into getting the SAME answer each time?

    Give the answer to my questions above and you'll have the answer to your own questions above.


  10. Cal Avatar

    Rob, what you're neglecting to mention is there will laws in place forbidding us to spend our own money. "That wouldn't be fair to let you pay for this when so many others can't. But the pain pills ARE covered with a $300 deductible. And have a NICE day!"

    Grayson had it right with one exception. It's DEMOCRATS that want us to die quickly. That's right. They support killing on the front end and now denials on the back end. That'll thin the herd nicely to make room for the "important" class of people who have the most "Quality Adjusted Life Years" to offer society. Hey, somebody's gotta make the hard calls of who lives and who dies, right? What did Sarah Palin call those decision makers?

  11. Cal Avatar

    Stug, Stug, Stug. I'm guess I am gonna have to keep a database of all your wacky sayings. There are too many of them anymore to keep up with. From "Bush tanked the economy by setting interest rates artificially low" to last week's "It was Democrats who tried to reign in Freddie and Fannie but Republicans stopped them" to now this:

    "“So . . . uh . . . what happened to this concept of FREE HEALTHCARE?”

    – Nothing happened to it. It was a BS misinformation tool used by the conservatives before passage of the HCR, and it still is. The difference is it was previously used to try and derail the HCR whereas now it is largely part of an impotent rant."

    Uh, Stug. NO conservative ever thought health care would be "free" or provided to citizens for "free." That's INSANE! We knew from the moment this grew legs it meant hundreds and hundreds of billions (probably several trillion) in new spending to pay for it! I've joked repeatedly about "free health care" by saying, "If you think health care's expensive now, just wail 'til it's free!" That's humor, Stug. You may not find it funny, but it is humor.

    The only lies I'm hearing are the ones telling us "this bill will reduce the deficit." It's been liberals saying, "Oh, Mr. Obama's gonna pay my mortgage and buy my gas and pay all my bills!" NO conservative ever seriously said, "Democrats are proposing legislation to provide health insurance at no cost to American citizens." We've know from the get-go this bill meant ENORMOUS expenditures of taxpayer money. If you can find someone like Marco Rubio, Rep Pence, Rep Cantor, Sen Kyl or Sen Barasso, Fred Barnes, Dick Cheney or even neo-conservatives like Bill Crystal saying what you're claiming conservatives said please the post the link. I'd like to read it. Perhaps you read something where they wrote about the end of the free market and thought that was a discussion on "free health care?" 🙂

  12. Stug Avatar

    "Hey, somebody’s gotta make the hard calls of who lives and who dies, right?"

    – Might as well be the insurance companies since they stand to make a tidy profit off of the earlier death after all those years of premiums paid in.

  13. Rob Avatar

    "like the ever-changing excuses brought up to justify invading Iraq?"

    Geoff – Here is your history refresher. You need to bone up rather than repeat the same old rhetoric.

    Why Iraq Was Inevitable

    Authored by Arthur Herman

    It is too often forgotten, not least by historians, that George W. Bush did NOT invent the idea of deposing the Iraqi tyrant. For years before he came on the scene, removing Saddam Hussein had been a priority embraced by the Democratic administration of Bill Clinton and by Clinton’s most vocal supporters in the Senate:

    Saddam Hussein must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms, poison gas, or biological weapons. . . . Other countries possess weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles. With Saddam, there is one big difference: he has used them. Not once, but repeatedly. . . . I have no doubt today that, left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will use these terrible weapons again.

    These were the words of President Clinton on the night of December 16, 1998 as he announced a four-day bombing campaign over Iraq. Only six weeks earlier, Clinton had signed the Iraq Liberation Act authorizing Saddam’s overthrow—an initiative supported unanimously in the Senate and by a margin of 360 to 38 in the House. “Iraqis deserve and desire freedom,” Clinton had declared. On the evening the bombs began to drop, Vice President Al Gore told CNN’s Larry King:

    You allow someone like Saddam Hussein to get nuclear weapons, ballistic missiles, chemical weapons, biological weapons. How many people is he going to kill with such weapons? . . . We are not going to allow him to succeed. [emphasis added]

    What these and other such statements remind us is that, by the time George Bush entered the White House in January 2001, the United States was already at war with Iraq, and in fact had been at war for a decade, ever since the first Gulf war in the early 1990’s. (This was literally the case, the end of hostilities in 1991 being merely a cease-fire and not a formal surrender followed by a peace treaty.) Not only that, but the diplomatic and military framework Bush inherited for neutralizing the Middle East’s most fearsome dictator had been approved by the United Nations. It consisted of (a) regular UN inspections to track and dispose of weapons of mass destruction (WMD’s) remaining in Saddam’s arsenal since the first Gulf war; (b) UN-monitored sanctions to prevent Saddam from acquiring the means to make more WMD’s; and (c) the creation of so-called “no-fly zones” over large sections of southern and northern Iraq to deter Saddam from sending the remnants of his air force against resisting Kurds and Shiite Muslims.

