Gore’s New Gang


When you place Al Gore in a room with several hundred high school and college students for an exchange about global warming, as I observed this week, two factors combine to keep the discussion from bogging down.

global warming pollution
Cartoon by Arcadio Esquivel – Cagle Cartoons (click for reprint info)

First, little energy is frittered on the question of whether man-induced warming is a matter of scientific fact; it’s a given. Second, solutions that may take several decades to implement are not dismissed as being so distant that they will be the concern of a future generation; the students seem ready to take ownership of the problem.

These days the former vice president and Nobel Laureate gives speeches, promotes his books and drums relentlessly on the issue of climate change, which is what brought him to Cal State Monterey Bay, as part of a forum run by CIA Director Leon Panetta and his wife Sylvia. Gore’s message resonates particularly well with teens – a group he is fond of calling “Inconvenient Youth.”

Last month Gore’s nonprofit, The Climate Project, began sponsoring the website, Inconvenientyouth.org, to “empower teens to address climate change through engagement and leadership opportunities.” The name is a play on Gore’s 2006 Oscar-winning documentary, “An Inconvenient Truth,” which served to turn up the heat on the global warming debate – among those energized by Gore’s warning, and those opposed to not only his message but the fact that he has profited handsomely from the crusade.

For all his accomplishments in leading the discussion on environment in the decade since his whisker-close loss to George W. Bush and exit from politics (“You win some, you lose some, and then there’s that little-known third category”), Gore seems tired and frustrated. He believes powerful business interests are supporting pseudo-scientific research that makes climate change seem more debatable than it is, much as tobacco companies continued to drum up favorable research long after the dangers of smoking became clear.

Those same forces, he insists, are behind lobbying efforts in Washington that have effectively blocked legislation to combat global warming. As a result, America has squandered its leadership role among other nations that are reluctant to embark on costly steps to curb their own carbon emissions in the absence of a more vigorous effort by the U.S.

And unlike, say, the environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, whose effects show up dramatically in news pictures of gushing oil, Gore points out that the ongoing release of C02 “pollution” – 90 million tons per day – is invisible. The planet has, according to scientists Gore cites, perhaps two decades remaining to “bend the trend lines” of global warming.

So while Al Gore continues to speak about harnessing solar power and wind power, the real change he seeks may depend upon harnessing youth power. In announcing the Inconvenient Youth initiative, Gore explained, “It will give this generation, which has a unique stake in this issue, a chance to organize and exchange ideas with other young people who want to do their part to address the climate crisis.”

The audience of students at CSUMB seemed particularly moved when the former vice president recounted the challenge issued by President Kennedy, back when Gore was 13, to put a man on the moon within a decade. When the mission was accomplished in under nine years, cheers went up at NASA’s headquarters in Houston.

“The average age of those systems engineers at mission control that day was 26,” says Gore, “which means their average age when they heard that challenge was 18.” That brought the afternoon’s biggest applause.

Say what you will about Al Gore’s climate crusade, but if he can succeed in motivating a generation that has both the time and energy to actually effect change rather than just argue about it, it will, indeed, be a giant leap for mankind.


Peter Funt may be reached at www.CandidCamera.com.

©2010 Peter Funt. This column is distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons, Inc. newspaper syndicate. For info call Cari Dawson Bartley at 800 696 7561 or e-mail [email protected].

Peter Funt is a writer and public speaker. He’s also the long-time host of “Candid Camera.” A collection of his DVDs is available at www.candidcamera.com.


14 responses to “Gore’s New Gang”

  1. Stug Avatar

    Whether you believe in global warming or not, if Gore can inspire the nations youth to more environmentally friendly behaviors, and invigorate research into alternative energy sources, then he has done a good thing.

  2. ArtW Avatar

    "Last month Gore’s nonprofit, The Climate Project . . . "

    Makes it sound as if he isn't getting rich from it. Has anyone seen his newest mansion? A humble little 5 bedroom/9 bathroom $9 million dollar abode for Gore and his wife. I'm sure at some point he will get around to adding solar panels and the like . . . but as of right now, this 'house' is an energy pig.

    But, you know what? Most of us wouldn't care that he found a way to get filthy rich . . . except for statements (this one made before Congress) like this:

    "Every penny that I have made, I have put right into a non-profit deal, Alliance For Climate Protection, to spread awareness of why we have to take on this challenge. And Congresswomen, if your, if, if you believe that the reason I have been working on this issue for 30 years is because of greed, you do not know me."

