How Would You Like Your Tea — Sweetened or Unsweetened?

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Kentucky is not normally a state that is seen as a bellwether to the national political mood. Comfortably in the “Red,” the Bluegrass State often passes through the electoral season with very little national fanfare. Last night that changed.

tea party primary rand paul
Cartoon by RJ Matson – St. Louis Post-Dispatch (click to reprint)

For the first time since its rapid evolvement, the Tea Party movement helped a significant political candidate earn electoral victory — marking a notable increase in the movement’s importance to candidates across the country. No longer can anyone call this a fluke.

Now many will be quick to say that this is simply a result of the normal enthusiasm gap that comes into play when one party has been swept into power. And others will say that this new group symbolizes a modern shift into a third wing of American electoral politics. I disagree with both.

You see, what the Tea Party movement stands for is nothing new to those of us who remember the days of the Grand Old Party remaining true to its core principles — a Republican Party that believed that uttering anything related to “increased government spending” was akin to dropping a four-letter curse word.

What the Tea Party followers are demanding is simply a return to the days of old — the days where Republican leaders like my father stood for smaller government, less spending and the implementation of policies that allow the American economy to grow, rather than punishing families and small businesses for being productive.

Today, if you visit any state Republican convention or any other gathering of Republicans, you will see a wide array of conservative organizations using my father’s likeness to promote their cause. From the issue of life to immigration, they claim the Reagan mantra.

However, when it comes to the Tea Party, these folks are actually out there demanding a return to the real Reagan principles. They are demanding that our government return more power to the people. I can assure you that my father would not only have approved of their efforts, he would be standing by them as they help return our nation to one by the people, for the people, of the people.

What’s more, the Tea Party has now proven that they can not only talk a good game, but they can actually put solid, principled Republicans in office. This should serve to send a strong message to Republican leadership that the Tea Party can be an ally in electing the best candidates, rather than a political rapid to be navigated. And as we look towards the coming general elections, Tea Party organizers must remember that the resources and support of the Republican Party can work on their behalf as well. We are strongest when we are working together.

Last night’s win was historic for the Tea Party movement. But we must not stop now. It’s time to hold candidates and office-holders accountable when it comes to spending, the deficit and the tax burden being placed on our families.

By pushing hard on this front, in a couple of years, we will be able to stand up and ask President Obama just how he takes his tea.


Mike Reagan, the elder son of the late President Ronald Reagan, is spokesperson for The Reagan PAC ( and chairman and president of The Reagan Legacy Foundation ( Look for Mike’s books and other information at E-mail comments to [email protected].

©2010 Mike Reagan. If you’re not a paying subscriber to our service, you must contact us to print or Web post this column. Mike’s column is distributed exclusively by: Cagle Cartoons, Inc., newspaper syndicate. For info contact Cari Dawson Bartley. E-mail [email protected], (800) 696-7561.


31 responses to “How Would You Like Your Tea — Sweetened or Unsweetened?”

  1. Ed Avatar

    “…to understand the truth about President Reagan, is to understand why so much of what we imagined to be our politics is misleading and false. He was the guy who came in and said we need to shrink the size of government. Government didn’t shrink during the Reagan era, it grew.

    He came in and he said we need to reduce the level of federal spending. He didn’t reduce it, it went through the roof, and the budget deficits for his time were the greatest they had been since World War Two.” – Bacevich

    "Ronald Reagan, who taught us to distrust summitry, to disbelieve in treaties, to reflect always on the duplicity of our communist enemy, is investing his historic reputation and our security in arms control treaties co-signed by communists. The Great Communicator who preached Peace through Strength today preaches peace through parchment."

    — Pat Buchanan

  2. Good Life Avatar
    Good Life

    An interesting note: Reagan raised taxes at the end of his term.

    The myth is not the man.

  3. Cal Avatar

    “The myth is not the man.” I agree. FDR was in many ways fortunate to have WWII save his otherwise abysmal economic legacy. And it doesn’t hurt having 90% of the mainstream media's journalists and university professors reshaping your first three terms. The myth indeed was not the man.

  4. ellis Avatar

    too bad that m reagan did not wait a few days to write about his winning candidate so that he could witness rand putting foot in mouth , over and over again

  5. gnimbley Avatar

    "What’s more, the Tea Party has now proven that they can not only talk a good game, but they can actually put solid, principled Republicans in office."

