The Birthers Ruined Schwarzenegger’s White House Chance


Imagine you have an action hero head of state: his bronzed muscles rippling as he battles balancing budgets, bureaucracy and lobbyists. He’s a retina-searing international superstar who sets the political world ablaze. His occasional character “complexities” are always forgiven by perfectly timed press conferences. He’s a cigar smoker ““ a Humvee driver. And yes, the nudes of him from the “˜70s are tasteful – he’s a Republican. He believes in smaller government, lower taxes and gun ownership. This is the sexy image every leaner-to-the-right wants to think they’re just a little like: meet Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Cartoon by Petar Pismestrovic - Cagle Cartoons (click to purchase)
Cartoon by Petar Pismestrovic – Cagle Cartoons (click to purchase)

In 2003 what has been described as a “perfect storm” in California breached the levees of the governor’s mansion occupied by Governor Gray Davis. The dot-com bust, a recession, and an Enron-sponsored energy crisis coupled with rolling blackouts all battered the not-so-charismatic supporter of illegal immigrants getting drivers’ licenses. A massive and expensive special election was called.

Suddenly everyone from the neighborhood security guard (Gary Coleman) to the local bikini-clad porn star was on the ballot to compete for the prize of governor of the most populated and richest state in the Union. Then on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Conan the Barbarian announced he’d also be running for governor. After that there were lines around the block to cast a vote for The Kindergarten Cop. Reporters everywhere were giddy with the mountain of funny film monikers to bestow on the then-Governator hopeful.


When the votes were tallied, the electorate overwhelmingly said “yes” to the recall and “yes” to the star of Total Recall.

The “actor” mega-superstar Schwarzenegger was able to do what even Richard Nixon could never accomplish: be governor of California.

When gazing over the footage of not-too-easily-galvanized Californians lining up by the millions to vote for a Republican, the next thought was obvious: he’s going to be the president. His only measly little obstacle is to amend the Constitution, which is outdated on the subject after all. It states, “No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President.” Who was a citizen at the time of the adoption of the Constitution, anyway? Not even Reagan. John McCain, if you’ll remember, was born in Panama.

The Austrian-born now politician who took the governorship in the least figurative way by storm seemed destined for the White House! The dude is married to a Kennedy for Pete’s sakes!

But hold on there, GOP Dreamboat (er turbo engine yacht), you’re about to be sunk by a group of paranoid nativists called The Birthers. The Birthers believe President Barack Obama wasn’t born in America and his birth certificate is a fake. It’s a conspiracy so elaborate, clever and void of any real evidence that they’re the only ones who believe it. You’d think a real Manchurian Candidate wouldn’t be black with a foreign sounding name so as not to arouse suspicion from these folks, but that’s just what the Commies would want you to think.

The Republicans siding with the Birthers, and generally ramping up of the anti-immigration sentiment, are shooting themselves in the foot. And not just with Latino voters. Schwarzenegger is by far the most popular and (gasp) competent of any other candidates vying for the nomination in 2012. An amendment requires a two-thirds majority in both houses of Congress and ratification by three-fourths of the states. The Democrats, smartly, won’t bring it up and the Republicans shortsightedly won’t either. If the Democrats suggested an amendment ““ the Birthers would shriek that it’s proof of Obama’s foreign birth. If the Republicans suggested it ““ the Birthers would”¦well, pretty much do the same.

Last week, Schwarzenegger, again on the Tonight Show said, “without any doubt,” he wants to run for president. He described the quagmire as painful to him.

He’s an unimaginable immigration success story foiled by an antiquated technicality clung to by his own party. My hope is the Governator becomes a champion for comprehensive reform. Currently, he’s a reasonable yet heavily accented voice in a wash of economically ignited xenophobia. He may not be able to run for president because of his country of birth, but he could do a monumental service to his country of choice.


Tina Dupuy is an award-winning writer, editor and columnist for Cagle Cartoons. Follow Tina on Twitter @TinaDupuy.

Want to run Tina’s column in your publication? Contact Cari Dawson Bartley. E-mail [email protected], (800) 696-7561.


13 responses to “The Birthers Ruined Schwarzenegger’s White House Chance”

  1. Syncopation Avatar

    It is an intriguing relationship she paints between Arnie's situation and the ridiculous birthers.

    I am not terribly excited by the prospect of an Austrian born American President, regardless of what his politics are.

  2. OMG! Avatar

    Tina, try drinking battery acid, urine, or antifreeze……it may help with the bitterness.

  3. Cantor Avatar

    Where'd you get those ideas, OMG? The terrorist training cookbook?

    Foul cretin.

  4. Murray Avatar

    This cracks me up. The left always sees politicians like Schwartzenegger, who is only a partial Republican and not a true conservative, as the right's great shining hope. How did that work out for, say, Rudy Gulioni?

    Truth is, Arnold would probably fail dismally in a political run for presidency. He is not nearly right enough to satisfy the Republican base, nor is he remotely left enough to satisfy the liberal left–so he has no base. His only chance would be to demonstrate supreme competence–hmmm, how have his terms gone in California?

    The fact that the governer of a state which went bancrupt under his watch talks about running for president, shows the level of his delusion.

    And yes, maybe battery acid would sweeten Tina up a bit.

  5. Cantor Avatar


    "Gulioni", ok… that's a little hard, but it's supposed to be "Giuliani".

    "governer"…. should be "governor"

    "bancrupt"…. should be "bankrupt"

    Speaking of delusions… you appear to be deluding yourself if you believe that you are communicating a message beyond the level of a second grade grammar school student.

    You didn't even bother to use a spell checker to cover up your ignorance.

    Next time, try graduating grammar school or at least use a spell check before demonstrating the extreme level of your ignorance to the rest of us.

  6. Cal Avatar

    It’s a good thing the other sock puppet/spell check cop came out to give his alter ego a break. Thanks, Cantor. As always, your brilliance really dazzled everyone. Man, you’re smart! You hide out making us wait with baited breath until you finally appear and share your pointed wit with all of us! Excellent commentary on the article, btw. I can’t find a single point to disagree on. Just great. It's almost uncanny the point to which you sound EXACTLY like Syncopation. I guess that's just shear coincidence, huh?

    Dupuy is yet another kool aid kook who can’t (more to the point "won't" because it would her point of views) differentiate between a Democrat in Republican clothing like the Guv-en-a-tuh and a real Republican. Ah-nold’s an Arlen Specter who hasn’t yet faced up to where he belongs. He’s both fiscally AND socially liberal. Calling him a Republican is akin to calling Russ Feingold a conservative.

    But I suppose Tina needs something to rant about. Writing those upbeat “hopey/changey” articles gets really boring. Especially when the “changey” stuff isn’t producing much of the “hopey” stuff.

    I hope Gene Lyons is the next columnist to pop up. I just love these opinion-filled articles written to the leftwing base. As Tony the Tiger used to say, “They’re GRREATT!”

    I should offer a Breitbart type reward to the first person who can find a verifiable fact in either a Dupuy or a Lyon’s article. My money would be safe and sound. Just like his.

  7. Syncopation Avatar

    >>I guess that’s just shear coincidence, huh?

    I think that would be "sheer", Mr. Teacher who teaches students. What do you teach them? To grow up and make angry posts on blogs in an illiterate manner?

    Maybe I am Syncopation, Cal. Would it make any difference to you if I were? Would you cry yourself to sleep or cheer with joy? Or is it just another distraction from your reality which you're obviously trying to make an escape from? Just a bit of theory. Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong, either way it took me 30 seconds. That's all the time I have for you today. Next!

  8. geoff Avatar

    Syncopation: maybe he was thinking of sheep?

  9. Cal Avatar

    Syncopation writes, “Maybe I am Syncopation, Cal.” Did you mean to say, “Maybe I am Cantor, Cal?” I’m sure it gets confusing trying to keep 2-3 screen names straight! You may even be Amilam. The similarities are really striking between all of you and our dear friend connor, who doesn’t show up much anymore.

    Excellent comments on the article, as usual. I always enjoy the way you go through an article or a post and work through the points someone else made rebutting them with carefully thought-out comments of your own. I mean, if you just constantly posted things like “that should be sheer” one might think you’re an ignorant dolt who can’t write well enough to risk sharing an opinion. I’m not saying you _are_ an ignorant dolt because you do provide value added here by spell checking and sniping at grammatical errors. And that’s important on an open message board. Without that kind of supervisory function this could just degenerate into something like an open message board. So thanks for weighing in like that.

    I think you as the “QA division” of Cagle. You don’t contribute anything original, but you’re all over it when someone makes a spelling mistake. (Of course it’s only conservatives you “set straight” but you do a damn fine job of it!) I’m not saying what you do is trite or petty. It isn’t. After all, someone’s gotta to do the heavy lifting around here and it may as well be you. And I’m certain the “teacher line” wasn’t simply a childish lashing out in frustration over being unable to keep up here intellectually. That was just the head of QA pointing out how anyone who teaches for a living can’t possibly be very effective if he misspells a wurd hear and their, rite Sink? You’re a national treasure and we’re glad your hear. Say “hay” to Cantor when ewe sea hem. And connor and Amilam.

