How to Mooch off Your Parents in a Down Economy


I can’t really blame them, if you want to know the truth.

I speak of the latest down-economy trend: More 20-somethings are moving back home with Mom and Dad — and happily accepting financial assistance.

So pronounced is the trend — some 41 percent of parents are giving their 20-somethings some 10 percent of their combined income — that Parade magazine published six tips on how to “help grown children without going broke.”

Which prompts me to offer 20-somethings tips on how to take advantage of a good situation.

Look, 20-somethings, it’s only partly your fault that the economy is still a mess — most of you voted for you know who — but it isn’t your fault that you lack the skills to deal with it.

Your generation has been coddled like no other generation before it — never has any generation been given so much for doing so little — and that is your parents’ fault.

It’s payback time.

Parade suggests your parents charge you at least a token rent. Mom and Dad will likely assume that you’ll offer a stipend of some kind. Don’t.

Your father will complain to your mother — eventually they’ll get into loud arguments over the matter — but if you hold steady, you’ll likely keep living at home for free.

To that end, it will help to gripe loudly about your college loan bills. Mom and Dad will feel guilty that they were unable to pay for all your college costs — further ensuring that Mom won’t let Dad ask you for rent.

Complaining about the food is also helpful. No matter how good Mom and Dad’s cooking is — and it surely is better than the grub you prepare for yourself — point out its shortcomings. In the unlikely event that the subject of rent does come up, you can use this as a bargaining chip.

That brings us to your social life. It would be foolish to continue running up your credit cards at nightclubs when Dad’s liquor cabinet is full. Have your friends over. Mix your own drinks.

This is sure to agitate Dad further — he and Mom will be arguing regularly by now — and cause him to mark the level in his liquor bottles with Scotch tape. Simply adjust the tape as you drain Dad’s bottles.

Another important tip is earplugs. As you sleep off your hangovers late Saturday mornings, Dad will bang the lawnmower against the bricks under your window, figuring the least you can do is cut the grass.

Foam plugs offer the best Dad-noise-blocking capability.

I know some people will complain that I am encouraging you to mooch off your parents. Some will argue that everyone, including 20-somethings, must carry their own load if our country is to thrive.

Nuts to that.

The reason we got into our economic mess – one reason it persists – is because, like dependent children, so many have come to expect somebody else to bear the consequences of their poor decisions, irresponsible behavior, failure to plan and demands for instant, unearned gratification.

The Wall Street boys made risky decisions and the taxpayers bailed them out.

States that overspent during the good times want the federal government to bail them out during the bad times.

Our federal government is spending billions more than it is taking in and expects future taxpayers to bail it out.

Since few adults appear to be interested in carrying their own load, who can criticize 20-somethings who are moving home to mooch off Mom and Dad?

A great recession like ours comes along once in a lifetime. Don’t let it pass without free drinks from Dad’s liquor cabinet.


©2010 Tom Purcell. Tom Purcell, a freelance writer is also a humor columnist for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and is nationally syndicated exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate. For more info contact Cari Dawson Bartley at 800 696 7561 or email [email protected]. E-mail Tom at [email protected].


68 responses to “How to Mooch off Your Parents in a Down Economy”

  1. Forward78 Avatar

    Yes, kids are moving home…but not mooch. Most of the one I know are taking jobs at the mall to pay their bills. Who can afford a home when your $30,000 degree can't get you anything better than a $25,000 a year job? At least these kida know they can't buy houses they can't afford simply to look "grown-up".

  2. Ryan Avatar

    Family values and helping others (until helping others is no longer useful to my straw man scenario).

    But I'll be sure to tell my recent graduate friends and the millions of recent graduates that are either underemployed or unemployed that living at home is truly a treat and not still a social stigma for most societies in the US.

  3. Tom Purcell Avatar
    Tom Purcell

    fat white idiot spotted

  4. TR Avatar

    Right, these kids are to blame for the bad economy because they voted for Obama — and as we all know, the economy was doing wonderfully before the 2008 election. What's the weather like in the alternate universe where you live?

  5. Old man Avatar
    Old man

    Yeah, and pull up your pants while they're at it! And get off my lawn!