    I thought Rand Paul just won a primary, not the election. One should not count their chickens before they hatch.

  6. chuck Avatar

    >> but they can actually put solid, principled Republicans in office.

    Uh, so what's up with dumb dumb Palin?

  7. Skadi Haugen Avatar
    Skadi Haugen

    Ronald Reagan was a decent man and a good actor, but a terrible president. Can you spell "Iran Contra" and "three trillion dollar military buildup"? Like Nixon before him, he gave power to people he shouldn't have and then claimed to be in the dark.

  8. Ileanaleft Kagan Avatar
    Ileanaleft Kagan

    Barry Soetoro Hussein ( Whatever the hell his current name is) is an ultra-terrible wannabe president. Can you spell KatrinaOilSlick, NoShowNashville, CestakWho?, $13 trillion deficit, police are stupid, PeePee Calderon is my Amigo, 10% unemployment, he gave power to to people he shouldn't have and then claimed to know what was going on, etc. How about a cartoon of Barry standing on the Dauphin Island beach with a giant, oil-soaked albatross around his skinny neck, a destroyed gull egg in one hand, and a Marlboro and golf club in the other????????? Would say it all………………..

  9. howard Avatar

    "If you tell the people a lie long enough they will believe it" Hitler's propoganda minister had it right and many have followed his advice and Mike you are following in your father's footsteps. You didn't mention the 3 trillion in spending, the Iran Contra debacle, the cutting of taxes and the fact that he is responsible for 30% of the federal deficit we now enjoy.Someone should have been "verifying" how much he was spending and cutting to make times so good in our country. So good that that is what they remember about him. What are we paying for those good times now?

    The truth about the Tea Party is that they are disatisfied Republicans who are trying to push the Republican party into their ultra rightist camp, they were already hijacked years ago by the Religious Right. I really do think that they are mostly people who want to kill every goverment agency, law, and program so that they can be taxed less. Let's not forget that when you kick a poor person or sickly peoson off of welfare, there should be a job with a decent wage available.

    I think that when they want little or no regulation of the banks and financial institutions that they really don't know what wall street and the big banks did to us and how they should be regulated and brought down to size so that if they fail, they can and it won't bring down our economy. I think they don't want regulation on the oil industry so they and everyone else can be responsibile for themselves. Just look what lax regulation has brought us in the last 8 or so years.

    Truth is we live in a changed and ever changing world where America is not the only 500 pound gorilla in the cage. China is fast becoming a super power economically and our jobs seem to be going anywhere but here. So when you say go get off welfare, get a job to that mother of two young kids, where does she find one that can support herself and her kids. So when you say less goverment regulation…why! Regan never did.

  10. Mickey O. Avatar
    Mickey O.

    But, Howie, you neglected to mention Blarney and Chrissie, and their prostitutes, Freddie for Blarney, of course, and Fannie for Chrissie. Lax regulation? The last three and a half years of the last eight have seen your bros, the Democorruptocrats in control of Congress! Remember Civics 101, Congress passes the laws! Too, you got it all wrong. The mamas with two kids never get off welfare; they just have more kids to inflate their welfare checks signed by Barack and you, as a naive, tax-strapped co-signatory. Where in the hell have you been the last forty years??? Obumble had 18 months to correct lax regulation of the oil industry. Remember, he promised "to heal the planet and make the oceans recede". Instead of fulfilling all the hollow, telepromptered campaign promises authored by Asolerod and ilk, Barry chose to waste our time and money pushing for Ofumblecare, made thousands of speeches, the planet sickened, and the oceans filled with oil…..Face it, when all hell is breaking loose, the manager doesn't install an incompetent rookie………That's what happened 11/2008.

    Now, Howie, enjoy the tacos. enchiladas, and refried beans because they will soon become the national dish……….Thanks, Howie, for educatin' us about the Tea Party. You don't have a friggin' clue about political reality……

  11. geoff Avatar

    Mickey O.: "The mamas with two kids never get off welfare; they just have more kids to inflate their welfare checks." Really? Do you have statistics that confirm this?

    And if so, have you ever bothered to wonder why?

