The Power of Incumbency No More

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Making Sense, by Michael Reagan

In politics, incumbency usually provides a significant advantage to a candidate. Usually special interests and large-dollar donors flow to those who are currently in power and have control over government purse strings. Incumbents also carry the distinct advantage of staying in the public eye simply in the course of their duties and at the public expense, making campaigning considerably easier. So, election after elections, odds are you get to keep your seat.

Cartoon by Jeff Parker - Florida Today (click to purchase)
Cartoon by Jeff Parker – Florida Today (click to purchase)

No more, however. Today, there is an electoral tide turning against this once-impenetrable head-start. Today, it seems that being an incumbent now works against you.

There has been a string of incumbent losses in primaries, most recently Rep. Alan Mollohan, D-W.Va., and Sen. Bob Bennett, R-Utah. Shockingly, Bennett finished third in delegate votes, getting only 26 percent of the total, and Mollohan, a 14-term incumbent, lost in the polls by 12 percent. Looking to the future, Blanche Lincoln, D-Ark., and Arlen Specter, D-Pa., both incumbent senators, are looking rather nervous in the face of serious challenges for their primaries May 18. We’ve already seen other political forces toppled, such as Florida Gov. Charlie Crist’s public defeat and then defection from the Republican Party.

This trend seems to be holding true on all levels, with even local incumbents being ousted from school boards and county seats in elections across the country,

And of course this impact is felt at the highest levels, with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid desperately fighting to keep his Nevada Senate seat. Arizona Sen. John McCain, the Republican Party’s 2008 presidential nominee, will also be facing a primary challenge.

Not surprisingly, polls show that the American people are notably and consistently disenchanted with Congress. Last week’s NBC/Wall Street Journal poll on Congressional job performance gave Congress a mere 21 percent approval rating, with a full 72 percent outright disapproving.

“What is this all about?” you ask.

I believe the answer is simple: accountability. Conservative, moderate and even some progressive-minded Americans are tired of hearing the perpetual campaign rhetoric concerning cutting wasteful spending and lessening the burden on American taxpayers. It all started when the TARP legislation was passed and has only become amplified when additional so-called stimulus bills were rammed through and hit a fever pitch with the passage of the unaffordable health care legislation.

Republicans are not blameless in this mess. When in power, Republicans lost their way — spending at historic rates. Our talk of fiscal conservatism was washed away by our actions when we were at the helm, and some of our own leaders are paying a political price this year.

What our representatives in Washington need to understand is that if each of us must to learn to do more with less during tough times, the government should be no different. Spending money that the nation does not have used to be easier to do, but those days are gone. Americans are watching closely — and when their incumbent representatives act imprudently, they are willing to fire them.

The days of free-spending and massive national debts are no longer acceptable to voters — incumbents beware.


Mike Reagan, the elder son of the late President Ronald Reagan, is spokesperson for The Reagan PAC ( and chairman and president of The Reagan Legacy Foundation ( Look for Mike’s books and other information at E-mail comments to [email protected].

©2010 Mike Reagan. If you’re not a paying subscriber to our service, you must contact us to print or Web post this column. Mike’s column is distributed exclusively by: Cagle Cartoons, Inc., newspaper syndicate. For info contact Cari Dawson Bartley. E-mail [email protected], (800) 696-7561.


One response to “The Power of Incumbency No More”

  1. Cal Avatar

    I agree with several points. The first is that Republicans DID lose their way by spending far too much. The second is that incumbency is usually an advantage but will work against many members of congress this year. Even Barbara Boxer’s seat in California isn’t considered safe. We just saw a 14-term Democrat from WVA ousted in a primary and a Republican Senator from Nevada shown the door.

    My third observation is how interesting it is to listen to the pundits on the Left and Right try and ascribe reasons to the anti-incumbent mood. While I haven’t heard anyone say “it’s Bush’s fault” I still hear some attributing problems for Democrats to Bush’s economy. As a conservative the rationale is simple. Massive spending, constant talk of increased taxes, high unemployment, and yes, a trend toward socialist policies. Buying car, insurance, and other companies and moving to take over health care by the government is properly defined as socialist. It obviously isn’t socialism, but the trend for progressives is away from the free-market and toward more centralized control. While the number of people comfortable with that has grown, the majority of us are not.

    Last point. People were very unhappy with Republicans in 2006 for the reasons mentioned. