The Power and Danger of Talk Radio

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Independent’s Eye by Joe Gandelman

What’s the real power in America? What has revolutionalized American politics, its direction, tone, even the way political parties interact and politicos talk on the stump, in Congress and in front of cameras?

The answer: talk radio, which some argue has become a partisan unifying political force in America. But it’s also a divisive force undermining America’s already-sagging political center.

Cartoon by David Fitzsimmons, Arizona Star (click to reprint)
Cartoon by David Fitzsimmons, Arizona Star (click to reprint)

Some argue that talk radio now virtually sets Republican Party strategy.  But it has revolutionized American politics itself ““ creating a talk radio political culture that nurtures confrontation, demonization, promotion of left and right extremes, and dismissive attitudes toward centrists, consensus and compromise. This goes for most right and left talk radio and cable shows.

Starting with Rush Limbaugh, who went from funny ideological gadfly talk show host to  self-serious GOP partisan after the first President George Bush invited him to sleep over in the Lincoln Bedroom in 1992, talk radio has become American politics’ ““ and entertainment’s –  powerhouse. Talk radio is to 21st century American politics what professional wrestling is to sports.

It’s the quintessential town hall, rallying the faithful. Talk show hosts give their versions of the party line or an actual party line or a party line feeler based on party bigwigs’ feedback and communicate it to their “troops” who pick it up and run with it. Talk show hosts bring down their wrath on those (particularly moderates in both parties) who seem “squishy” and don’t follow the partisan line thus making them 21st century versions of old city political party bosses.

Party bigwigs may ultimately adopt talk show hosts’ strategical advice. These hosts have access to listeners easily won over to the views of a host who they’ve spent X hours a day listening to and watching and who they view as a trusted, credible friend.

Talk radio has shoved center-right, center-left personalities further right and left as they seek bigger audiences, better ratings and fatter paychecks. After decrying Limbaugh’s conservative talk show model how did liberals respond? By trying to clone conservative talk shows and be the anti-Rush Limbaugh.

Air America was attempted left wing Limbaugh ““ minus Limbaugh’s broadcasting talent.

All of this takes the U.S. on a shaky political path. A talk radio broadcaster’s goals aren’t the same as a political party’s. Political parties traditionally value national unity and seek broad coalitions. The only consensus a talk show host seeks is his audience demographics’ consensus which he himself shapes.

A talk show host’s goal is to saw off a portion of the populace, capture and define that key demographic, keep it coming back, get more of that demographic then deliver it to advertisers. All in today’s era of “narrowcasting” versus the 50s and early 60s era of “broadcasting” which sought to piece together entertainment coalitions of different ages and groups. Talk radio encourages both parties to cater to their bases.

The talk radio style resulted in Mark Williams and his Tea Party Express being booted from the Tea Party Federation after he wrote a blog post related to his dispute with the NAACP that even a cabbage in a supermarket would consider “racist.”  Williams, in his blog posts and TV appearances, communicated like a typical combative, polarizing talk show host. Only this time, the red meat was judged rancid.

Where will this trend take American politics, the quality of debate “” and the ability of political parties to govern once they win power after their side’s talk shows  totally trashed, demonized and infuriated their foes?

Will it forever be (totally) good us against (totally) bad them each time a party now gets in power?

Or will it swerve back to “all of us” again?

Not if talk show hosts have anything to say about it.


Copyright 2010 Joe Gandelman

Joe Gandelman is a veteran journalist who wrote for newspapers overseas and in the United States. He has appeared on cable news show political panels and is Editor-in-Chief of The Moderate Voice, an Internet hub for independents, centrists and moderates. CNN’s John Avlon named him as one of the top 25 Centrists Columnists and Commentators. He can be reached at [email protected]


45 responses to “The Power and Danger of Talk Radio”

  1. Leonidas Avatar

    Congrats on your first piece Joe, its a good one.

    Perhaps next time you can make remarks about The Power and Danger of Listserver collaboration by media members.

