Public Pensions – The Quietly Growing Unfunded Mandate


Making Sense, by Michael Reagan

Today, many of our states are facing serious budget shortfalls as a result of a number of factors, including shrinking sales tax revenues. Politicians now face the untenable choice between decreased services and higher tax rates or the imposition of new “fees” — neither approach very appealing to the electorate.

California budget deficit
Cartoon by Daryl Cagle – (click to purchase)

One key element of these budget shortfalls that has not gained as much attention, however, comes in the form of government employee pension payouts. Many state pension programs have been hit hard by the previous three-year downturn in the stock market, states withholding their own payments into their respective plans, and a growing number of retirees becoming eligible for retirement benefits.

Some of our nation’s most populous states such as New Jersey, Illinois and even my home state of California are now tackling the serious problem of pension obligations (California alone faces upwards of a $500 billion pension gap).

In California, Republican Gov. Schwarzenegger has proposed increasing the age of non-public safety, government workers who are eligible for retirement benefits from age 55 to 65. Moreover, the state would also then base retirement benefits for pensions on an average of the last three years of service, rather than the old system, which was based exclusively on the last year of service — inviting employees boost their final salary through overtime work and hoarded vacation.

In New Jersey, Republican Gov. Christie is decreasing the state’s generous pension benefits for new hires. And in Illinois the state has reached bi-partisan compromise to create a two-tiered pension system that raises the age of retirement for government employees to 67 and also reduces pension benefits for new hires. Work underway in other states again proves the capability of states to govern through pragmatic, results-based solutions.

But now, there are calls for the federal government to step in and provide funding to help states meet these pension obligations — something that should make every American taxpayer shudder. Instead of following the lead of California, Illinois and New Jersey, Democrats in Washington want to spend more money that they don’t have in order to appease a significant portion of their base — government employees and their unions.

With Democrats in Washington taking control of banks, our auto industry and our health care system, they now are investigating ways to take on another financial obligation we simply cannot afford- – covering unfunded pension programs. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, when tidbits of a Value Added Tax were being floated, our antennas should have been raised. If we take on pension supplementation, I fear a VAT and increased income taxes will be sure to follow.

You may remember at one time military retirees received 100 percent of their pay in retirement; however, the government scaled that back dramatically to save money. The military has no union and those who served our nation with great distinction for 20 years simply had to accept the change. That is what today’s public employees must accept as well.

With public sector employees earning as much as $5 more per hour in benefits than their private sector counterparts, it only seems fair that they and their unions do their part during these turbulent times. We simply cannot afford the alternative.


Mike Reagan, the elder son of the late President Ronald Reagan, is spokesperson for The Reagan PAC ( and chairman and president of The Reagan Legacy Foundation ( Look for Mike’s books and other information at E-mail comments to [email protected].

©2010 Mike Reagan. If you’re not a paying subscriber to our service, you must contact us to print or Web post this column. Mike’s column is distributed exclusively by: Cagle Cartoons, Inc., newspaper syndicate. For info contact Cari Dawson Bartley. E-mail [email protected], (800) 696-7561.


6 responses to “Public Pensions – The Quietly Growing Unfunded Mandate”

  1. Cal Avatar

    If you want to see the inevitable result of the entitlement mentality, look at California.

    If you want to see the inevitable result of government-run health care, look at Massachusetts. ER visits are up by 25% and costs are skyrocketing.

    If you want to see where all this leads as a nation, look at Greece.

    Reagan was right then and he’s still right today. “Government is not the solution. Government is the problem.” For Obama et al, government is _always_ the solution and apparently the ONLY solution. Perhaps unlike Reagan who referred to America as a “shining city on a hill” they see California, Massachusetts, and Greece as such because that’s where they’re taking us.

    And some of you are cheering them on. Thanks a bunch. I can hardly wait to get there.

  2. pensions Avatar

    The retirement system is riddled with lucrative pensions for retirees who were fired or convicted of crimes related to their state jobs. Former comptroller Alan Hevesi.

  3. Rob Avatar

    They Don't Need You Anymore!