    Dangole kids these days. No respect.

  6. Xboxershorts Avatar

    What up Tom @11:06 PM, you look in the mirror?

    Let me get this straight, Tom. You're blaming Obama for the 23 Trillion dollar rip-off perpetrated on the America people over the course of the past decade of rampant deregulation?

    Fat white idiot, indeed.

  7. Gen Xer Avatar
    Gen Xer

    Right, because if there's one generation that certainly hasn't mooched off the hard work of their parents, it's the baby boomers,

    If anything, boomer parents should feel an obligation to put up with their kids, since the great run of plenty you enjoyed was purchased entirely on credit we get to pay back.

    So thanks for the wrecked social safety net you decided you didn't need to pay into and the ruined environment you got to enjoy before everything was tapped out and soiled. I hope your SUV was worth it!

  8. William Avatar

    "Since few adults appear to be interested in carrying their own load, who can criticize 20-somethings who are moving home to mooch off Mom and Dad?"

    If by "few adults appear to be interested in carrying their own load" you mean "can't find a job." you are correct sir. Otherwise this article is just more blame-shifting from the real culprits to an ethereal group of people.

    "Look, 20-somethings, it’s only partly your fault that the economy is still a mess — most of you voted for you know who"

    No, who? Republican obstructionists? I doubt many 20 somethings voted for the party of No, who today are filibustering a jobs bill comprised almost entirely of their favorite talking point; Tax Cuts.

    Yeah, when one party is doing everything they can to stop economic recovery, and hoping for electoral victory bought with the continued suffering of real people, blaming "20 somethings" is stupid.

  9. KSH Avatar

    "Look, 20-somethings, it’s only partly your fault that the economy is still a mess — most of you voted for you know who"

    Uhh, no. Those who forget their history are doomed to write stupid things like this.

  10. nanute Avatar

    I see your bio says you are a humorist. Stick with what you are good at. This is epic fail. That is all.

  11. Quackerz Avatar

    I guess the right has ignored 20-somethings as a demographic to vilify, so Mr. Purcell plugged the gap? The nincompoopery here is just mindboggling, and it's depressing that a know nothing got paid for this rubbish.

  12. Quackerz Avatar

    “Look, 20-somethings, it’s only partly your fault that the economy is still a mess — most of you voted for you know who”

    Meaning… dummies elected Obama and he wrecked the economy!!!! Except for the small fact that it fell off the cliff BEFORE the 2008 election.

  13. Mx Avatar

    Tom, you're such an asshole it's incredible. Blaming 20-somethings for the state of the economy?

    Try blaming the people who were in charge when it all went to hell! That would be the GOP, and the CEO's of all of these mega-corps who FAILED.

    Of course, I can't see conservatives taking responsibility for their actions because they DON'T. But it's dead certain that the public knows who was in charge when things went all to hell.

  14. grandpajohn Avatar

    Well as someone who makes a living off of peddling this middle school level drivel and passing it off as commentary, I can say that in this case you are will qualified to be talking about people living by mooching off of others, do you have the decency to 8at least blush when cashing your check for writing this insipid blather?

  15. Jody Avatar

    I get the point you're trying to make here, but it coulda been done better. I mean, a lot better.

  16. RJ Avatar

    I didn't know who this dope was before today.

    I feel good about the fact that I can forget about him from now on. He's making fat middle-aged white guys like me look like idiots. Thanks a lot, moron.

  17. flounder Avatar

    I seem to remember the economy getting trashed before anyone ever voted for Barack Obama. There was John McCain "suspending" his campaign to go back to D.C. to wander around like a no-nothing idiot because the markets were tanking. Am i wrong about that?

  18. BSR Avatar

    Yes all those kids WANT to move back home with Mom and Dad.

    Who helped this drooling moron turn on his computer?

  19. Republican Stragegis Avatar
    Republican Stragegis

    Purcell, you're a genius! We've had so much trouble with the 20's demographic, but no longer,,, We, the GOP, need to try something that's worked so well in the past – rambling, fact-free idiocy. We'll confuse the 20-somethings into supporting us!

    We'll use the, the blogs, and the Google machine. Look out Barrak Hussein Super-allah Obama!