  2. Amilam Avatar

    It really is sad just how extreme the far right hate mongers on the radio/Faux News need to go just to rise above the noise and make headlines. We're seeing an appalling resurgance of race baiting. Limbaugh recently claimed that Obama was keeping employmnet articificially high to extract revenge on whites. Beck claimed Obama was institgating a race war. Wingnut Breitbart had to take an artificially edited video to have an innocent black women (Ms. Sherrod) lose her job.

  3. geoff Avatar

    What different did Democrats do in this case?

  4. Shanta Avatar

    Excellent. Excellent.

  5. Rob Avatar

    Obama is the shepherd I did not want.

    He leadeth me beside the still factories.

    He restoreth my faith in the Republican party.

    He guideth me in the path of unemployment for his party’s sake.

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the bread line,

    I shall fear no hunger, for his bailouts are with me.

    He has anointed my income with taxes,

    My expenses runneth over.

    Surely, poverty and hard living will follow me all the days of my life,

    And I will live in a mortgaged home forever.

    A PSALM – 2010


  6. Amilam Avatar

    Rob might as spam Viagra ads they would be just as relevant and from what I hear there is quite a demand among some of the big wigs on AM radio.

    @ pseudo geoff

    The article doesn't specifically quote any Democrats calling Pickering a racist. If they did, then I'll agree is a travesty, otherwise it seems to me that Dems could understandably be opposed to his nomination on the grounds of the cross burning trail (he absolutely should not have given such a lenient sentence) and his views on abortion (the current law of the land).

  7. BobFromLI Avatar

    It is truly a shame that Dems know how to govern and don't know how to manage a message but the Grand Oil Party seems to know how to manage a message and not how to govern. It was that fear that led to the rash actions by Vilsack. It continues to be the fear that the Rush Limbaughs and the the Faux Noise crowd making their screams of pain that pushes the buttons of Dems. They hoped to stop it by taking fast action. They did it to ACORN too…and didn't learn. Too bad.

    Many of us don't like the Faux nonsense but we hear the "outraged" screaming…even the MSNBC folks take the time to give them exposure only to ridicule that exposure…but we hear it. It disheartens us…especially when Rob (and his message buddies) (why does he have to have the same given name as me???) sets his nonsensical screed out there…without a shred of fact in it … by the way.

    So where is the answer? Obama and the Administration need to stop reactive government. They need to say what they are going to do and do it. Bush, incompetent as he was, gave us a message, stuck to it and stuck it to us. When Obama said that he admired the way some of the 20th century dictators functioned, he wasn't admiring their actions, just their methods. Now, he has to follow up on that.

  8. James II Avatar
    James II

    The O'Really Factor strikes yet another home run!!! Proving, yet again, there are mindless dolts on both sides of the political spectrum.

  9. jimbo Avatar

    "Appeals to moderates, centrists,, and independents"…now that's funny. Quit masquerading sir! You're a dyed in the wool liberal if ever there was one. Of course you are entitled to your opinion. Just don't try to foist your lib mantra off as one of a centrist…please!

  10. bicfj Avatar

    Geoff. Judge Pickering was a southern Democrat until the civil rights legislation was passed in the 1950s and 1960s. Then, he, like almost all southern Democrats switched parties to become right wing Republicans. From Wikipedia, "Active in the Democratic Party of the State of Mississippi in the early 1960s, Judge Pickering switched to the Mississippi Republican Party in 1964. He claimed at the time that "the people of [Mississippi] were heaped with humiliation and embarrassment at the Democratic Convention" in Atlantic City after the national Democratic Party seated two civil rights activists from the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party with the all-white delegation Pickering supported. Pickering, along with other disaffected segregationist Democrats, played a key role in building the Republican Party in Mississippi in the following years."

    Of course he was humiliated and embarrassed. By then he had been a secret right wing Republican for years, and probably was acting as an agent for them within the Democratic party organization.

  11. rose Avatar

    Another crappy column from a liberal. It's really odd how when the liberals spew their dividing mantra it is called "rational" and "cooperative" and "tolerant", but when the conservatives have their say in defense of nonsense it called divisive. Please stop making me laugh.

