Category: Columns

  • No More Corporate Bailouts

    Nobody has yet figured out the opportunity costs associated with keeping failing companies afloat. There are plenty of politicians who shortsightedly call for an infusion of cash from Uncle Sam anytime an industry is threatened. Surprisingly enough, Pr…

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  • These Are the Salad Days

    I never thought I would have to apologize for this but here goes. Yes, I have, indeed, asked my wife to make a salad. And not just any salad. This was a salad that fed a large family. It had two kinds of lettuce, tomatoes, olives, and those little r…

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  • Do You Have Amazing Animal Journeys To Share?

    Although my family recently watched the 1943 “Lassie, Come Home” on TV, we haven’t seen the “in theaters now!” movie “A Dog’s Way Home” yet. (Buying concessions to go with watching a certain super-hero who breathes under water left my BANK ACCOU…

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  • Border ‘Crisis’ Distracts Us From the True National Emergency

    Are we capable of connecting two dots? The fake border crisis distracts us from the true national emergency: A suspected Russian asset sits in the White House. We don’t know whether Donald Trump ginned up the shutdown to draw our attention away from…

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  • Proposed MLB-Cuba Deal Spells Trouble for U.S. Hopefuls

    In December, Major League Baseball announced that it had arrived at an agreement with the Cuban Baseball Federation (CBF) that would allow Cuban nationals to play in the MLB, but still return home without penalty at the season’s end. Cubans could sign …

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  • It’s Up to Us to Realize Dr. King’s Dream

    We’ll celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday and legacy next week. In these angry and divisive times, we all could benefit by reminding ourselves of his words’ truth, civility and wisdom. Too many of us are consumed with hatred and anger, w…

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  • Donald J Trump: Master of Disaster

    Donald J. Trump: Master of Disaster Threats to withhold federal emergency relief funds to aid victims of the forest fires that recently ravaged California offer further evidence that Donald J. Trump knows how to harbor a grudge. The presiden…

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  • Why I’m Ready to Buy a Gun

    I might buy a gun. I’d need a permit. And lessons on how to shoot, a place to keep it safe, and a way to overcome the fear that I’d shoot myself. I’m not a natural gun owner. I’m more likely to be holding a knitting needle than a Glock – but rece…

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  • No Oscar Host? No Problem!

    It seems this year’s Academy Awards will be conducted using a no-host format, now that Kevin Hart and his dossier of homophobic wisecracks have been officially ruled out. This might be a good thing, starting with the fact that a no-host ceremony wi…

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  • Why Term Limits Lost and Ranked Choice Voting Will Succeed

    There have been two major attempts to change the calculus of elections and officeholders since the 1990s. One is a top down “reform” that’s currently being imposed on voters a jurisdiction at a time. The other was a bottom-up effort imposed on the poli…

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