    He's full of crap . . . just like his theories.

  3. Good Life Avatar
    Good Life

    And no one on this site can find one scientist that actually studies the issue that says there isn't a human factor in global warming.

    Yes, I know there is a debate about how fast the change is, but not one that actually studies it is a denier.

  4. Stug Avatar

    "He’s full of crap"

    – Maybe he's a closet Republican?

  5. Cal Avatar

    Yes, kids are smart enough to avoid buying deeply into religion because they hear a lecture on Intelligent Design. It doesn’t require any reading or study to simply remain skeptical. But in order to be well-informed on an issue that is based in math, science, data collection and collation, and which has a political side to it, a LOT of reading is required. Unfortunately, we don’t have many children in school willing to do that kind of outside-the-classroom reading. (Of course, they could just rely on conclusions reached by universities and agencies. They, of course, have _no_ agenda…)

    Teens like to think they are very independent, but they are really one of the most homogeneous groups in society. It takes a lot of courage to buck the peer pressure of trends whether it’s in fashion or social causes. Kids (including anyone up to age 26 in some circles) tend to be very malleable and often tend to look for social causes to get involved with.

    What Funt is implying is what AlGorithm himself said when he told a group of young people they get what their parents don’t. Yep, we dumb parents with advanced degrees who read voraciously on a wide variety of topics just can’t understand what kids can. We rely on facts and proof rather than that good old “gut feel.” Seems to be a common trait in the conservative/liberal world, too. Listen to congressional presentations. Conservatives have charts and graphs and impacts on the deficit while liberals show pictures of children and the homeless to make their points. Both have their place. The Founders envisioned a three-headed eagle (executive, legislative, and judicial) with two wings. A left to care for the human needs of the people and a right to make sure someone was watching the store and minding the checkbook.

    I’ll stick with the facts. You kids can go with your gut feel. Btw, where is “global warming/climate change” after the lid was blown off the hoax last year on the list of most important issues? About where it should be and that’s why “cap and trade” is dead as a political issue in the congress—as it should be.

    "He's full of crap." No, he's a proud Democrat and representative of many like him who want _us_ to sacrifice while they break every rule they claim to support. He can take his private jet and use all the "carbon" he wants. We need to drive hybrids and set our thermostats at levels that are uncomfortable. That way, we'll save the planet which in case you forgot DOES "have—-a—fever." What a pompous, hypocritical ass. No, not just John Edwards. AlGore.

  6. geoff Avatar

    ArtW: I wasn't aware Al Gore had theories. I thought he was just a politician.

    "Where is “global warming/climate change” after the lid was blown off the hoax last year?" Was it?

  7. ArtW Avatar

    Geoff: " I wasn’t aware Al Gore had theories. I thought he was just a politician."

    Yea, he has theories. The 'politician' made a movie all about them. Of course, based on his theories, we should all be dead by now. Perhaps he should have stayed a politician. Whoops. In the end, he failed at that too. Guess he should just remain a snake-oil salesman . . . he is wildly successful at it.

  8. geoff Avatar

    ArtW: but those weren't his theories, were they? He just made a movie that told Americans what most of the rest of the world already knows.

  9. Good Life Avatar
    Good Life

    I’ll stick with the facts. —–As long as they agree with your "gut feeling. After all science and research has nothing to do with "facts".

    Gee, I was going to compliment you on being semi reasonable until that last paragraph. Good to see you're not getting moderate.

  10. Cal Avatar

    Good Life. Thank you. (You know “moderate” is just a code word for not knowing where you stand on issues, right?) Are you sure you didn’t mean “next to last” paragraph? I don’t think Al Gore’s actual lifestyle and how it conflicts with his Green agenda for everyone else is in doubt. Is it? How do you "moderates" feel about it?

  11. geoff Avatar

    Gee, Cal: most of us don't obsess so much about Al Gore's "lifestyle." We've got better things to do. So good that you and other members of his fan club keep us up to date.

  12. Good Life Avatar
    Good Life

    the hoax last year ——Cal, the fact is the university in question was subject to an in depth evaluation. The result was that while they weren't diplomatic in their response to an attack of information requests, there was absolutely NO evidence that their results were in question.

    Of course, you have stated many times that the opinion of any random individual is as valid as the opinion of those that research what the facts are. That is as long as those opinions agree with your own. The problem is every fact found disagrees with the opinions that you hold so dear.