    I almost NEVER listen to any radio since the reception where I live is bad, but the rare times when I have heard Rush or a local conservative speak on the radio I have agreed with them without any sort of indoctrination on their part. It's just common sense as we keep losing our liberties because of the environmental anxieties and income redistribution touted by the left, and people are angry. That's why they listen—because these conservative speakers REFLECT that anger very well. Which came first? Conservative radio or anger? I think it was anger—at least that's how it is with me. I don't need conservative radio to lead me, but I sure as hell know when to agree with them since most of the time they are RIGHT ON THE MONEY.

    Please spare us this sort of nonsensical column from someone who is supposed to be educated and intelligent.

  12. rose Avatar

    Underneath this columnist's photo is this quote" Joe Gandelman is Editor-in Chief of The Moderate Voice, an award-winning Internet hub for independents, centrists and moderates. He has appeared on talk radio shows and cable political panels. CNN’s John Avlon named him as one of the country’s top 25 Centrists Columnists."

    That's downright laughable. He's award-winning? Are you kidding me. He speaks for centrists and moderates? That's also funny. And if CNN has named him as one of the country's top 25 centrist columnists that alone tells me it's bogus.

    Please, please, please, get more rational people who write better because otherwise I won't bother wasting my time here.

  13. The Tuna Avatar

    Hey, Joe. While reading I wondered if you’d mention Air America, until you mentioned it only in that it lacked Limbaugh’s talent – not even a brief description/explanation of its failure, then saying in reference to all preceding material that, “ All of this takes the U.S. on a shaky political path.” Couldn’t you have said despite AA hiring two of the best liberal mouths in the country – Al Franken and Tokyo Randi Rhodes –it could not muster enough demand/audience to warrant further investment after six years? Maybe liberals were tuned to ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN instead, where liberal sentiment significantly outweighs Republican/Conservative sentiment. How about a blog decrying that? Where’s your Fair and Balanced?

    Rather than the U.S. being on a shaky path, I believe it’s on the strongest road to openness and discussion – albeit you think paved with excessive rancor – traditionally American since the 1880’s. Talk radio powerful yes, but absolutely not dangerous – it is quintessentially 1st Amendment and American – let the liberals have another time at bat with talk radio – via free enterprise, not the Fairness Doctrine. Bring it on!

  14. Joe Avatar

    Joe, You need to expand your history reading a bit. The political nonsense in this country now doesn't look much different than what I read in the early 1800's. Politics has a habit of only telling the part of the story their side likes and makes up the rest.

    Curious there were no comments regarding the journolist. Speaking of deceptive. Truth is only for those who love the truth. It is weird how everyone who thinks taxes are too high are now racists. I don't think that is exactly fomented by Talk Show hosts unless it is the "More Government Control" talk show hosts. Oddly enough, I waiting for Senator Kerry to make a $500,000 donation to the coffers of his great state. He probably throws in a couple extra thousand every year at tax time since it feels so good to pay taxes. However, with the way he has been acting lately you'd almost think that he was a racist?

  15. BpBlacky Avatar

    Re: BobFromLI's comment, "Obama said that he admired the way some of the 20th century dictators functioned, he wasn’t admiring their actions, just their methods. Now, he has to follow up on that." That was King Bush II that made that statement and then went on to become America's first dictator and trashing every bit of our Constitution he could with signing statements and executive orders. Especially the Executive Order giving him the sole authourity to name any American citizen an enemy of the state, confiscation of all property and allowing for kidnapping, abducting to a secret foreign prison and tortured.

    Thank heavens Obama ended that as his first order of business and his second order was the closing of all secret foreign prisons and ending of torture. Another thing Obama did but never gets credit for was to give all middle class wage earners the biggest tax cut in history! Of course lately Republicans can't stand to hear about or tell the truth about anything good Democrats have done for the American people. It was Republicans that started that War Crime of Iraq and it was Republicans deregulating Wall St that led to the biggest financial collapse since the Great Depression which Obama is still pulling the country out of.

  16. Ed Brown Avatar
    Ed Brown

    It's all good Gandelman. We all have so much to say, that nothing gets done.

    OOOh, I have to take this guy's point of view in consideration. and if I do that, then I have to take the next guy's point of view into consideration.

    There are so many considerations to consider! How can I possibly make a decision?

