Exploit This Tragedy

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Before the tar balls had a chance to touch down on the white sands of the Gulf Coast ““ the message from the oil-soaked Republican Party was clear: “Don’t exploit the disaster”¦if you’re a Democrat.” But if you’re a member of the GOP, feel free to exploit this endless spill for political gain. Use it as a battering ram against the president. “Obama’s Katrina.” “Obama’s un-American for criticizing BP.” “The moratorium is worse than the spill.” “Obama isn’t doing enough.” “Government is bad ““ where’s the National Guard?” So on and so forth.

Cartoon by Nate Beeler - Washington Examiner (click to reprint)
Cartoon by Nate Beeler – Washington Examiner (click to reprint)

But don’t try to pass an energy policy in the wake of the biggest environmental catastrophe this country has ever witnessed. That’s exploitative. Crude.

The “don’t exploit this tragedy” knee-jerk catch-all phrase is absolutely meaningless. In American politics, we rule by crisis. There is no political will to act unless something is burning, melting or spewing. We don’t plan for the future – we brace for it. Our policies are all emergency-based. Our country is like someone who won’t pay their bills until they get a shut off notice.

“We can wait no longer! Now is the time!”

The Republican’s hands-off philosophy back when they held all three branches of government enabled a horde of deregulated industries with imaginary blow-out preventers to burst: the banks, Wall Street, the auto industry, the housing market etc. We’ve had to attend to these disasters, one after another. Tipping point after tipping point. Cliff after cliff.

The one issue Obama did address when it was only slightly gangrene was health care. Yet this is also the issue he gets criticized for doing instead of mopping up the Armageddon-of-the-month.

Appointed Arizona Governor Jan Brewer enjoys exploiting a tragedy to defend her disastrous-to-civil-rights immigration law. Have any Republicans admonished her for it? Nope. It’s a showdown – and Obama is IGNORING the crisis! Even though most statistics admit both incidents of violence and illegal immigration at the border had already declined. Even though “securing the border” is as ambiguous and unobtainable as “wiping out terror.” Even though according to the Arizona Republic, the Customs and Border Protection federal law enforcement agency has an annual budget of $17 billion, doubling what was spent in 2003.

“I have repeatedly sent letters to the administration and to the president of the United States with absolutely no response,” Brewer said on Fox News. It’s like calling your elderly relative just to have them bark at you that you never call. I can’t imagine why Brewer would get ignored.

But if a perennial progressive issue turns into a crisis ““ tragedy is suddenly sacred. A mass shooting at a school? Don’t exploit this tragedy to talk about gun control. Miners killed due to hazardous conditions? Don’t exploit this tragedy to empower unions. Our Gulf Coast lost for a generation because of drilling shortcuts? Don’t exploit this dead gulf or you’ll kill jobs.

The point is: Obama should exploit this tragedy in the Gulf. Not “exploiting the tragedy” is saying the status quo is perfect. Don’t do anything. Just wait out the clock.

Yes, just like the “actions” of the 109th Congress – the last one controlled by Republican majorities in both houses. When the Republicans set the agenda, they met a whopping 242 days in two years, which was 12 fewer days than the 80th Congress, the first to be dubbed a Do-Nothing Congress by President Harry Truman. The 109th had an average of eight months off a year – because nothing celebrates government ineffectiveness more than a gig in congress being a nearly no-show job.

“But if we seize this moment we can rebuild our economy on a new foundation,” said President Obama on his Organizing for America site this week.

Please, exploit this crisis. Make it the reason a spill like this won’t happen again. “The only real solution is to take American ingenuity to get energy in different forms,” Microsoft’s Bill Gates said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” Gates proposes spending one percent ($11 billion annually) of what we spend on energy for research and development.

Finally an idea, not just a denial with a chant. “Drill, baby, drill.”

Yes. Exploit this crisis and exploit the clean renewable natural resources inspired by Bill Gates ““ the country’s nerds.


22 responses to “Exploit This Tragedy”

  1. Amilam Avatar

    An excellent and well sourced article as usual from Ms. Dupuy. It's really a shame that cagle only has a couple liberal columnists on the cite, instead pandering to far right writers, moderates, and authors who barely even touch on politics. My only complaint is that she didn't even capture the true exploitation of this from the right. You have rightwing "journalists" and commentators trying to claim that President Obama is actually intentionally making the situation worse. Indeed, if you listen to some of the insane rightwing commentators like Beck or Limbaugh they even go as far to insinuate that Obama and/or liberals blew the oil rig up. I can't even imagine how far over they edge they'll go if he's reelected in 2012.

    I look forward to the typical ad hominem attacks from the right on Ms Dupuy in lieu of any sensible debate.

  2. CaptEagleheart Avatar

    As a regular Joe and a conservative, I do disagree on many topics with Mrs. Dupuy. However this time,…she is right! No more excuses America. We need to get back to work. FAST!!!! It takes BIG government, BIG heart, BIG Corporations and even a BIGGER will, to dig ourselves out of our complacent greed-filled-easy-money-is-everything-entertain-me, BIG hole.

  3. Murray Avatar

    There are a couple of problems here (besides Tina's predictably left-wing vitriol).

    1) Just because there is a problem, doesn't mean that whatever is done to FIX it is going to make things better. In fact, it is generally easier to make things worse than to improve them, and the government seizing on a crisis to change the way things are done is more likely to make things worse.

    2) There are not calm, rational minds here working for a middle ground. I would be perfectly happy to see us working hard on alternative energy sources, while we responsibly use the oil resources we have (and we have vast resources in this country). But it seems to be an all or none.

    As a bonus, how many of you have investigated who gets rich off cap and trade?

  4. Mexia Avatar

    Since "they are governed best who are governed least", maybe it would be a good idea to amend the Constitution to limit congress to only 240 days every two years. That way we would have less to fear from government.

  5. Stug Avatar

    "how many of you have investigated who gets rich off cap and trade?"

    – Why? Is it a different group than those getting rich off of our traditional, carbon based, energy sources? Different than those getting rich off of the "War on Drugs" or the "War on Terror"? Different than those getting rich by manipulating the legislative process to favor special interests, medical, mining, agriculture, etc., above the common good?

  6. saltnlight Avatar

    Do you remember blaming Bush for Katrina?

    And. it was the democratic congress that caused the banking crisis by making the banks loan money to those that won't bother to repay. Why? Because, they are entitled to anything they can beg, borrow, or steal from their fellowman. And, the entitled are caused by the new, democratic party.

  7. Dalt Danyon Avatar
    Dalt Danyon

    "Even though most statistics admit both incidents of violence and illegal immigration at the border had already declined."

    Where do you get your figures from? Soros news? Wishful thinking press? An entire American National Park is CLOSED to American citizens because of Mexican drug dealers and immigration specialists. Our own Labor department is running PSAs to make sure illegal invaders are getting paid fairly, when they shouldn't be getting paid at all. Face it, all the self righteous and indignant breast beating you can muster will not change the fact that we are heading full speed into socialist third world status

  8. Glen Avatar

    Tina is a darling, but a young impressionable one. Sort of the flip side of Ram Emanuel who stated more or less that one should never 'waste an emergency.' Obama and company are purposely using this unnatural disaster to push for greener energy and more comprehensive controls over the oil industry, both arguably fine goals. In a comparatively modest way, the current administration is acting much as Roosevelt did when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor (another man-made disaster).

    The comparison with the Bush response to Katrina is not unreasonable. That response was more a muffled restatement to the effect that global warming was not important. Had Obama been in office, undoubtedly a panel of experts would have been appointed that likely would have been a bit more helpful.

  9. Monet Avatar

    I agree with every word Amilam wrote. The BP oil spill should be proof positive that it's the cororate complex that is a hazard to America (and the earth), not the "guv'ment itself), but noooo, the naysayers are out in force. Comparing Katrina to the BP spill in order to amke hay about Obama is just ludicrous.Yes, many of us would like to see more and sooner righteous indignation on the presient's part, but if you want to trace governmental involvement, go back to the years when we had 2 oil men at the country's helm who were predisposed to let corporate interests go unregulated.

