Category: Columns
Trump’s Last Chance for a Wall
By the time you read this, you’ll know whether the federal government has been partially shut down for the holidays. You’ll also know whether Donald Trump had the political courage and brains to do what Republicans running Congress have failed to do…
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Should There Be a TV Ban on Kellyanne?
We’re nearing the midpoint of Donald Trump’s first-term tenure – assuming he makes it to the finish line – yet we in the media still haven’t decided whether it’s wise or wasteful to award air time to Kellyanne Conway. Cosmic questions abound. Would …
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Bipartisanship Is Another Word for Ignoring the Base
Here’s how the Opposition Media’s beloved “bipartisan cooperation” works among the residents of Incumbentstan here in Washington, DC. Republicans join leftists to proudly pass a “prison reform” bill that is of absolutely no importance to the conservati…
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Turning Trump Around
Raging Moderate Donald Trump and global warming. Not what you would call your match made in heaven. Rather, the pairing harkens closer to the other location. That hotter destination often described as being in a more Southernly direction. The one …
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The Airing of Grievances
I am on record as a staunch supporter of Christmas. However, this time of year, I like to borrow just one component from another tradition – Festivus. If you’re not familiar, Festivus was created by “Seinfeld” character Frank Costanza. One of the h…
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News Flash: The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far from The Tyree
Sentimental fool that I am, a recent change in my son’s extracurricular activities was like an early Christmas gift. Gideon has joined the staff of his school’s newly launched (online) newspaper, the Cornersville (TN) High School “Paw Prints.” …
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Have Yourself a Merry Little… Hedgehog
Have Yourself a Merry Little… Hedgehog As Christmas approaches and homes are festooned with twinkling lights, decorated trees, and culturally inaccurate Nativity sets populated by what appear to be Scandinavian fashion models, my thoughts alw…
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As Deadline Nears, Trump Keeps Banging Head Against the Wall
The din emanating from Congress these days is decidedly not in the Christmas spirit. The White House confrontation that pitted President Trump against his arch-enemies – Senator Chuck Schumer and soon-to-be House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi – stopped …
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All Along, Google’s Been Googling Me
I thought Facebook knew too much about me, but it turns out Google is even worse. Google, like Facebook, makes its money by targeting ads at us that reflect our interests and needs. The more both know about us, the better they’re able to target us …
Categories: Columns -
Women’s March Organizers Need Divine Inspiration
As a woman who immersed herself in the lives of the saints growing up, I have a unique perspective on the modern feminist movements we’re seeing today (including #MeToo). The litany of the lady saints is replete with examples of suffering and persecuti…
Categories: Columns
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