    By Robert L. Rohrer

    In 2008, you already became irrelevant and ended up with your first Communist President!

    In 2010 you are in for three more big surprises. 1. Socialized medicine to "pay off" unions and prime the urban masses for another entitlement; 2. Before the ink is dry on "healthcare reform" the Amnesty movement will be underway again and is already being pushed by both Progressive Democrats and Republicans; and 3. The new Census will enable Redistricting based on higher urban concentrations of the underclass made possible by a stratagem of immigration policies. All resulting in…

    Our National elections will be controlled by a core consisting of NY, PA, MI, IL, CA, TX and FL. More specifically the President of the United States will be elected by the New York Metropolitan area, greater Philadelphia, Detroit and Dearborn, Cook County Illinois, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Dallas, Houston, greater Miami and a few more cities and their states. Just like Baltimore controls Maryland .

    THEY already know this. In fact, it has been part of a long plan. Masses, votes, money and power. If you control the former you achieve the latter. There is not a politician in, or considering, office that does not know this simple reality! The Redistribution of wealth for votes is now accelerating!

    But even before 2012, those who just voted for healthcare reform knew the above. So in the Midterm elections of 2010 the Progressives already have a plan to hold on to their seats. This biggest payoff in our history is the first step to "…fundamentally change the United States of America ."

    In 2004 the Republican Party made the public statement they could not win the National election if they did not get at least 40% of the Hispanic vote. Have you wondered why Bush did not alienate this "target audience" by controlling our border? Or why John McCain still turns a blind eye to this problem in Arizona ? Now you know!

    In case you missed it, the population densities of the above cities are primarily black and Hispanic. Ergo entitlements and promises of citizenship; and our welfare state and open border mentality.

    The most important thing for a politician is to be elected. If they cannot be elected then everything else is academic. Including you — your rights, taxes, protection, and freedom are all just lip service while the real agenda takes place.

    There is no longer much difference in the two national parties. They are now both Liberal–one just left of the other. The reason is the need to buy votes with entitlements; appease illegal Hispanics with our soon to be Amnesty policy; and capitalize on the new underclass of immigrants packed into our cities by our vote driven immigration policy.

    We are now in a war–Constitutionalists versus Progressives! There is a chance to save the nation, but even a decade ago our urban concentration made it a long shot. We are simply outnumbered!

    Robert L. Rohrer

  4. Rob Avatar

    Red Skelton–from his television show in 1969!

    Just think, he said this on his show in 1969 and had no clue it would ever come about. SAD, isn't it?

  5. Phil Avatar

    Rob, Great work man.

    The Second Link is Phenomenal.

    A must watch for every American Citizen.

  6. Cal Avatar

    After watching Red Skelton’s moving video I was wondering what it would like if performed by Bill Maher or one some other “patriot.”

    “I pledge (that means right-wing nutjobs have brainwashed me) to the flag (that symbol of corporate fascism that stands for invading sovereign nations and imperialist dreams of grandeur) of the United States of America (the most racist, hateful, greedy country ever to take up space and oxygen on Mother Earth) and to the Republic (a concept a bunch of dumbass, slave-owning white guys came up with to avoid having a real democracy)…

    I was also thinking about Obama’s statement that “we are five days away from fundamentally transforming America.” Who wants to transform something or someone you love? If I told my wife, “Honey, I really love you and in five days I’m going to fundamentally transform you” you can imagine her reaction. You transform something you don’t like into something you do. You restore or maintain something you love.

    When I hear liberals tell me, “I love America, too” I now understand what they mean. They believe what President Obama believes. They love what America _could_ be if we just had the right people to implement the right policies to fundamentally transform it into something I’d be proud of. Conservatives just mean they love America as it was founded in spite of the blight of slavery and Jim Crow. Outside of those incredibly bad mistakes, we're proud of our country and the liberty, freedom, and prosperity we've spread around the world. We don’t see a need to transform anything. We just need to maintain our love of country and restore respect for its founding documents.

    Good link, Rob. Thanks.

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