    The problem, as Bill Clinton discovered at the start of his second term, was that this “containment regime” was collapsing. By this point Saddam was not just the brutal dictator who had killed as many as two million of his own people and used chemical weapons in battle against Iran (and in 1988 against Iraqis themselves). Nor was he just the regional aggressor who had to be driven out of Kuwait in 1991 by an international coalition of armed forces in Operation Desert Storm. As Clinton recognized, Saddam’s WMD programs, in combination with his ties to international terrorists, posed a direct challenge to the United States.

    In a February 17, 1998 speech at the Pentagon, Clinton focused on what in his State of the Union address a few weeks earlier he had called an “unholy axis” of rogue states and predatory powers threatening the world’s security. “There is no more clear example of this threat,” he asserted, “than Saddam Hussein’s Iraq,” and he added that the danger would grow many times worse if Saddam were able to realize his thoroughly documented ambition, going back decades and at one point close to accomplishment, of acquiring an arsenal of nuclear as well as chemical and biological weapons. The United States, Clinton said, “simply cannot allow this to happen.”

  14. geoff Avatar

    Rob: Reagan should have done something when Saddam was gassing Kurds and Iranians. Or maybe the CIA shouldn't have picked him to lead the coup back in '57 and given him delusions of grandeur, solidified when he was given US intel to help in fighting the Iranians who so were so evil as to depose that nice gentleman, the Shah.

    His main sin, somehow, was probably in giving Iraqis decent health insurance, and running a secular state in the middle of all those theocracies. Strange comparing "National Geographic" coverage of Iraq before & after the invasion of Kuwait.

    And I don't really care what Clinton did: it's not as if he was a liberal or anything: you Republicans are angry he stole your economic policies the way Obama stole Romney's health care reforms, but to the outside world they aren't really substantial improvements.

  15. Stug Avatar

    Cal: "Uh, Stug. NO conservative ever thought health care would be “free” or provided to citizens for “free.” "

    – Don't look at me, Rob's the one trying to figure out what happened to the concept of free health care. Ask him where he got his misinformation from. Perhaps he didn't realize you were joking.

    “It was Democrats who tried to reign in Freddie and Fannie but Republicans stopped them”

    – I never said this or anything like it, it is simply factually wrong. Maybe you should start a database, it would minimize all of the misquotes you keep attempting to attribute to me.

  16. ArtW Avatar

    Stug: "Might as well be the insurance companies since they stand to make a tidy profit off of the earlier death after all those years of premiums paid in."

    As opposed to the 'tidy profit' they are going to make when everyone is forced to buy their product.

  17. geoff Avatar

    ArtW: yep. After watching everyone else, you could have compared systems and learned from what does and doesn't work and came up with something decent. After all, it seems that the US has been working on this problem for something like a century or so. But no, you end up with a compromise that pleases no one but the insurance companies themselves.

  18. ArtW Avatar

    Geoff: "And I don’t really care what Clinton did . . . "

    Of course not. Why would you? In a few more years you'll be saying 'I really don't care what Obama did".

    " . . . you Republicans are angry he stole your economic policies the way Obama stole Romney’s health care reforms,"

    You are correct – we are angry that 'Obama stole Romney's health care reforms' . . . because they stink like rotten fish. They are failing in MA and everywhere else they've been tried in the US. What's not to hate?

  19. ArtW Avatar

    Geoff: "ArtW: yep. After watching everyone else, you could have compared systems and learned from what does and doesn’t work and came up with something decent. After all, it seems that the US has been working on this problem for something like a century or so. But no, you end up with a compromise that pleases no one but the insurance companies themselves."

    Agreed. 100%

  20. geoff Avatar

    ArtW: "In a few more years you’ll be saying ‘I really don’t care what Obama did”." Ain't going to wait a few years: I can say it now. Except that he hasn't started any wars yet, or groped the German chancellor, or insulted Canada the way his predecessor did, he hasn't lived up to our hopes & expectations: he was slow & did too little to stimulate the US economy, hasn't closed Gitmo, hasn't done much of anything about peace in the Middle East or dealing with Afghanistan or Iraq or Iran in the long-term.

