Here’s a batch of some crazy TRUE stuff from my factual cartoon panel from the 1990’s that never gets old!
1995 beijing women’s conference, adult, aerosol cheese, afro-american, Americans, ant abdomens, anteater, area 51, astrologers, astrology, Astronaut, astronomer, astronomy, bacon, beer, beliefs, black, Blackout!, blog, body art, bogota, buster, california, call, calves, can, cartoonist, Cartoons, chewing tobacco, children, Chinese, claim, columbia, conservative, conservatives, corn chips, cosmonaut, cost, country music, courts, current, Death penalty, deer, devil, die, ditto head, draw, drawing, drink, earthquake, elderly, electricity, elk, elvis presley, esp extra sensory perception, favorite foods, frankfurters, fry, full body tattoo, ghost, griffith observatory, gruel, guns, ham, health, Hostess Twinkies, hours, howdy pard.cowboy hat, hunting, idaho, income, insect, internal organs, kids, kilowatt hours, lesbians, Los Angeles, lottery ticket, medical, Michael Cagle, money, mosquito, movie, moviegoer, name, ninety bottles of beer, northridge, nra, officials, old lady, poll, popcorn, professional wrestling, race, repellent, rich, rural, satan, sausage, security guards, shrank, sky, skylab, soda, space, spirits, spit, spitoon, stars, Syndicate, taller,, television, trends, tribune media services, true, tv, ufo, unidentified flying object, venus, vermont, waists, watching tv
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