  10. Susan Avatar

    Obama and the progressives have used the oil spill "from day one" as part of their long term agenda to bring down the economy of the U.S.. They simply do not care what it takes, and if people in the Gulf states lose their jobs and businesses, and millions of animals, their lives, it is just the cost of ramming more government, and in particular, Obama's pet, Cap & Trade, down our thoughts. Every thinking person I know predicted the current administration would do as little as possible to stop this disaster, and they have proven us, sadly, quite right. Cannot imagine how the liberals continue to support this clown and his cronies, while finding anyone else they can, to blame. We are living in bizarre times in the U.S..

  11. geoff Avatar

    Susan: in case you didn't notice, a pile of thugs like Alan Greenspan, working with Walmart and OPEC have been doing a great job at bringing down the US economy. Why would the president of the United States try to ruin his own country's economy? I wouldn't credit Bush & Cheney with having done so deliberately, they were just unlucky in having the whole Ponzi scheme blow up in their face.

    "Every thinking person I know predicted the current administration would do as little as possible to stop this disaster, and they have proven us, sadly, quite right." Gee, I vaguely remember how much American "conservatives" ranted and raged at how Obama sought to prevent an economic disaster; now you're angry that he didn't intervene in a corporation? And you have the nerve to talk of "thinking person[s]"?!?

    "Cannot imagine how the liberals continue to support this clown and his cronies, while finding anyone else they can, to blame." I thought everyone was just blaming BP and Halliburton. Is there someone else on the list?

    "We are living in bizarre times in the U.S." Well, yeah. Having Sarah Palin as a VP candidate is proof of that. Having a loon like Glen Beck on TV, too. Pretty obvious.

  12. Glen Avatar

    geoff! Shame on you. Beating up on a 'breeder' like Sharon. She is simply doing the best she can with what she has.

  13. Glen Avatar

    Oops, Sorry. Susan. They all sound so alike.

  14. geoff Avatar

    Glen: "They all sound so alike." Funny about that…

  15. Good Life Avatar
    Good Life

    as little as possible to stop this disaster,——-The disaster was caused by a LACK of government regulation.—-Now let me think….Who is for the government staying out of business and safety regulation because business would never do anything to harm anyone?——

    They simply do not care what it takes, and if people in the Gulf states lose their jobs and businesses, and millions of animals, their lives,——-Oh, I see, when those benevolent companies do screw up the government is supposed to bail them out……No that can't be correct, the same people are against bailouts…….Maybe the government should regulate the environment….No the government should allow the destruction of the environment as long as there is a short term buck to be made……Maybe it means that the government should force the cause of the problem to put up money to help fix the damage—–NO that would be a "shake down" of an upstanding corporate citizen.

    I give up. Since the government isn't supposed to do anything. How can you complain that it's not doing enough.? On the other hand when the government does do something How can you complain that it's doing too much?

    Could you or some of those "thinking person I know" give the world a hint as to what you would accept. (Well other than the fact that you lost the election [and to a black man no less])

  16. WMDFail Avatar

    Use the oil spill for the good.

    "– that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

    Abraham Lincoln

    The Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

    November 19, 1863

  17. Linda Avatar

    Thanks for pointing out the hypocrisy of certain political folks! I'm really concerned about the lack of respect shown for our President now days. I seem to remember when a previous President was the butt of jokes-the patrotism of the jokster was called into question. The talk we are hearing now is not jokes & has a very serious tone to it. Are we losing our patriots? Let's give Mr. Obama a chance!

  18. click1947 Avatar

    No body "blamed" Bush for Katrina, only for having disemboweled FEMA making that agency completely helpless and useless. Under Bush and the Republicans, federal agencies were stripped of competent people and staffed with cronies, lost staffing, lost funding, and, most importantly, lost the ability to enforce. The housing and banking crisis came about by the deregulation of banks and Big Money; and even today, Repubs continue to stall major reform efforts because their real clientele, the banks, have them in their pockets. Now we face an environmental disaster brought about not by the policies of Obama and the liberals, but by those of Bush and the de-regulators who will cry out "foul" whenever their sponsors want higher margins of profits. There is nothing wrong with profits by the way, only with the destruction of the environment that obscene profits will engender.

    Some people here are whining about the "loss of jobs", "bringing down the US economy", and other verbiage not worthy of these forums; they are not seeing that their job losses have more to do with outsourcing by Big Cartels of those jobs. No, they would rather scream and holler and make noises about Big Government.

    Give Obama a chance? Fat chance of that from the rabid right.