    So if you agree with the prognosis on the health care compromise, why didn't more people work to find a real, workable solution instead of just saying "NO!" and screaming about birth certificates, death panels, etc.?

  21. Rob Avatar

    Wow, maybe Canada should take care of itself and it's own business rather than looking to the U.S. to solve their problems and every other countries problems.

    Of course, it's always easier to blame someone else for your own shortcomings or lack of action and understanding . . . the U.S. seems to be the "great scape goat" for the worlds problems.

    Wish Canada would step up and take over for awhile. Then the worlds problems would surly be resolved, without one complaint from any other person or country. World Peace would be in our grasp and Geoff would be bored.

    Oh, welllllll.

  22. ArtW Avatar

    Geoff: "Except that he hasn’t started any wars yet"

    His weak foreign policy decisions may yet cause one a whole lot bigger than what we are dealing with today.

    "or groped the German chancellor"

    But he loves to bow to other kings.

    "or insulted Canada the way his predecessor did"

    No, not Canada (not yet anyway) . . . he has been busy insulting Britain and Israel.

    "he hasn’t lived up to our hopes & expectations"

    To be fair . . . he'd have to walk on water to live up to the hype.

    "he was slow & did too little to stimulate the US economy"

    Some say it has done way too much already.

    "hasn’t closed Gitmo"


    "hasn’t done much of anything about peace in the Middle East"

    Nope. But he did win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing it.

    "or dealing with Afghanistan or Iraq or Iran in the long-term."

    Nope, nothing that was not already planned or in the works.

    "why didn’t more people work to find a real, workable solution instead of just saying “NO!” and screaming about birth certificates, death panels, etc.?"

    I don't know. Maybe because we were already a bit busy with the war on terror and doing our best to prevent it from hitting our shores. Maybe it was not the best time to tackle the complete overhaul of a system that was working for almost 85% of the population and represented 1/6 of our economy. I agree more should have been started sooner by prior administrations. I think this idea of jumping in "both feet first" is not the right way to address an issue . . . and I think it is solely being done this way for political gain (although it may turn out to be political suicide) and to set a mark on history.

  23. geoff Avatar

    Rob: "maybe Canada should take care of itself and it’s own business rather than looking to the U.S. to solve their problems and every other countries problems."

    Yeah. So: can we change the law so we don't have to sell you 50% of our oil production? will you cancel your declaration that Canadian fresh water constitutes an American "strategic resource"? Can we control our media again? will the CIA stop spying on our political parties?

    You wouldn't be a scapegoat if you didn't keep poking your fingers into everything.

  24. geoff Avatar

    Rob: here's an example of how the CIA is considering trying to sway public opinion in Europe to support continued involvement in Afghanistan:

  25. geoff Avatar

    Arrt: "more should have been started sooner by prior administrations." Clinton tried. You're going to have to do something before it sucks up 1/5 of your economy.

    "But he loves to bow to other kings." Well, didn't Bush kiss one? an old family friend, maybe, but still…

    "His weak foreign policy decisions may yet cause one a whole lot bigger than what we are dealing with today." "May" seems to be the operative word here. All these hypotheticals have you screaming the sky is falling. And I don't see how anything Obama could do could compare with strengthening Iran by invading Iraq, falling into the trap set in Afghanistan, blindly supporting Musharaf too long and thereby aiding in the destabilisation of Pakistan, and basically alienating all your erstwhile allies (remember "Freedom fries"?). He won some of your friends back, and someone has to tell Israel to behave.

  26. Rob Avatar

    Now who's whining, bitter and foaming at the mouth? Ah, it's a good day.

  27. Rob Avatar


    Wikileaks! WTF?

    So now you believe the CIA is out to get little Canadian you?

    Canadian pothead!

  28. Cal Avatar

    Stug, you're losing your mind. You made the claim JUST LAST WEEK that it was Democrats trying to reign in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. I replied by posting an article from Sept of 2003 proving it was Republicans who tried to do so and that Barney Frank said, "FM/FM are in a very sound financial position."

    This wasn't last year. This was less than seven days ago!

    And _Rob_ is "conservatives spreading lies about HCR?" Really? Rob on Cagle is that powerful and nationally known?

    I'm REALLY concerned about you if you're seriously claiming you made no such statement on FM/FM. I'm sure others here read our exchange. I'm not gonna go through the archives thread by thread but, wow…

  29. Stug Avatar

    Cal, I did go back through my posts and believe I found the post you are referring to, and the source of the confusion. I have no problem admitting that I have been wrong about things from time to time nor admitting that I am wrong when it is pointed out to me. But I know that Bush tried to regulate FM/FM and that he was blocked by the Dems. I would not have posted otherwise.