    Screw that!! We put them in legislative office to make decisions… and then they pass bills that are 2,500 pages WTF?

  17. Ed Brown Avatar
    Ed Brown

    Legislative representatives can't make a decision to save their lives! They're lobbiest toys. Basically, we've not been sold out, we've been bought out.

  18. Jim Avatar

    Don't worry. I have this covered. It's all going to be OK.

  19. John Avatar

    Oh, Good. Yet another article over the past 15 years decrying talk radio as the end of civilization.

    Yep. Not much to write about, I guess…

  20. Hgreblo Avatar

    Factories are idle in America because our big business CEO's closed them down and sent jobs overseas, Now they want concessions from government to keep sending money outside our country. We are sick of the self serving mentality of our large business leaders, and governments efforts to appease them. Lobbyists in the financial services industry are ex governernment officials with a lot of influence. Look at how they crippled the financial industries regulation act. The large bonuses paid by Wall Street banks to employees while receiving tax payer funds was a criminal waste of tax money.

    It is no wonder this country is polarized. Thanks to eight years of Republican tax cuts. The rich have managed to become richer while constricting the economy. Business leaders are sitting on large profits and not putting the money into payroll and R&D. Unions have been slow to adjust to economic changes and make the necessary concessions to get our factories rolling again. We need get people talking together and working for solutions to our problems. The devisive result of talk radio has further polarized our country/ The racism expressed in the last couple of weeks has further hurt our country and is preventing serious communication about solving our problems. Anti Obama rhetoric is racist and self serving. He is the elected president and deserves our cooperation and advice. Vote him out of office in two years if you do not like the way he is doing his job. These polorizing talk shows are not helping bring America back together, which is needed in these time of external threats to our country. Let's come together again Americans and solve problems like unemployement, immigration reform, health care, and many other problems.


  21. mole Avatar

    So Rose, you want to listen to and read only opinions that align with yours. Otherwise it's a waste of your time. Perhaps your instincts are best – there's no point you "wasting your time here" Goodbye.

  22. mole Avatar

    Picture the "average" American watching Fox News and then turning on the radio to get Rush's take on the latest. Is it any surprise that his brain has turned to mush? One would expect even the commentators on the extreme to be reasonably honest. When the truth came out that Breitbart deliberately misconstrued the videos to spew his racial hatred, it's amazing that there is anyone left to tune into Fox.

  23. music lover Avatar
    music lover

    The absence of a strong political center is the biggest weakness in our current status. Rush constantly puts down "moderates" as folks who are wishy washy and who have no courage of their convictions. The opposite is true. Our strength lies in the centrists who do see the entire picture and who are willing to compromise and build consensus. Rush fears these folks, and that is why he makes fun of them. The left puts them down as well. Long live the moderates, our political salvation.

  24. WhiteH2O Avatar

    To the Fox News bashers and talk radio crtics, what are YOU so afraid of? Look inside yourself to face your fears and stop fearing the boogy man out there (it doesn't exist). In a free society (1st amendment rights), with a free market, people can, and should be able to, listen to whatever they want to. If you don't like the existing talk radio ideology, turn the dial. If you don't like what the results are, either replicate the model with your own ideology (win the audience over to your position), or use a different model to achieve those results. However, if you are unwilling to take the risk of getting your own message out there, then stop complaining. We are tired of the whining.

  25. Amilam Avatar

    Funny to hear Cons whining about people critiquing the obvious lack of morals and journalistic integrity on Faux News and AM radio. You guys do nothing but complain about the big, bad MSM, yet if someone points out the gaping pock marks on your alternative you get your knickers in a twist. If you guys are so afraid to hear people critiquing your flawed propaganda may I humbly suggest you don't venture out of your protected waters.