    Let's see: if you are a single mother with 2 kids, how can you pay for daycare with one of the McJobs howard described? This is one of the things you short-sighted, misogynistic bigots never stop to consider: if the US had decent day care, women could do more than collect welfare. If they knew their kids were safe and well-cared for, they could work. If all your jobs weren't being outsourced and sent overseas, maybe women could even afford day care. Otherwise, although two people are usually involved in the process of making babies, women get castigated for either getting pregnant, having an abortion or… not having an abortion and then stuck on this cyclical welfare dependency.

  12. Call me conservative Avatar
    Call me conservative

    Geoff…If you are an unemployed person, then DON'T BECOME a momma with two kids on welfare! I know…I'm just a a racist…

  13. howard Avatar

    Well said Geoff!! But MICKEY O have the demos really been in control of congress when the first 300 bills that were passed and sent on to be reconcilliated with the Senate were not brought up. Thats right MICKEY O your obstructionist Republicans have stymied every bill….reminds me of Brown Shirt tatics that the NAZIS used, YOU A NAZI?. Your conservative stick your head in the mud Republicans have stymied real change for years Mickey.

    That's why credit card companies can change the rules in midstream and charge you 29% or change the monthly due date to screw people up and the kicker was when they changed the minimum monthly payment so they could catch millions of the honest Americans in being late who were just trying to get a piece of the American dream. When they couldn't keep it together then they were charged all kinds of late fees and 29% interest. Most people would want to change that, no not the Republicans and they milked all the banks and credit card companies to kill or water down the bill like they did the one that just passed. So are they obstructionists or just power hungry politicians who care not for the people but know how to milk the business's for campaign contrubutions so that they can get back in power.

    Welfare was changed a number of years ago MICKEY O and it was pushed by the Republicans and the Demos had to go along. Now I would like to see more people out their working but the jobs aren't there. So Mickey, how much do you tip your waitress down at Denny's Restaurant, try living on what she makes. Of course she can always retrain herself and become an engineer or banker while trying to raise her children, pay her rent and feed herself and her kids. Go read Nickel and Dimed, kinda a Black Like Me book except she doesn't put black face on, she goes out and lives by being a waitress, motel cleaning lady and other jobs and finds how precarious life is without her credit cards and big income.

    I had rentals and was exposed to many who were on welfare or some type of assistance and not one of them liked how they were forced to live and all wanted to work. I even dated a lady who was widowed with 2 1/2 kids still at home and was on welfare then working/retraining welfare and she got he AA degree in a special business degree which trained her to be able to go out and work in a business office with all the software, office machines, etc. Well MICKEY O no one would hire her because she had no experience. She never worked as she was always a mother and until her husband died she had a job as a mother. Finally got a job at $1400 per month in expensive Silicon Valley, she still had to be on workfare. How could you live on that but you see, many are off and many are weened off but things are still necessary. Jobs going overseas don't help and not just the blue collar jobs, white collar job seekers are finding their jobs gone also.

    You IDIOT, the welfare roles were cleaned off and it is very restricted. Of course it's easy to make it an emotional debate and sling names around like the NAZIS did instead of talking about the issues like welfare and immigration. You see you call it by a different name and tell me how to "enjoy the tacos, enchiladas, and refried bean" What an intellectual power house you are, you can't define a problem, pose questions, and come up with answers to solve things. You take an issue like this and emotionally charge it and all hope for solving the problem is lost.

    You also falsely accuse the Obama administration of being lax when the rules and laws were changed for the oil industry under the Bush/Chaney administration. Remember they were oilmen and as I remember Chaney met with Oil industry executives behind closed doors early in the first 4 years to come up with a national energy policy and no one could get them to release the information, thats' like letting the fox run the hen house isn't it Mickey. How do you think that it was entirely his problem, we are finding out how lax the rules have been for years and gifts given to the Mining and minerals people. I can't go entirely along with you. Also remember when something is running along apparently fine but then has a major problem, that seems to be when people find out things are broken, kida like Bush fond out during and after Katrina.

    Fannie and Freddie were urged to take riskier loans at the behest of Demos,Republicans and Clinton although Bush did nothing to change things in the 7 years of his administration, after he was the WAR PRESIDENT. It was kinda like Obama not noticing or changing the oil industry, huh. The person to really blame is Greenspan, a Regan appointee I believe. He was a free marketeer and urged Clinton to do this and Clinton did to make markets freer and less regulation. He also urged to take off the banking bill(cant remember its name) that allowed the banks to become risky banks and the government lost major control during Bush's term, not that they cared, they were reaping all the donations. Go, if you really care and watch "The Warning" on PBS.ORG on the Frontline show. It will explain things in detail and who the players were and what the banks and investment houses were doing and how one woman who was in charge of one small agency that had oversight of the banks and investment companies and their derivitives market. She discovered that they were dealing in dark pools with no oversight and no one knew what was in them. When she discovered it was a 495 TRILLION MARKET, and the banks were betting bigtime with our money, They were also betting against their clients who were sold supposedly derivites with AAA mortgages in mortgage backed secuities but they knew they weren't AAA, so they commited insurance fraud to go along with the banking and securities fraud to make money. she tried to regulate it and that's when Greenspan and his coharts stepped in and they couldn't order her to stop her proposed regulations but they got Congress to do their dirty work. Look at what a mess that was caused, how many people are suffering and how many hopes and dreams have been smashed becaused these rich bankers and corporations didn't want to be regulated. Kinda just like the OIL COMPANIES, huh MICKEY O

    I could go on but you go on and continue your TRASH TALKING, your not helping the problem, you are accerbating it. You bring NOTHING TO THE TABLE, you don't deserve to be an AMERICAN, you would have been better suited to be born in the 1930's and boy what a good little NAZI you would have made, full of hate and a mind and that can be swayed with a few emotional words. Remember the Jews, they were demonized and people started hating them and didn't care when horrible things happened what happened because they were thought of as less than human like all the welfare recipients, Mexicans, and what other little racist thing that comes out of your pea mind.

    Try bringing up something concrete instead of stirring up the problem so that no one recognizes it or what to do with it. Try listening to the other side of things instead of staunchly defending your side…right or wrong. Try listening to MSNBC, CNN, BBC or reading Newsweek, Time, the econopmists, as well as your FOX news…err propogandist for the Republican Party. It will be a much better world if you do MICKEY O.

  14. geoff Avatar

    Call me conservative, but… "If you are an unemployed person, then DON’T BECOME a momma with two kids on welfare!"

    Well, yes. Easier said than done, right? What you're saying is: don't get "downsized" or "outsourced," don't work for a company that goes bankrupt, don't get injured on the job, don't refuse to submit to your boss's sexual advances, etc. And don't get divorced or leave your husband, however much he beats you, cheats, etc. Or don't believe any man who makes any promises whatsoever, because everyone should know men are just liars who want nothing more than to get in & out as fast as they can and will say anything they think will help them to get there.

  15. Good Life Avatar
    Good Life

    The mamas with two kids never get off welfare;—————Show me valid statistical data that backs this up……… Obviously you can't.

  16. Lenin Avatar

    Look to see who benefits, to find who the culprits are.

  17. click1947 Avatar

    Americans drink coffee, not tea. Americans won't fall for the foaming-at-the-mouth hysterics as evidenced by the likes of Sarah and such candidates as Rand Paul. Tea for US? Thank you, We want none of that bitter brew with sugar or without.

  18. Glen Avatar

    The continuing decline of the Republican party is not a good thing. It seems more and more that the United States is becoming a one party state with little effective check on that one party.

  19. James II Avatar
    James II

    Want the truth about national debt? Go to… you will see Ray-gunz was the first of the big spenders, followed by the Bush league guys. Demos since WWII have lowered theNational Debt as a percent of GDP. Republicans have increased the debt as a percent of GDP. Until the Obama-nation, democrats have been the party of fiscal responsibility. (Unfortunately the voters decided against Clinton fiscal responsibility in favor of Teddy Kennedy polotics of giving away everything for votes.) Michael Ray-gunz has been smok'en too much of that Northern California prescription stuff if he believes otherwise. Buy Gold–sell Euros!!!

  20. ArtW Avatar

    chuck: "Uh, so what’s up with dumb dumb Palin?"

    Well . . . she is still gorgeous, still married, still a mom – whose son is proudly serving overseas, fairly wealthy, just wrote a best-selling book, is giving speeches across the nation and is more popular than ever.