    I posted this under one of Lambro's articles:

    "Yes, unemployment is around 10% now, thanks largely to a GOP congress’, with Clinton’s signature, passage of the repeal of the Glass-Steagal Act and policies put into place under the Bush administration, including the failure to reign in FM & FM under Dem opposition. I agree with you that the Obama administration ‘owns’ the problem now, but that is not the same thing as being responsible for creating it."

    I didn't realize you had responded to that or I would have clarified. You have misunderstood my post and that is my fault for not being clear, I can see how it could be taken the way you obviously took it. I wrote: "policies put into place under the Bush administration, including the failure to reign in FM & FM under Dem opposition." I meant that to be understood that Bush tried, and failed, due to Dem opposition. I agree 100% and apologize for any confusion, and that you had to type all of that stuff to no purpose.

    In further response to your: "So you’re crediting Clinton for the surplus which is budgetary and therefore congressional but you’re giving him a pass (or near pass) for signing the Glass-Steagal repeal and mostly blaming the GOP congress. I see."

    – No, I credit the Clinton administration for the budget surplus and for the G-S repeal. I specifically named Clinton so as not to seem to be placing all of the blame on the GOP congress. It was for the same reason that I didn't enumerate policies enacted under Bush that contributed to the recession, but specified one particular failure that the Democrats were largely responsible for.

    Unlike most of the conservatives on the boards, and I'll let you decide if this applies to you, I don't think the Dems are always right and the Reps always wrong, or vice versa. I was trying to be clear that both parties are responsible for the economic mess we are in now. ArtW had posted: "when [unemployment] is almost 10% under your guy." and I was defending the point that unemployment would likely have been as bad, if not worse, regardless of who had won the election because the causes of the recession preceeded "my guy" by nearly fifteen years. I was agreeing that by this point, Obama and the Dem congress owns it, but refuting his implication that they were the cause of it.

    As for your glib insult to my intellectual capacity: "I’d post the video of John McCain’s pushing for reigning them in and Frank’s excoriating response but that would be too much fact for you to absorb in one day." What can I say, I haven't joined the Tea Party yet.

    "When you take those two things into account, Bush’s record is pretty damned good. In contrast, Pelosi/Reid/Obama’s is absolutely in the shitter and it looks like more jobs lost last month–again."

    – I never said Bush's record on unemployment wasn't good, I was merely putting it into proper context, something you consistently fail to do. And last I heard, we added jobs last month.

  30. Cal Avatar

    Stug, I really appreciate your post. I, too, have tried to make amends any time I made a mistake. I misread something Amilam wrote and apologized only to be stomped on. It's a message board. It doesn't hurt. But I do value your honesty and that's one of the reasons you're just about the only person here I care to really engage in discussion.

    I'll only offer (again) that presidents don't pass budgets. Congresses do that. I give nearly 100% of the credit for balanced budgets to the conservative congress that was swept in over the country's anger at trying to pass "Hillary care". This is another endless debate but here's a link that's far from "conclusive" and isn't as strong my way as I'd like but I got tired of sifting through Google. (Even though I'm on Spring break I don't feel like spending all day here.)

    And I made reference to overloading your circuit board with fact because your notion that it was Democrats who tried to reign in FM/FM was mind boggling. And I see there's little hope for improvement since you won't even consider joining us in the tea party movement. (That's a joke, Stug.)

    Maybe Cantor, connor, fake Rob, and some others can see what diplomacy looks like. It has to come from someone left of center or it's lost on them. It probably still will be but who knows. Good post, Stug. Thanks.

  31. Cal Avatar

    I missed your last line. I have said REPEATEDLY that Bush's record was a mixed bag. I've used that quote at least five times if not ten. All I've done is challenge you and anyone else who glibly writes "Bush was a disaster. He tanked the economy." No, he didn't. He had a reasonably solid economic record but spent FAR too much (Medicare Part D, TARP1, etc.) Housing largely tanked the economy and that is most directly attributable to Barney Frank and lending/FM/FM policies that caused the housing bubble and its subsequent collapse.

    And yes, some jobs were finally added. Of course, out of those 162,000 new jobs, 48,000 of them were census workers and another 40,000 were temp employees. That's still a gain of over 60,000 and I hope it continues. You did note, though, the unemployment rate stayed at 9.7%, right? Cheers.

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