Making Sense, by Michael Reagan
Well, Democrats in Washington did it. They unilaterally passed a $938 billion health care plan that was overwhelmingly disapproved by Americans.
But not to worry, the United Nations Health Organization proclaimed our leaders courageous for their actions. I will prefer to call them extinct.
Voters fought, called, protested, and debated up until the moment of the vote. With willful blindness, many in the Democratically-controlled Congress simply chose to ignore their constituents.

It is easy to argue that the health care bill was the wrong prescription for our ailing economy and growing deficit. It is just as easy to argue against such a seismic shift to the size and influence of our government; anything that required so much intra-Democratic Party arm-twisting, threats and bribes to get it through their own caucus can’t be good for our nation. But Democrats in Washington aren’t satisfied there. Today our banks, auto industry, student loans all join our health care as being instruments of the federal government.
We’ve watched as, one by one, new segments of the economy have moved into the government’s balance sheet. The American people have been overlooked in favor of new power, new control, and new taxes. We’ve seen rough economic times, are still seeing them, but in spite of inappropriate government action we will make it through.
And come this November, voters will have a choice. A choice between a Republican Party that hopefully will have returned to its roots of smaller and limited government and responsible fiscal policies versus a Democratic Party that will stop at nothing to grow our government and grow our debt.
The time is now for us to act. Each of us has a responsibility to get engaged, help Republicans get elected and demand that Washington recoil from its massive expansion. I will do my part as well. Our PAC, Reagan PAC, is dedicated to finding and supporting Republican candidates that recognize the contemporary conservative principles of Ronald Reagan and are committed to their realization. We will target Democratic candidates in key swing districts across the nation who recently voted in support of this dangerous health care legislation, and seek to find qualified conservative candidates in these districts and states and others who can help return America on a path to prosperity.
We will also be working to defend the Republican candidates who have stood for sound, limited government in the face of an overwhelming big-government presence so that our worthy elected officials can stand against the volley liberal Democrats are sure to fling their way. And throughout this country, I will be on the ground working with activists, both conservative and independent, to build a new coalition for individual liberty.
I am eager to get to work, to further my father’s legacy and restore the greatness of this country.
This fight is important. This fight will not be easy, but the outcome will determine the shape of our nation for decades to come. This fight cannot be won without all of us becoming engaged come this November. I ask that in the coming days you visit to join the fight to renew America.
Mike Reagan, the elder son of the late President Ronald Reagan, is spokesperson for The Reagan Nation and chairman and president of The Reagan Legacy Foundation ( Look for Mike’s books and other information at E-mail comments to [email protected].
©2010 Mike Reagan. If you’re not a paying subscriber to our service, you must contact us to print or Web post this column. Mike’s column is distributed exclusively by: Cagle Cartoons, Inc., newspaper syndicate. For info contact Cari Dawson Bartley. E-mail [email protected], (800) 696-7561.
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