Category: Featured
The Power of Incumbency No More
Making Sense, by Michael Reagan In politics, incumbency usually provides a significant advantage to a candidate. Usually special interests and large-dollar donors flow to those who are currently in power and have control over government purse strings. Incumbents also carry the distinct advantage of staying in the public eye simply in the course of their…
A Closed Open
PEBBLE BEACH, Calif. – The U.S. Open golf tournament will be played here next month with great fanfare. But looking at the onerous list of regulations for spectators, there is legitimate question about whether this grand event is at all fan fair. Here is partial list of long-standing prohibitions for all paying ticket holders: no…
Defense Secretary Wants Defense Spending Cuts… Really
You know what we value most as a nation by what we are not allowed to take on without widespread hysteria. The illuminating metaphor is known as the “third rail” of politics. Lose your footing and step on something we as Americans hold dear and ““ ZAP! Our most lethal third rails are cutting Medicare,…
Hey, Big Spenders
I don’t know who they are, but I’ve got to hand it to them. I’m too cynical to do what they do. I speak of the Americans who, every year, donate money to pay down America’s national debt.
Brainless Pinheads
They’ve tried fire and robots and domes and booms and drones and boxes and rosary beads and even pantyhose stuffed with human hair, but so far nothing has slowed the Deepwater Horizon oil spill from creeping towards our Southern Coast like a drunken lobbyist staggering towards a free seafood buffet.
Loose Lips Can Still Sink Ships
In days past, other nations needed a sophisticated and highly trained espionage operation to know the details of America’s military might. Now, they only need a subscription to The New York Times.
Cover Story
The adage at Newsweek magazine must be: a picture is worth a thousand complaints. Newsweek’s current cover will likely bring that many objections from Hillary Clinton alone. During her lengthy tenure in the public eye, Clinton has been depicted in more than her share of unflattering photos – even without any consideration of the pantsuit…
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