The Diplomacy of Change is Failing America


Making Sense, by Michael Reagan

The Obama administration has seen a frustrating lack of progress in diplomatic relations. After spending so much time bashing the Bush administration for failing to achieve unity in matters of great international importance, this administration is failing to realize the types of diplomatic gains they predicted.

Obama nukes
Cartoon by Cam Cardow – Ottawa Citizen (click to purchase)

Repeatedly, anything claimed as a success has involved movement on America’s part, not on the part of a foreign power, be it friendly or hostile. From a lackluster climate

agreement to Iranian flouting of international pressure, President Obama’s vaunted international prestige has proven itself no more than meaningless popularity.

The current iteration of America’s disappointing negotiations involves China. Recently, American officials have indicated China might be open to placing new sanctions on Iran. As Iranian nuclear ambitions become increasingly obvious, this type of international pressure is necessary.

But in complete contradiction to American hopes and the Obama administration’s claims, this week China renewed their opposition to sanctions on Iran. Chinese officials say they oppose Iran obtaining nuclear weapons, but they believe negotiations, not sanctions, are the correct approach. However, after years of negotiations, the situation with Iran has only worsened.

Moreover, in exchange for Iranian oil to fuel their growing economy, China has poured money and technology into Iran. This trade, as well as similar benefits from Russia, makes any sanctions placed on the country nearly worthless without the cooperation of all five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council.

China is not the first country to back out of proposed sanctions. Just last week, the president of Russia told the world that there was only so far they would go with Iranian sanctions — and it wasn’t as far as American leaders has pushed, nor the victory they had claimed. Just Monday night, Secretary Clinton and leaders from China, Russia, France and the U.K. met again to discuss Iran’s nuclear ambitions. Given the extent of the threat posed by Iran, I can only hope this endeavor was more successful than past attempts.

We can not afford to step lightly on this issue. As president, my father knew how to confront international threats. He did not incite conflict, and he did not rampage against the rest of the world. But he made American intentions clear, and he did not back down.

President Obama has scored PR points, and a Nobel Prize, with his emphasis on curbing nuclear weapons. I concur in the assessment that nuclear weapons, in the wrong hands, are an active threat to our security, not just as Americans but as humans.

But my father, Ronald Reagan, showed us all how a leader can oppose nuclear weapons, work actively for disarmament, develop strong alliances, and captivate the imagination of the world, while still keeping America safe, strong and secure. President Obama still has much to learn on that front.

This world is a dangerous place. The threats against us are real. We can not afford to let other nations call the shots. I believe in the value of international cooperation, but on some issues we simply must not — can not — compromise.


Mike Reagan, the elder son of the late President Ronald Reagan, is spokesperson for The Reagan PAC ( and chairman and president of The Reagan Legacy Foundation ( Look for Mike’s books and other information at E-mail comments to [email protected].

©2010 Mike Reagan. If you’re not a paying subscriber to our service, you must contact us to print or Web post this column. Mike’s column is distributed exclusively by: Cagle Cartoons, Inc., newspaper syndicate. For info contact Cari Dawson Bartley. E-mail [email protected], (800) 696-7561.


7 responses to “The Diplomacy of Change is Failing America”

  1. Rob Avatar

    An Indian walks into cafe a with a shotgun

    In one hand pulling a male buffalo with the other.

    He says to the waiter:

    "Want coffee."

    The waiter says, "Sure, Chief. Coming right up."

    He gets the Indian a tall mug of coffee.

    The Indian drinks the coffee down in one gulp,

    Turns and blasts the buffalo with the shotgun,

    Causing parts of the animal to splatter everywhere

    And then just walks out.

    The next morning the Indian returns.

    He has his shotgun in one hand, pulling

    Another male buffalo with the other.

    He walks up to the counter and says to

    The waiter

    "Want coffee."

    The waiter says "Whoa, Tonto!

    We're still cleaning up your mess from yesterday.

    What was all that about, anyway?"

    The Indian smiles and proudly says ..

    "Training for position in United States Congress:

    Come in, drink coffee, shoot the bull,

    Leave mess for others to clean up,

    Disappear for rest of day.


  2. farmasea Avatar

    Republicans only see change as the problem because they are not facilitating it. Partisanship needs to do the right thing, look us all in the eye and say, "I'm going outside; I may be away some time."

  3. Cal Avatar

    Rob. I chuckled for quite awhile after reading that one. It’s sad how political correctness has taken over. All I could think about was someone taking offense.