  20. Gus diZerega Avatar

    Had to see this for myself after reading about it on Balloonjuice. I'm afraid your analytic skills are the equal of your compassionate capacities. And your knowledge of history is even lower, if that is possible. Are you aware that the economy turned down under the previous guy's 'leadership'? Or is two years too far back for you to remember?

  21. fat white 40s Avatar
    fat white 40s

    Man, who knew that it was people in their 20s that caused Lenders to hand out mortgages to people who could never pay them back.

    Who knew it was 20 year olds who created Credit Default Swaps, and the idea to bundle Mortgages in to Bonds!

    Who knew 20 year olds ruled the rating agencies who corruptly rated Junk mortgages as AAA?

    Who knew it was 20 year olds who headed up the Fed, which kept Interest rates too low for too long?

    Thanks Tom. You learned me good!

  22. PaulW Avatar

    Look, 20-somethings, it’s only partly your fault that the economy is still a mess — most of you voted for you know who — but it isn’t your fault that you lack the skills to deal with it.

    Only partly their fault the economy is still a mess? Why, what did the 20-somethings do, vote for Bush/Cheney in 2004? Because our national and global economy were collapsing in 2007 and early 2008, well before Obama won the Presidency in Nov. 2008.

    If I recall, the American economy started tanking thanks to a ton of toxic assets and overvalued real estate properties that a lot of non-20-somethings suddenly had to foreclosure on. Add that to the massive deregulation of Wall Street "Too Big To Fail" financial firms, plus the massive ongoing shift of jobs overseas to China and India killing our employment market which had been going on since the 1990s.

    Don't blame Obama or the 20-somethings who voted for him. Try blaming the CEOs and Wall Street firms that refused to regulate themselves the way Greenspan intended. Try blaming Bush the Lesser for a massive tax cut program that DIDN'T create jobs or better wages for all Americans. Try blaming Clinton for letting corporations begin their two-decade long practice of shipping our jobs to other nations. And try blaming a Congress during all those years that allowed themselves to become toothless and bought out by their corporate overlords.

  23. notjenna Avatar


    "Tom's columns have a sense of joy and hope… they always have an underlying, thoughtful point."

    I see nothing in this steaming pile of offal that shows any of the above.

    Perhaps Purcell could write a column titled "How to Mooch off of the WingnutWelfare Gravy Train."

    You see, he's "been featured on the Rusty Humphries Show, the Laura Ingraham Show and the Rush Limbaugh Show…" not to mention the Scaife rag, The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

  24. TR Avatar

    “Tom’s columns have a sense of joy and hope… they always have an underlying, thoughtful point.”

    Well, dunce caps *do* have a point.

  25. 20something Avatar

    Thank you, sir, for FINALLY shaming me and my irresponsible generation publicly. It's true, we've ruined everything for everyone in our quarter century on the Earth. I feel so terrible about it, here, have the 11.11/hr I make at my one mall job, as well as the the 10.00/hr I make at my other mall job. I was going to use it to pay for my health and car insurance and college loans, but clearly I need to start paying back to society the debt I owe.

  26. geoff Avatar

    Hey all, just relax.

    This guy is a joker.

    Read his other articles and then make a decision for yourself.

    No point getting all roused up.

  27. Kendra Avatar

    Well, why should the 20-somethings be exempted from the GOP slime machine? What, did they think they were going to be able to fly under the radar to escape the vilification and dehumanization that proceeds on schedule as the party of NO personal responsibility points the finger at everyone but itself for the steaming piles left in their wake?

    But I do hope the teatards and the GOP jackals run with this moronic meme. I'm convinced that only time and demographics will rid us of their poisonous agenda. The more they do to hasten their demise by vilifying an entire generation, it's all good with me. As a middle-aged mother, I just weep for the fact that my 20-somethings will begin their adult lives in the ruins left by the 'something for nothing' crowd of both parties, enabled by my generation's apathy and greed.

  28. GregGuttfelch Avatar

    Blar har har, wow, this must be that thing they call right wing humour, blar har har har, wow it's SO FUNNY! Where do these people learn to be so witty? This is almost as funny as that constipated dwarf who hosts some show at 2AM on Fox that no one watches. SO FUNNY!!