    How 'bout you?

  21. Cal Avatar

    Howard. How many days from Al Franken’s election to Scott Brown’s swearing in did Democrats have a filibuster-proof senate? During that time they could have ended debate on any bill so Republican obstructionism is a red herring. (I believe you meant “exacerbating” the problem…)

    I will I say you seem to have at least a basic understanding of the history of Fannie and Freddie. My “conservative brethren” need a lot of work in this thread. Howard is right on that point, too. Nonsensical rants bring nothing to the table. But no matter how poorly you write or express yourself, you DO deserve to be an American. (There’s just no substitute for “Nazi” talk. That’s always good stuff and THAT really is “bringing something to the table.”)

    Otherwise, I’m avoiding the sorry excuse for “debate” between our other newcomers.

    I agree with ArtW wrt to Sarah Palin. My wife's good looking and I love her dearly, but Sarah's gorgeous. And even after saying I don't think she's got the G2 to be president, she IS a very smart woman. And did I mention she's incredibly good looking? (Yes, I'm being superficial but in a good way, I think!)

  22. Mark Avatar

    James II. Please quit using facts. The Racist Right (Tea Party) cannot deal with them. They would rather listen to something one of Rush and his friends makes up. How many people did you see marching in DC, carrying their assault weapons, spitting on our elected leaders, and threatening to overthrow the government if health care legislation was passed, were black? If all of those people had been black, would people have called them patriots, or would they have been arrested or worse?

  23. click1947 Avatar

    Sarah is also the mother of an unwed mother. Clearly an example of the Family Values she extols.

  24. ArtW Avatar

    click1947: "Sarah is also the mother of an unwed mother. Clearly an example of the Family Values she extols."

    Pfft. Oh, ok.

    I guess if we are playing the 'mother' card, we should take a look at Obama's mother. Stanley Ann Dunham (named 'Stanley' because her father really wanted a boy), aka Dr. Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro, aka Ann Dunham Sutoro was three months pregnant before marrying Obama Sr (who, by the way, was already married to a woman in Kenya – said he was divorced, but was lying); twice divorced and basically relied on her mother to raise Obama and pay for his private school education in Hawaii.

    But, then again, Obama never extolled Family Values.

  25. Good Life Avatar
    Good Life

    But, then again, Obama never extolled Family Values.———–And that is the difference when it comes to HYPOCRISY.

  26. Mark Avatar

    Good Life: The party of family values is built on lies and hypocrisy. Without it, they got nuthin.

  27. click1947 Avatar

    And speaking of welfare, the largest welfare population in the country are the large agri-business concerns that sell their surplus to the US government. I suppose the tea-baggers will want to address this situation. I suppose the elderly in the tea-bagger movement will refuse to cash in their social security checks in order to avoid any kind of interaction with Socialistic Big Government; I'm sure they will seek to walk away from medicare since it too is Big Government and is tied with "Obama-Care".

  28. Cal Avatar

    If I hadn’t already written two lengthy rebuttals to condemning “family values” because of an individual’s personal failings, I’d reply to cluck1947. That, added to the fact that cluck’s “post” is on par with his other deeply analytical offerings tells me loud and clear it’s an exercise in futility. Great work, cluck.

    At least we have Mark to look up to as a credible source of valuable information from the loving Left. That may just be the single most stupid, idiotic thing I’ve ever read here. And I mean no offense to the others who’ve held the top spots for awhile now. Wow. What an absolute idiot. Wow again…

    Howard. Excellent response. Thanks.

    And cluck's added another beauty. Tea-baggers. Must be projecting or something…

  29. ArtW Avatar

    click1947: "And speaking of welfare . . . "

    And speaking of welfare, Obama claims his mother was on Food Stamps. However, oddly, that program was not available at the time in Hawaii. So, either Dunham/Soetoro/Sutoro lied . . . or Obama did. Not that Obama lying comes as any great surprise anymore. This would be just a 'little white lie' compared to some of his other whoppers.

  30. ArtW Avatar

    "President Obama is skipping out on Memorial Day ceremonies at Arlington this weekend – but don't worry, he'll be back in time for a Paul McCartney concert! What a guy. What a leader."

    Come on! This can't be true. Can it?

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