    I’m not sure what farmasea meant but I think it was an effort to get us to support President Obama’s foreign and domestic policy. Sort of like a Donna Brazile call to “bipartisanship” that means, “Stop arguing with us and start supporting us.” Uh, no thanks. Not now. Not ever.

    When we (Obama) pulled the rug out from under Poland and the Czech Republic by not putting in the defensive missile shield, I read liberal posts praising his efforts because he won Russian support for sanctions against Iran in return. I just shook my head in disbelief when I read that. So far, no sanctions. And after bowing to China’s President “Who?” we get kicked in the face with a refusal to support us vis a vis Iran again. So what has the world apology tour gotten us except for Russian and Chinese pokes in the eye? The Muslim world respects nothing but strength and is laughing at us behind our backs after Mr. Obama’s attempt to establish a “new tone.” But I hear the French love us again and THAT is very, very important.

    I wasn’t at all surprised when I heard the president talk about America being a superpower and adding, “Whether you like that or not.” That’s an interesting choice of words from someone who’s challenged authority and power all of his adult life who now finds himself the most powerful man on earth. I had the feeling he’s conflicted about his place in the world and by extension, America’s place. Some country HAS to be the world’s superpower. I’d prefer it be America as opposed to oh, say, China or Russia. Stand tall, Mr. President. Jut that chin out even when you feel like you have no choice but to stand up for America. It doesn't hurt to love a "downright mean country" especially after it elected you. After all, we are the good guy. Perhaps one day you'll start believing that.

  4. Rob Avatar

    Can never avoid those who make it their life's journey to twist and turn every definition of every word and phrase, every upper and lower case letter, every typographical error, in order to "find offense". Then they express their hard earned twisted offense . . . very offensively. Ironic, isn't it?

    It is what it is!

    So I post it anyway.

  5. Syncopation Avatar

    "The Diplomacy of Change is Failing America"

    Uh-huh. Yea. Right.

    Actually, Bush and the Neocons failed America, and they've been (mostly) booted out. We've just seen the beginning of something far better but there's a long way to go yet.

    If you don't like it, tie some tea bags to your hat, stick that revolver in your pants and put on your confederate flag shirt and go yell incoherently about how our President is a communist, how you're going to start a revolution and how you support the Witch of Wasilla as "one of you", even though she's a multimillionaire / hollyweird item now. Pack up some suntan lotion because if you get skin cancer in that lily white skin you damn well better not rely on that socialist medicaid/medicare that I pay for because it's against your principles. In the meanwhile, stay out of our socialist parks, our socialist roads, our socialist schools, our socialist military, our socialist….etc.

    Have a nice day! 😎

  6. Cal Avatar

    SinkFull. I’ll take all of those things you mentioned over one of your so-called “Gay Pride” days with the bizarre looking transvestites parading around any day.

    It’s good to see you haven’t fallen off the deep end. I thought you might have something rational and sensible to say last week until I got to the ever-present “homophobe” comments. You seem overly concerned with homosexuality the same way CarlE obsesses about “white” people. No, look, you, too have the same obsession (“that lily white skin”)! Don’t those lily white drag queens have similar concerns? That’s just swell, Beav! We can never have enough racist chatter here on Cagle. I'm not a racist or a homophobe but I do want to emulate you great liberals. You're such fine examples to follow on tolerance. Well, at least until the tolerance runs into someone or something you don't like. Then you react like cornered cats.

    That’s really great stuff, Sink. Nice change from the normal “bitter neocon/Witch of Wasilla rants.” I’m proud of you. There’s still work to do but that’s a step in the right direction. And trust me, you need to take a whole lot of steps to the right just to get close to the left goal post. (You know, psychiatric care IS available. I’m sure you could qualify for some kind of charity case program. I hate to spring this on you suddenly but you DO have issues.)

  7. geoff Avatar

    Oh dear. Cal denying his homophobia yet again. Ditto his little racist tendencies. Excessive denial while accusing others of being gay (as if that was a legitimate insult any more, like calling someone a "communist," "liberal," or "socialist": it's all been played out, lost its meaning; the gradual debasement of words and lowering of the general level of political discourse).

    What was it again? Freedom & equality for all? Except for same-sex kissing in public; or, apparently, transvestites. All that has to stay hidden away; not really so "free" or "equal" after all.

    Tolerance, Cal? Ain't never seen no evidence o'none from the likes o'you.

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