Category: Columns

  • Anti-Vaxxers are a Threat to All of Us

    We are seeing, in real time, what happens when you get your medical advice from YouTube. There are measles outbreaks in Washington, Oregon and New York, and it’s only a matter of time until more states are added to the emergency list if this foolishness continues. It should surprise no one that the outbreaks are…

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  • Are You Suffering from Awards Fatigue?

    When I was a starstruck youth, I watched more than my fair share of televised awards programs; but in my nearly 28 years of wedded bliss, such show-biz soirees have consumed only minuscule amounts of my time. That’s because my wife was heavily influenced by her grandfather. He taught her to keep things in perspective.…

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  • Curl Up and Diet

    According to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), about half of Americans are currently trying to lose weight, many of them employing strategies like switching from peanut M&M’s to the plain variety, or drinking more Cherry Coke to increase their intake of fruit. Unfortunately, most diet plans fail, and any calories burned through the…

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  • The Green New Delusion

    What began as a slow but steady drift to the left has become a headlong and dangerous stampede to the ideological fringe as many high-profile Democratic – including several presidential candidates – embrace multi-trillion-dollar government programs with no way to pay for them while currying favor with the party’s vocal progressive wing and its demands…

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  • Sunday Set to Remind: ‘Be Kind’

    In these heated, divisive times, all of us sure could use more kindness. This coming Sunday, Feb. 17, offers us a reminder to embrace kindness. Feb. 17 is Random Acts of Kindness Day 2019. It’s a day when humans around the world pay homage to the simple art of being kind to their fellow humans.…

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  • Amy for America

    There are many metrics for what makes a good president, but being able to deliver a speech in falling snow and mid-teen temperatures without hat or gloves for nearly a half hour isn’t one of them. Fortunately for Americans, there’s more to Amy Klobuchar’s candidacy than Sunday’s wintry scene on the shore of the Mississippi…

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  • The State of the Donald Speech

    The president gave a pretty good facsimile of a normal speech the other day during, presenting 5,540 of his best words using his indoor voice. He didn’t rattle unhinged or erupt into paroxysms of fire breathing rage or seem blinded by paranoia. Well, not too much, anyway. He even got clapped at by Nancy Pelosi.…

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  • For This One Sentence, Trump Earns Praise

    I was not expecting to give the president a standing ovation Tuesday night. I have been a lukewarm supporter at best, and many conservatives have been angered by my occasional criticism. In some cases, as when I marched myself down to the airport to protest his Muslim ban, I’ve been a vocal critic. In others,…

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  • Trump’s FCC Could Make WiFi Great Again

    Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao did the right thing when she put the brakes on the Obama administration’s regulatory mandate that would have forced an expensive technology called dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) in all new cars and trucks sold in America.  The Obama rule would have imposed total costs of $108 billion and raised the price…

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  • Some Good Reasons to Chuckle

    It’s not often you get to really laugh at politics. But thanks to a bunch of self-exploding Democrats in Virginia and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Republicans had some good chuckles this week. Since the midterm elections last fall, Republicans have been down in the dumps and Democrats have been riding high and mighty. Democrat leaders spent…

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