  26. WhiteH2O Avatar

    You missed the point …. I have no problem with MSM, MSN or any other liberal broadcast organization existing and broadcasting. If there is a market for that, then that's good for liberals (and you can watch it). Just don't whine about Fox News as you do so. Fox and talk radio have a market and have every right to exist and to their opinions. Further, to suggest that Fox News and talk radio have a " a lack of morals and journalistic integrity", is saying that their listeners are likewise lacking. Nonsense. They just don't believe the same ideology that you believe, so you attack them. A suggestion that "Talk radio is to 21st century American politics what professional wrestling is to sports" is just more name calling. But this article isn't about right or left, it's about the moderates writer complaining about the extremes (anything outside of the middle). Instead of attacking/tearing down either extreme (" This goes for most right and left talk radio and cable shows"), the writer could/should create a similar broadcast/talk radio for the middle.

  27. Good Life Avatar
    Good Life

    music, White——-An interesting combination of comments. The center is (or has been) the strength of the US. By looking at the best of both sides the center has been an anchor that allows the ship to drift back and forth but not go into the rocks on either side.

    The problem with talk radio—yes it is free speech—the problem isn't Rush or Sean as much as it is those that only consider emotional appeal of "us vs THEM". History has shown what happens when people start running on pure emotion following black and white leaders that have great charisma and can deliver one emotional speech filled with fear after another. This is not a new phenomena. "WE are right and They are trying to take from us. They are trying to destroy our lives. They are trying to take our wealth. They are trying to destroy our morals. They….They….THEY! Let's kill THEM! LET'S DESTROY THEM!

    What comes next? Look at history. Look at what destroyed every great nation. Look at what actually led the people to destruction.

    If someone wants to present their arguments from a rational point of view, respecting the opposition while still disagreeing the nation grows. But when someone depends on emotion, especially the emotion of fear—–when someone doesn't just say the opposition is wrong, but the opposition is evil—not that the opposition has worse ideas, but the opposition has NO valuable ideas—Not that we should pass as many of our ideas as possible, but we should pass NO ideas of the opposition——Simply look at history to see where this leads.

  28. Amilam Avatar

    You seem to be mistaking the notion that because there is a demand for something that makes it valid and above reproach. This is an absurd point. Certainly these questionable news sources have a first amendment right to exist, but not an exemption from scorn when they are caught pushing travesties like the recent Sherrod case. At any rate, I hear far more complaining from Conservative media outlets about the MSM than vice versa. As a thought experiment, why don't you find this out for yourself. Finally, I don't know of any leftwing media source that uses confrontational / thuggish ambush interview methods of The O'Reilly Factor. If you're so sure about the veracity and infallibility of your think tanks why does any descenting opinion bother you? Really, it just seems like you want a one way criticism pass on Conservative media because you happen to agree with it's point of view.

  29. jhgfjg Avatar

    Congressman Gary Ackerman's good friends, the Zises Brothers, will sue near 200,000 Americans this year for credit card default using the trade name "Unifund" registered with the Ohio Secretary of State (The trademark documents are available on-line and free.) Since the trademark "Unifund" is owned by a partnership, Credit Card Receivables Fund and ZB Limited Partnership, proceed checks to "Unifund" can be deposited into an account at the Israeli Discount Bank (IDB) for ZB Limited Partnership and/or Credit Card Receivables Fund without being declared as income for Unifund CCR Partners (…hey State of Ohio, I think you will want your cut). My guess is that it is about a 90% skim for the past 25 years.

    The Zises Brothers doing this skim are the same Zises Brothers of Integrated Resources; a tax shelter scam that went bust some time ago. They are experts is avoiding income tax, and this scam is no different. In most states, Unifund is not registered with the Secretary of State as a tax paying business enterprise. That is because State code specifically excludes the filing of a collection lawsuit from the definition of “doing business". The legal theory goes along the lines that collection lawsuits are "loss mitigation" and not an inherently profit making enterprise. The IRS has similar rules that the Zises Brothers entities abuse to avoid declaring income.

    The Zises Brothers have applied this tax avoiding principle to a business they have where the principle activity is to sue for profit…HUGE profits. Unifund has a contract with Asta Funding dba Palisades Collections to sue people on behalf of Asta Funding for a percentage of the judgment. This contract is for the purchase of bad credit card debit from Citibank and is funded, in part, by the Israeli Discount Bank for nearly $900M. Copies of the contracts can be purchased on-line. Much of it is available in publicly traded Asta Funding quarterly statements. One of them specifically rewards Unifund with a 50% premium for collecting "outside the Statute of Limitations". Hey FBI, sounds like a violation of the RICO Act to me.