  29. knowitall Avatar

    Thank you Tom for skewering the reality and turning it to work against the GOP.

    Good Job.

    The 20-somethings are not wrong to save and find ways to survive this recession, but you are in trying to use their inexperience for your own political benefits.

    So how much did the Dem's pay you for this?

    Pretty sure you made a windfall and with all these comments I am sure you will get a bonus too after November.

  30. teop Avatar

    What a wonderful article, it is very helpful to know that EVERYONE gets what they deserve. THat of course is why the many millionaires came off unscathed in the recent recession…….

  31. Junior Avatar

    Dad! I told you if you wanted to continue complaining about how I can't find a job, that was fine, but you have to stop yelling at young people passing by the house. This is so embarrassing. I'm still applying for jobs! It's just that there are more applicants per job than there have been since the 1930s. And it's not helping things that Republicans are filibustering jobs bills made up of tax cuts. I guess you're right – I was a fool to vote for Bush in '04. He just seemed so resolute!

    That settles it. I'm not helping you connect to "The America On Line" anymore.

  32. frankdawg Avatar

    Are you off your meds? Seriously? The 20-somethings of today had no part in creating the unregulated mess we are leaving them. 30 years of batsh17 insane anti-government, anti-regulation politics "MORE ME NOW" lead to the collapse of the economy long before these kids voted for you know who (oh and aren't you so clever).

    Its also not their fault that even State universities now cost a boatload of money & the old Federal grant and loan plans were gone so students were at the mercies of the same crooks that bankrupted Wall Street.

  33. Shame on you Tom Avatar
    Shame on you Tom

    More of that compassionate conservatism on display.

    Ever been to a suicide funeral for 20-somethings who got eaten alive by economic despair, oh talented comedian? Yeah, their parents need not share the liquor cabinet anymore. What a relief, no?

    Please speak up though, Tom, the nation needs to see how empty the souls and ideas on the GOP plantation are.

  34. d. b. cooper Avatar
    d. b. cooper

    Tom, a word of advice, you're an idiot.

  35. well done Avatar
    well done

    This is easily the dumbest thing I've seen written on the internet in months.

  36. twentysomething Avatar

    jesus tom, you must be one desperately unhappy old man.

  37. Kill Yourself Avatar
    Kill Yourself

    Dear Tom,

    The world would be a better place if your genitals were removed with a claw hammer. THANKS!

  38. geoff Avatar

    Are you sure it is the republicans?

    Check out the latest news.

    Enjoy guys, So much for the party of the poor.

    Yeah right.

    This mess has been created by the Dems after 2006 and now they are trying to blame the retarded republicans for the shit.

    And all of you educated, inexperienced tikes started howling as soon as a dem pointed fingers at you.

    These dems are jackals in the hide of sheeps.

    Grow up.

    Look at the root of the problem, not at what these professors and teachers want you to see.

    Get knowledge from them, but also learn to use it. Don’t just rely on them to show you everything in the world.

  39. geoff Avatar

    "The Wall Street boys made risky decisions and the taxpayers bailed them out." Well, prompted by people like Greenspan, after years of yelling for "deregulation" and the like, etc., yeah… Doesn't anyone remember S&Ls, the dot-com bubble, etc.?

    "States that overspent during the good times want the federal government to bail them out during the bad times." Or else just didn't bother to spend to (re-)build infrastructure on the basis of some belief in small gov't. Repairing roads, maintaining levees, reducing pollution and/or energy consumption, etc.

    "Our federal government is spending billions more than it is taking in and expects future taxpayers to bail it out." Voodoo ecomics. Nice to see geoff blaming the Dems for getting Reagan and Bush 2 to cut taxes and increase the deficit just to make "conservatives" look bad.

  40. Iain Tweedy Avatar
    Iain Tweedy

    What an idiotic P.O.S. "article"

  41. James II Avatar
    James II

    Given the high cost of a college education and the amount of ma and pop businesses for sale at bargain prices, it might make sense to purchase the young-uns a business instead of a college education. Cost could be about the same and if the education fails—there’s no way to regain the investment. If the business fails, the parents might be able to take a capital loss, in effect the state and federal governments sharing in the loss. If the business succeeds, the kids could make far more dollars than the average college educated puke.