  13. Cal Avatar

    Good Life. Although you often combine two or three ideas and convolute them, you’ve always been a pretty honest man. But this is simply not true. “Of course, you have stated many times that the opinion of any random individual is as valid as the opinion of those that research what the facts are.” I have NEVER made any such statement. What I’ve said is there are MANY, MANY scientists, climatologists, and meteorologists, etc., who don’t support the conclusions that the earth is warming or that man is the cause. That’s a far cry from what you claimed I said.

    I’ve also said that you and I as individuals need to examine the data ourselves. It’s obviously impossible for any layman to analyze every study every done but we can do a LOT of detailed reading and study. My contention is it’s just laziness and/or partisan to say you believe in AWG because universities and agencies claim it’s so. If the only dissenters were Republican politicians or people with degrees in literature, etc., I’d say the debate is closed. But far too many people with no monetary or political axe to grind completely disagree and have done an excellent job pointing out flaws, inconsistencies, and outright fraud in the data and how it’s used to draw conclusions.

    Lastly, the proposed “fix” sets off huge warning bells. Cap and trade is a scheme to enrich certain people by establishing a commodities exchange to sell “carbon credits” with them and their companies making enormous profits. It is also designed to redistribute trillions in wealth from richer to poorer countries. If this was the crisis Al Gore says it is, we’d have virtual unanimous agreement and we’d implement draconian measures immediately. Beyond that, we’d use our enormous influence to beat China and India into submission. But we all know that even if the US shut down ALL CO2 emissions today, the world totals would be higher in ten years than they are now.

    All this serves to tell any thinking person “something is rotten in the state of Denmark.”

    By your own logic, aren’t you supposed to read EVERYTHING anyone has to offer to avoid being “closed minded?” Or do you just have to read everything you agree with? (You get me SO confused it always makes my head hurt!)

    Oh, I’m still looking for the verse where Christ said to give your coat to the government so it can decide whom to give it to. Without exception, every example was for an individual to give directly to another individual. I seem to remember a story in Acts about a man who was told, “While it was your property it was yours to do with as you pleased.” How do you justify bringing in Uncle Sam to play the middle man? Where’s that chapter and verse?

    And you dodged my playful but important question on the hypocrisy of AlGorithm. (Isn’t he GREAT?)

    Gee, between you “bearing false witness” against me and Stug calling my ideas “Chicken Little” and someone else saying “I’m crawling on my belly” I’m hurt! I’m really hurt, GL. Hey, isn’t there a commandment about bearing false witness somewhere? 🙂

  14. Good Life Avatar
    Good Life

    What I’ve said is there are MANY, MANY scientists, climatologists, and meteorologists, etc., who don’t support the conclusions that the earth is warming or that man is the cause. That’s a far cry from what you claimed I said.———But you can't find ONE that does the research that agrees with you. I would think out of MANY, MANY we wouldn't have to warp the words of that poor guy in Alabama that simply doesn't agree with the timetable but does agree with the premise.

    Or do you just have to read everything you agree with?———–I've read every research paper that you have pointed out. None of the research at the bottom line agrees with you.

    we’d have virtual unanimous agreement——– Why don't we all agree? That was the same question asked to Galileo. To many people research simply doesn't override what they want to believe for whatever reason.

    “bearing false witness” ——-

    I’ve also said that you and I as individuals need to examine the data ourselves. It’s obviously impossible for any layman to analyze every study every done but we can do a LOT of detailed reading and study. My contention is it’s just laziness and/or partisan to say you believe in AWG because universities and agencies claim it’s so.————–You say I spoke wrongly then you deny every university and government agency in the world because, even though a layman can't analyze it, you can. (Please read your own words, your statements conflict with each other) You can find those who agree with you, although they have done the "analysis" without one research project to support them. If they are smart enough to agree with you, that's all it takes to be an "expert". After all, they looked until they found a quote that could maybe be a controversy (even if the controversy is a timetable and not a disagreement of cause) Who do you get your data from to do your analysis? The only ones doing the research are the universities and government agencies and you deem EVERY university and government it the world to be in a huge conspiracy) . {They can't agree to stop wars but they can agree to get together to lie about the climate, not ONE exception} [Yea, there's great depth of thought] Researchers are the only ones with data. And every one says that the world isn't flat.

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