    Now, where does the money go after it gets to ZB Limited Partnership. Well, ZB Limited Partnership at 767 3rd ave NY, NY is registered with the Ohio Secretary of State as a Foreign Corporation (doc available on-line and free) out of Delaware. You can search the Delaware Secretary of State database for legal entities, and you will find scores of filings by the Zises Brothers, including ZB Limited Partnership and Credit Card Receivables Fund, Inc. You will have to pay a fee for a copy of the document. Anyway, ZB Limited Partnership is owned by ZB/CCR Corp. (another account at the IDB). By the way, 31% of the Israeli Discount Bank is owned by the Israeli Government, and has been fined $12M for failing to implement anti-money laundering regulations.

    The ZB/CCR Corp filing with the Delaware secretary of State has an interesting mailing address "C/O Forest Hill Capital, 800 Second Ave., New York, NY 10017". Forest Hill Capital is the old name for Family Management Corp (FMC), another IDB account; the same Zises Brothers company that manages the Congressman's money. So, now we know where the Unifund skim goes. But, this is where the trail gets very interesting.

    Numerous business databases, including Manta, have a company known as Associated Capital, L.P. or A Capital or ACAP at 767 3rd Avenue 16th Floor, NY, NY. That is the same address as ZB Limited Partnership in the Ohio trademark filing (first one). Associated Capital was the single biggest contributor to funds supporting activity against the recently enacted finical and banking reforms. Gary, what sweetheart amendments did you get to save Associated Capital for the Zises Brothers?

    It is a sure bet that the single biggest FMC investment is with Associated Capital. Does Associated Capital actually make any money? Or is it principal function to loose money, lots of money, for its clients (such as ZB/CCR Corp.)? If they loose so much, where does it all go? Let me shed a little light on the answer to this question:

    "This Schedule 13G is being filed jointly by Associated Capital, L.P., a Delaware limited

    partnership (”Associated”), its general partner, A Cap, Inc., a New York Corporation (”A Cap”), Jay H. Zises, the President and a director of A Cap, Selig A. Zises, Vice President, Treasurer and a director of A Cap, Nancy J. Frankel-Zises, a director, Vice President and Secretary and the sole stockholder of A Cap, and Associated Capital Offshore, L.P., a Cayman Islands limited partnership (”Associated Offshore”). Associated, A Cap, Jay H. Zises, Selig A. Zises, Nancy J. Frankel-Zises and Associated Offshore are hereinafter sometime referred to collectively as the

    “Reporting Persons”. The business address of Associated Offshore is c/o Goldman Sachs(Cayman) Trust, Limited, P.O. Box 896, George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, British West Indies. The business address of each other Reporting Person is 477 Madison Avenue, 14th Floor, New York, New York, 10022. Jay H. Zises, Selig A. Zises and Nancy J. Frankel-Zises are each United States citizens."

    I find it very interesting that the Israeli Discount Bank on 5th avenue in New Youk has semi-autonomous branches in Zurich Switzerland, Uruguay, Brazil, Chile and the Cayman Islands. Congressman Gary Ackerman, did you "loose" any money with FMC?

  30. Soapboxlady Avatar

    After reading this article and also checking out Joe Gandelman's website, it is obvious that he is a liberal mouthpiece and hardly a centrist at all. At least be honest about where you are coming from, Sir!

    Extremes from both sides are ruining this country. I don't like Obama but then I didn't like Bush either.

    Both are different sides of the same coin. Intelligent people need to see a variety of informational internet sites (and radio and TV programs), not just the ones that parrot the same view that they have. Reading what "the other side" has to say is a good thing to do because then you have read (or heard) it for yourself and are not reading another person's synopsis of it.

  31. click1947 Avatar

    WhiteH20: It looks like it's you who has missed the point. First of all, we do have the right to state our opinions and to engage in free speech (have you noticed that the right gets all flustered and even violent when we use the right to opinions and dissent?). But we–especially the media–do not have the right to lie. the Sharrod experience was based on a smear campaign itself based on deliberate lies, not truth.For Fox et al, lies are the underpinning of their version of "morals and journalistic integrity." Liar, liar. Pants on fire.