    Okay, I AM saying you’re an ignorant dolt but you’ve done SO much to earn that moniker! Keep it up. We learn a lot each time you share your ignorance with us.

    And speaking of ignorant dolts, you got a one-liner in support from the King himself. Sweet!

  10. SJ Schiffman Avatar
    SJ Schiffman

    You read my mind. I thought I was the only one who was thinking of Arnold. I live in Israel now, although I moved from

    New Jersey and am originally from NY. From where I'm sitting, the only important issue is the Iranian bomb. Pres. Obama is not popular in Israel; and they are laughing at him in the Arab countries. He is trying to quiet down the feud with Israel so that his party will not be decimated in the Nov.'10 elections. Unfortunately, the Republicans don't understand that local

    issues such as abortion and gay marriage will not mean anything when the Iranians drop the bomb on all of us.

    The "SUV bomb" in Times Square was just the beginning. The Republicans also don't get that they would benefit from

    Pres. Obama not being American because then they could run Arnold. I agree with you– he is the only Republican they have who could beat the President. All the other Republicans were defeated by sex scandals. Plus, he could get votes because his wife is a Kennedy and there are a lot of people who would like to have another Kennedy first lady. I also like

    Eric Cantor for VP– but I suppose they would have to nominate more of a hardliner for that job.

    The sad fact is that the current Republican party doesn't have a plan with any better ideas– they are just criticizing.

    Over here, we are simply hoping that someone in the gov't does something to help us; also that the GOP puts

    pictures of Obama bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia on every campaign poster. All I can say is that I hope the

    regular people wake up before it is too late! Lastly, I hope they don't nominate Sarah Palin again– she lost once already and she doesn't have nationwide appeal.

  11. Irene Avatar

    Ms Tina,

    Arnie has been a disaster in California. Residents have watched their pesonal liberties vanish under swathes of regulation and beaurocracy, their taxes skyrocket, and the once "Golden State" become a cautionary tale of what not to do. A lot of this as the behest and blessing of their RINO governator, Arnie.

    The Constitution has its rules in place for a reason. The time that it was written has no bearing on the fact that people don't change. You may not like it, but you need to understand the basis for the rule. Maybe this will make you understand a little as to why the birthers are so upset – Obama has been anything but transparent and there may be some Constitutional issues that are not being discussed. I, for one, would like to see Obama's much-vaunted "transparency" brought to the table and discussed, analyzed, and examined. Get it over with once and for all. Fat chance of that happening.

  12. Jack Sprat Avatar
    Jack Sprat

    "In 2003 what has been described as a “perfect storm” in California breached the levees of the governor’s mansion occupied by Governor Gray Davis."

    Hey, lighten up Pasty Faced blond white girl, the "perfect storm" was when Enron exposed Gray Davis as having received mucho mas dinero from the no small friend of the Democrat CA thug machine and Surfin' duds. Your dumber than normal strain of “if republicans would only be as stupid as the Democrats” world is starting to crash and burn around you’re little beach blanket bimbo blonde head. As for the “unimaginable immigration success story” is another Bill Clinton with a heavier accent. So far he’s been lucky that no law suit has been filed. Oh were is NOW now? Apparently not watching out for the “chicks” in training, but then you and yours just love a “big hunk of a man” as long as they’re paper trained and properly beaten into submission with the same paper.

    “economically ignited xenophobia”

    So the fact that more money goes into the coffers of the misspent teachers retirements and social services for the illegals that flock to your state has nothing to do with the out of control deficit spending, Gavin Nuisance says SF has a “Balanced Budget”, odd the socialist “sanctuary city” seems to think a looming $500 million dollar short fall is not a “failed state”, apparently he’s heading up a can collection drive to sell the aluminum for cash to offset the problem, only problem is no cans to be collected.

    Oddly, if the Azatlaner’s have their way you will be the one with the “odd man out look”, I’m guessin’ you ain’t gonna like your “place on the beach.

  13. Turbo Tax Timmy Avatar
    Turbo Tax Timmy

    Fear not, me buckos!!! Barry Hussein 'Katrinaslick' Mygoof Obamadinajad, Jumpin' Janet Napolinitwit, Plugs Bidumb, are protecting your precious little asses tonight! Sleep with one eye open wide…..Bye, bye, USA…Hello, Greece!

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