  42. BJIV Avatar

    @Gen Xer
    Yes, it’s always great listening to condescending baby boomers that feel they’re entitled to all the country can (or can’t) afford them. Wonderful legacy they’ve got of record deficits due to their wars and entitlement programs…but at least they’re keeping us safe from gay marriage!

  43. mole Avatar

    Every time I read a piece of Purcell's drivel, I think "well, it isn't possible to get any worse". I'm consistently proved wrong. This is the worst tripe that has ever come out of his addled "brain". It doesn't seem possible that he could do worse, but let's see what he produces next.

    Those of you who are trying to point out his re-writing of history – give up. The last thing this man is interested in is fact. Facts confuse him.

  44. Isleshird Avatar

    "most of you voted for you know who" — Bush?

  45. Isleshird Avatar

    ";Since few adults appear to be interested in carrying their own load, who can criticize 20-somethings. . ."

    You are speaking of the Tea Party whiners–right?

  46. Isleshire Avatar

    Just so you know. It's "IsleShire".

  47. TessK Avatar

    "Look, 20-somethings, it’s only partly your fault that the economy is still a mess — most of you voted for you know who — but it isn’t your fault that you lack the skills to deal with it."

    No butt-fuck — the economy was inherited from the jackass who was president before (you know, you say his name so proudly — George W Bush — stupid in office.) Of course, you follow a hypocrit like Limbaugh so what is there to expect(Why isn't that fat-assed drug addict in jail?)

  48. Ted Marino Avatar
    Ted Marino

    To those of you who don't remember Pearl Harbor, let me enlighten you. Prior to WW2 the good ole U S of A was allowing things to be made in Japan. Why our fore fathers not only allowed technology to be shipped out of this country they also invited Japanese miitary to see our military secrets and the sad state of our obsolete military machine. The Japanese gave the U S of A a fine return on their investment in the far east, bombs, bullets and dead American Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marine not to mention untold numbers of dead civilians in their occupied countries. Today our elected elite are giving our friendly Chinese and Russian counterparts the same treatment. Mark my word we will not survive a 3rd world war. Our ability to produce the goods needed to sustain a war are no longer available. It is time to pull all heads out of the dark hole of ignorance and bigotry. It is time to recognize the fact that we are all Americans with a lot to lose such as our freedom. This presidancy is not about race it is about one mans inability to properly lead this country in the right direction. Obama is no different than the Bushes, the Clintons or other self serving presidents that gave away trillions to the rich. Also needed in this country is term limits that will keep these self serving beauracrats from giving the poor and middle clas no hope for the future of our children.

  49. Bill S. Avatar
    Bill S.

    Way to go, Tom…you have them all riled up and thinking !!

  50. geoff Avatar

    Ted Marino: "the good ole U S of A was allowing things to be made in Japan. Why our fore fathers not only allowed technology to be shipped out of this country they also invited Japanese miitary to see our military secrets and the sad state of our obsolete military machine." I seem to recall someone named Howard Hughes selling the design of what would become the "Zero" fighter to the Japanese. And the Russians picked up on the "Christie Suspension" for its tanks.

    "Today our elected elite are giving our friendly Chinese and Russian counterparts the same treatment." Well, I'm not sure if it's the "elected elite" doing it on its own or if they are responding to a conservative ideology which champions such "free trade" and removing whatever regulation might be necessary to outsource everything. Was NAFTA, for example, a political move or one aimed to serve business?

    And on the other hand, given the US trade deficit with China, can the US, even the GOP, afford to say "NO!" to any Chinese demands?