    Good Life: Yes. The same schisms occurred in places like Argentina, Brazil, Chile and in countless other countries with countless other dictators and torturers It happens in Libya, Cuba, China, North Korea. It is frightening even to think that yes, it could very well happen here.

    Jhgfjg: Are you on the right page?

  32. Irene Avatar

    Last I checked, freedom of the press was alive and well in this country. Which means that talk radio can keep on doing what it's doing, and if the market doesn't listen, they'll go away. Simple as that.

    And by the way, Shirley Sherrod was fired BEFORE anything about her ever appeared on Fox. Just sayin'.

    The problem with the argument in this article and the argument of liberals is that everything is getting worse under liberal governance, not better. The talk shows only reflect the anger and worry that people are feeling. Otherwise, Air America would have been ragingly successful. Liberals have a hard time understanding that Americans *are* centrist to right-leaning, and not happy with the viewpoints and policies of the so-called progressives. This article was just another left-wing regurgitated talking point. {{{deep sigh}}} Show me something logical, please. This ain't it.

  33. click1947 Avatar

    Freedom of speech, eh? Freedom of the press, eh? Yes, these freedoms are very much alive in this country thanks to the liberals at whom you smirk. Unfortunately, talk radio a la Fox Noose, relies on lies in order to attack these very freedoms.

    Air America was not "ragingly successful" because liberals tend to be analytical, rational, logical, and reasonable. Not too many ditto heads in the liberal camp.

    Americans "are" split in various viewpoints not the least of which is the liberal-progressive. Don't talk about what Americans "are" or are not. For every ultra right winger, there is an ultra left winger. For every centrist-righter, there is a centrist-lefter. "Real Americans" come in every political stripe, from everywhere, in every economic, racial, human configurations as opposed to the unidimensional image promoted by Palin.

    In fact, the disfunction in our economy, our health systems, our wars, our environment, is a result of policies engendered by Big Business in collusion with those who have sold their votes to the highest bidder. As a country we have not listened to that ultra left wing, fellow-traveler, Dwight D. Eisenhower.

    And, for those of you who don't trust in Big Government, I'm sure you will be very happy with Big Business.

  34. Good Life Avatar
    Good Life

    You know what actually happened was that government property was given to private enterprise under the assumption that business would act morally. Much as the banks,etc. were deregulated because they would act morally and responsibly.

    Under the "Communications Act of 1934" the airwaves belonged to the people. Anyone using the US airwaves had to show that they were using them in the interest of all of the people of the US. This developed into the "Fairness Doctrine" and "Equal Time Doctrine". Those using the airwaves had to show that they were balanced in their coverage of the news. If anyone felt they were not balanced they could challenge the license. With those in place (even though there were challenges from both sides) broadcasters did their best to give "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth". Then as a money making scheme and with full faith that a business would never program in a way that would warp the truth the airwaves were taken away from the people and auctioned to private enterprise.

    At the same time the rules that one company couldn't own all of the media in a given city were removed. The old idea was that competition in presenting the news would lead to the truth. Under the new rules one company can hold a monopoly of ALL broadcasting and newspapers in any market. By controlling all of the news outlets in a given market one slant on the news can be uniformly presented on all local stations and newspapers. Which leads to total control of the thinking of the populace. You can say your city has an ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX outlet, along with 4 news radio stations and a newspaper……..follow the money……who owns all of them? Oh, they may list different owners, but who owns all those companies that are listed?

    The problem with the "freedom of the press" argument is while anyone can buy a press no one reads. And while there can be an unlimited number of "press" there is only a limited amount of broadcast spectrum. It was that limitation on the number of broadcasters that brought about the "Communications Act of 1934" and the idea that all of the people should be served by a limited resource. Giving away a limited resource to monopoly control created what all monopolies create–less for the people rather than more.