  19. Amilam Avatar

    "Obama and the progressives have used the oil spill “from day one” as part of their long term agenda to bring down the economy of the U.S."

    Thank you Susan for reminding us once again that this type of radical wing nuttery does not represent the fringe of the GOP, but rather the solid base. It would seem to me perfectly understandable to argue that Obama's policies are unsound and will fail. This was the Left's argument against Bush. It's a premise that we can have a reasonable discussion about. It's completely another thing to argue that Obama and the Dems are nefariously trying to crater the US economy and destroy America like some 1980s Saturday morning cartoon. Once you have people throwing their sanity to the wind you can't really have any kind of productive talks. Do you really believe the Obama Administration would be disappointed if we entered a period of sustained growth? If we could snap our fingers and stop the oil spill as well as clean it up do you really think the Obama Administration wouldn't jump at the opportunity?

    It's really hard to believe anyone would be such an ideological zealot as to believe that, but there is in black and white in your post. How sad.

  20. jim Avatar

    Tina, how DARE you speak the truth? Good job.

  21. Cal Avatar

    No one blamed Bush for Katrina. Wow. Another new "whopper as list topper" for imbecile comments. All the Left did for five long years was blame Bush for Katrina. It wasn't just about FEMA, it was personal and it was vitriolic and it was non stop.

    The oil spill has at least provided an opportunity for some on the Left to realize neither president "caused" anything. However, both were slow to respond although the governor of Louisiana and the mayor of New Orleans made the problem exponentially more difficult by refusing help early on or not having evacuation plans ready.

    Until we can actually have an open discussion that includes the reason BP (or any other company) is drilling in deep water, all the cries of bipartisanship or comments on who's reasonable or guilty are lost on blind partisans making the claims. We need a long-term plan to get off of fossil fuels. But in the meantime oil is the lifeblood of our economy. We have over a trillion barrels of shale in Colorado and huge reserves in Alaska, North Dakota, and off our shorelines. Until solar, wind, and water can provide substantial amounts of power, they're a pipe dream. I'd love to have an economy fueled by salt water that "burned" clean and left no residue. I'm sure someday solar will be more viable. But for now, it ain't. Demonizing oil, corporations, our how much we use is counter productive. Let's work together, Left and Right, for responsible development of new resources and a reasonable transition to effective alternatives. In the meantime, let's use everything we have and let's move in closer to shore where the oil is and where it can be harvested safely. Ignoring the environmentalists role in this is a negligent as saying BP did nothing wrong. BP screwed the pooch but they wouldn't even be out there if reasonable people were allowed to make reasonable decisions.

  22. Stug Avatar

    "No one blamed Bush for Katrina. Wow. Another new “whopper as list topper” for imbecile comments."

    – No one did blame Bush for Katrina Cal, just for his anemic reaction to it. I don't recall anyone seriously suggesting that Bush steered the hurricane into New Orleans deliberately. Unlike the imbecillic comments from the right that have seriously suggested that Obama was part of a complicit plan to cause the oil spill or at a minimum to impede the clean up.

    I appreciate your attempts to place some of the blame for the spill on environmentalists, misguided as it is. The environmentalists have a goal, protect the environment, particularly fragile areas such as wetlands, from destruction. Unless they own the land they can't stop oil exploration from occurring. Some agency heard their case and decided that they were right. They didn't force BP or any other company to drill in deep waters with inadequate safety precautions and a spill response plan that references a dead expert and the need to protect walruses.

    "Until we can actually have an open discussion that includes the reason BP (or any other company) is drilling in deep water"

    – That is fairly simple, the oil companies are going to drill where the oil is. Three quarters of the oil in the Gulf of Mexico is under nearly two miles of water and is inaccessible from shallow water rigs. You say that we should "move in closer to shore where the oil is and where it can be harvested safely", which sounds great, except that isn't where the oil is. And, as has been shown by so many other deep water rigs, the oil can be harvested relatively safely at those depths, but BP, abetted by lax regulations and enforcement, decided to cut corners, as seems to have been their habit. The attempt to place any blame for BP's negligence and the resultant spill on environmentalists for forcing them to drill in deep water is a red herring.

    Another point, even those GOP governors whose state's make a reasonable profit from tourism have historically been against drilling within sight of the coast, FL is a case in point.

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