  51. Shrinky Avatar

    Oh Lord, I'd laugh if it weren't so depressing. My eldest is set to leave home for University this year. He has a summer job, which is more than most of his friends do – maily because it is only part-time and well below minimum wage. Despite us fronting most of the costs of his future degree, we estimate he will still leave carrying debts of over £20k. Whether his degree in economics will actually facillitate any actual employment is a moot point, looking at those recent graduates who appear to be on the scrap heap. Even if he does fall lucky, whatever salary he can hope to earn, will fall way short of any hopes of buying property – not that it matters, since he certainly would struggle (and probavly fail) to first gather together the necessary ten per cent deposit, anyway. I would LOVE to look forward to an empty nest. The reality is, that is highly unlikely to be, but it will not be because my children are lazy and irresponsible, simply because they most likely will have run out any other options.

  52. click1947 Avatar

    For those of you who graduated, how's that financial aid helping out? Oh, it's all in the form of loans? Oops, sorry. Perhaps the GOP will change their minds and help out more with financial aid…? What? Financial aid for the middle class is Big Go'mint? Well, you can rely on the pro-middle class Tea Party…. What? They make the GOP look downright liberal? Oh, well. Who ARE you going to vote for come November?

  53. Honesty Avatar

    Hilarious article. I thought it was awsome. Hit the head of the nail and drove home the point. Everyone's responses are so partisan. Can't you tell a humours article when you see it. There is a point when you can't keep giving without hurting those you love. I don't have to worry about my kids, but my wife's mother is moving in with us and she can't support herself. I agree with Tom.

    But out of all the comments. Ted Marino, makes a great point. Everyone quit being so sensitive. Look at it this way. How many kids are willing to go next door and cut the grass, paint the fence, fill up pot holes, etc…. for just a few dollars. Everyone wants more, but we forget someone already took it and what is left is scraps. So go get the scrapes and share it with the family. Remember how hard it is and when election time comes around only vote for those who support term limits, bringing our wealth back to this country and not supporting other countries over the USA. Don't listen to partisan BS from liberals and progressive republicans. The bottom line, no one can support you like you. Government is not the answer, your parents aren't the answer, your children aren't the answer. Only you can prevent socialism.

  54. geoff Avatar

    Honesty: "bringing our wealth back to this country and not supporting other countries over the USA." You mean, like… not buying at Walmart?

  55. Glen Avatar

    Hilarious, well written. However, Tom did blame the youngsters' for the economic problems because they voted for Obama ("it’s only partly your fault that the economy is still a mess — most of you voted for you know who —"). I was surprised. I thought all "real" conservatives had long ago decided to blame Bill Clinton for the economic collapse of 2008-2009.

    After all, we all know that Obama, as by far the most powerful and influential member of the United States Senate for years prior to his elevation to Presidency is solely and personally responsible for the recent economic collapse.


  56. JerryC Avatar

    Just a quick reminder to all the dems whining about \’obstructionist\" pubs, your side has held majorities in the House and Senate since O came to office. Only Scott Brown\’s election gave the GOP the ability to fillibuster in the Senate, but otherwise, the dems haven\’t needed a single, freaking GOP vote to pass the current spending spree. And while y\’all can recite Obama\’s favorite strawman, \"after 8 years of blah, blah, blah\", Bush never had the majorities in either the House or Senate that the current WH occupant enjoys.

    And this \’party of no\’… tell you what, you find me parents that never said \"no\", and we\’ll be visiting junior in the big house and little sis is on the corner!

    And make no mistake, no true fiscal conservative was pleased with Bush 43\’s liberal spending proclivities, such as NCLB or the Medicare Prescription Plan. And to mention McCain, he of the Bush 41 mold, too fiscally liberal when it\’s politically expedient, so his grand-stand to head back to Washington to \"do his job\" (similar to the job that O voted \’present\’ for so many times since he was never really at work) was a poorly-scripted joke.

  57. Rudolph Avatar

    What an idiotic commentary post this is. Ugh…I can't stand wieners like this guy who don't want to admit to all the crap we were in BEFORE we elected President Obama. Give me an effing break! It's morons like you who so blindly follow every word spewed by those REPUG-NICANS that feed this anger and fear along with racial division taking over our country again. (Not that it EVER LEFT). Ugh…

  58. click1947 Avatar

    Thank the Lord that Dubya didn’t HAVE a great majority of Republicans in congress. The Spend and Borrow Repubs would have deregulated, privatized, sold out, hired out, contracted out, laid off, given away, and otherwise handed over the country away to the corporations and Big Business at will. As it was, especially regarding college, college costs, financial aid, they turned their backs to this very generation of kids by ignoring financial aid programs

  59. geoff Avatar

    JerryC: "no true fiscal conservative was pleased with Bush 43’s liberal spending proclivities." I don't remember many of them protesting against the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan (i.e. "liberal spending"). And I happen to know Cal keeps repeating his line about how Bush 2 had some astronomically long period of "job creation" which, on further investigation, seems to have occured mainly in the federal gov't.

