Here’s another new batch of my old TRUE cartoons – this time about SEX!
adultery, affair, afraid, american, animation, argue, arguement, arousal, attractive, bald, ballet, beg, blam, blog, brain, burger king, business, cannibal, carton, Cartoons, cello, cheat, children, chocolate, chores, clothes, construction worker, correct, couples, curse, dance, dating, dinner, discipline, disney, DOGS, drink, dweeb, eat, employment, family, fast food, fat, fathers, fear, fight, flowers, food, forbid, foreplay, friends, georgia, glasses, gorgeous, guitar, guns, hamburger, hamper,, handgun, health, hearts, heavy metal, Hogansville, housekeeping, housework, husband, infidelity, jealous, jobs, juice, kids, kill, lady and the tramp, lariat, lasoo, laundry, law, looking, love, lover, male, marriage, mate, meatballs, men, milk, money, movie, music, Nerd, neuter, obese, overweight, owners, parents, Pets, piston, praying Mantis, Preying Mantis, puppies, rat, relationships, researchers, restaurant, rock, rock music, romance, secret, sex, shoot, single, sissu, spaghetti, spay, spayed, spouse, subdue, swear, Syndicate, television, time together, true, tv, vacation, valentine, wandering eye, wash, weekend plans, weight, well dressed, wife, women, women in society, working mothers, yell
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