This new batch of my old TRUE cartoons is about our crazy lifestyles here in America. Things in our lives haven’t changed much since I drew these – except for the televisions. And phones.
abducted, advertising, alarm clock, anal probe, art, artwork, Auto, automobile, baby, bad driver, big eyes, bird, blended blue, blog, broke a nail, california, car, check, clean, computation, coo coo clock, cowabunga, cross-dressing, cukoo clock, curse, cursing, death, die, dirty, domestic animals, driving, dude, farmer, fat lady, flash lights, flip the bird, frame, fruitcake, garbage can, gift, give the finger, house cleaning, invoice, iron, juggle, juggling, junk mail, kids, koo too clock, landscapes, lion, Los Angeles, major cleaning, masterpiece, math, mathematics, mess, Monster, nail polish, nails, obscenity, octopus, opera, opera singer, painting, pitchfork, poor people, population, post office, postal service, postmaster, pot, poverty, present, regift, removed, removing tattoos, restaurant, rich, rural men, shake fists, SING, snail mail, space aliens, space suit, Spring cleaning, swear, swearing, Syndicate, tailgate, tattoo, tattoo removal, telephone, television, tennis ball, tennis racket, tipping, traffic, trash, true, tv, under the bed, unwanted gifts, us mail, USPS, waiter, watching, wealthy, weekmonth, wild, young
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