  35. WhiteH20 Avatar

    What are the liberals so afraid of, that they continuously attack Fox News and talk radio? They are deathly afraid of losing. Their one shining moment to run this country is going down fast in flames. Following the November 2nd election, the liberals/Democrats will be in shock and awe … realing from the crushing defeat of the American voters' repudiation of the Obama/Reid/Pelosi brand of politics. And unfortunately, a number of good Democrats will crash with them. If they choose to, the liberals can blame it on Fox News and talk radio … but the truth is, the American voters are far more sophisticated, intelligent, and conservative than this administration and Congress understand. That is why they will lose big in November. Liberals need to wake up, look in the mirror, and start listening to the American people.

  36. Amilam Avatar

    What are the conservatives so afraid of, that they continuously attack the MSM and the internet? etc, etc, etc

    You're stuck on a loop WH.

  37. MD Mroczkowski Avatar

    As an ex-conservative and ex-Republican, I think it is dangerous to play false equivalents. I have always paid close attention to opinion across the spectrum, and you have to go back to the sixties to find anything on the left that remotely compares with the venom and violence of the right today. By demonizing everyone who disagrees with them, the Republican right give themselves permission to disregard the rights of those with whom they disagree, promote bullying, intimidation and violence and refuse to expose their increasingly bad polcies to the cold light of reasoned public debate. The Republican Party has become our first theocratic Party, invoking God ito back up their dangerous and fundamentally anti-American autocrracy. Many American journalists are loathe to criticize their fellows and either turn away from the dangers of demonizing hate or foolishly eqauate it with more measured act and belief specific criticism on the other side. My late father, a WWII veteran with a 170 IQ, strictly taught me never to follow a leader who preaches demonizing hate – "They're no damned good!" This is definitely not my father's Republican Party.

  38. alexwashington Avatar

    “Republican talk radio, central control tower”

    I think this sums it up don’t you. This is were marching robots get their commands.

    They don’t think fiscally sound ideas are needed to win electors.

    “Less taxes, deregulation, less government” bzzzzzt beep

  39. Bryan Avatar

    The divide in the US has almost nothing to do with talk radio. It has to do with the Constitution. The US Government doesn't follow it anymore. The left actively seeks to destroy the Constitution. Elimination of Electoral College in MA, Elena Kagan's nomination, the Health Care bill, ownership of private industry, failure to call an Article V Amendatory Convention, and the list goes on and on.

    The underlying message in this article is that the differences between the parties are small or being overblown. That is completely wrong. As long as there is a large group of people in this country that are fighting against the Constitution, there will be an irreconcilable problem with those of us who follow the Constitution and will not allow it to be torn down.

    Finally, we true Conservatives and Patriots must search the AM dial for someone who speaks our language. If you want to be polarized into a set of mush-headed, pro-government extremism with no countering views, you can find it on CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and by implication on most every entertainment show and cable channel.

    Right wingers, who you chose to bring up as your example despite tons more examples of left wing BS all around us, are demonized, told we're full of hate, the party of no, racist, on and on.

    As long as the US government-media complex operates as it does, there will be no compromise on our principles with or without that AM radio.

  40. geoff Avatar

    This message is for Amilam.

    Check it out dude.

  41. geoff Avatar

    Hmm… seems we might have to go back separating the real geoffs from the wannabes.

  42. geoff Avatar

    Mr new geoff,

    Could you please show me your patent on the name geoff or the patent on the id geoff?

    Before you call anybody wannabe please do look in the mirror.

    Thank you,

    Geoff for the last 75 years.

  43. geoff Avatar

    "Geoff for the last 75 years."

    Fine. But since I've been posting here longer, using our shared name, it would limit confusion if you would be so kind as to indicate that we are different people by something as simple as saying you're "geoff2" or even a capital or something. Otherwise it looks like you are trying to act like those rude people who take over someone else's name as a crude attempt at parody.

  44. geoff2 Avatar

    Well it is not problem.

    I would have appreciated if you had just asked rather than take a stand.

    Anyway it will no more be a issue from my side.


  45. geoff Avatar

    geoff2: "I would have appreciated if you had just asked rather than take a stand."

    If you had been here long enough to see the havoc people cause by pretending to be someone else, you might not take it so lightly. Having someone praise Marx under Cal's name, for example.

    It's just not polite.

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