    But what I've never understood is how all that voodoo works: tax cuts and spending hikes under GW & Reagan…

  60. geoff Avatar

    LOL: only an American would consider the Democrats to be "liberal."

    If you were really interested in the causes of the economic collapse, you would look at people like Greenspan, who helped inflate the real estate bubble. You would look at Bush's "cut taxes and spend" policies: taxes cut for the wealthy just before going on a spending spree (hiring a whole lot of gov't workers to try to make up for the massive loss of jobs at the beginning of his term, the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan, the acceleration of the US trade deficit, etc.), plus a major cut in tax revenues due to the loss of unionised industrial jobs and their "substitution" with low-wage McJobs…

    And you might want to consider who controls Congress (i.e. "who controls the purse-strings in the US Government"). Ever heard of Lobbyists? How about big corporations like Walmart that want to outsource and reduce inconvenient regulations.

  61. LOL Avatar

    “Try blaming the people who were in charge when it all went to hell! That would be the GOP . . . ”

    “Because our national and global economy were collapsing in 2007 and early 2008, well before Obama won the Presidency in Nov. 2008.”

    “No butt-fuck — the economy was inherited from the jackass who was president before (you know, you say his name so proudly — George W Bush — stupid in office.) ”

    “Thank the Lord that Dubya didn’t HAVE a great majority of Republicans in congress.”

    LOL. Thanks for the laughs. It is always sheer joy seeing how ignorant the average liberal is.

    You do realise who controls the purse-strings in the US Government, don’t you? That would be CONGRESS. The President, literally, can not spend one dime without CONGRESS giving it a thumbs up. You do know who has been in CONTROL of CONGRESS since 2006, right? That would be the DEMOCRATS . . . a.k.a. Liberals . . . a.k.a. fuc*tards.

  62. LOL Avatar

    geoff: "And you might want to consider who controls Congress (i.e. “who controls the purse-strings in the US Government”). Ever heard of Lobbyists? How about big corporations like Walmart that want to outsource and reduce inconvenient regulations."

    LOL . . . well, ok. Then let's not forget the SEIU, UAW, Wall Street, etc., etc..


  63. dEd Grimley Avatar
    dEd Grimley

    I don't think that's fair, geoff. I'm sure compared to certain countries in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, Democrats might seem liberal.

  64. mole Avatar

    dEd Grimley – look at how far you have to go to find a comparison – sure, Democrats are "liberal" compared to certain nations in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. But let's compare to nations that are at least similar to the U.S. From my view in Canada, there are no "liberals" in power in the U.S. The Sky is Falling posters who yell "socialism" are nothing short of ridiculous; they don't seem to even know what the word means. The Democrats would easily fit in with our Conservative party in Canada. I note that any proposal that involves some sort of government spending gets labeled "socialist" by the right-wingers here, unless of course it's tax cuts for those who already have it all.

  65. geoff Avatar

    dEd Grimley: true, yes. Relative to dictatorships, kleptocracies, kingdoms, etc., even most Republicans seem kind of liberal (at least to the extent that most people are still allowed to vote).

    Methinks you have your tongue firmly planted in cheek, there…

  66. click1947 Avatar

    Hey, Goeff: Where did you get that garbage about the origins of the Mitsubishi Zero? Check this out… prior to coming up with garbage like it was Howard Hughes who sold the Japanese the design for the Zero. Apparently you don't believe the Japanese may have been capable of creating such a plane without help from someone other than the Japanese.

  67. Stug Avatar

    I don't know about Hughes selling the design of the Zero to the Japanese, but many believe that the Zero was based in many respects on the Hughes H-1 Racer.

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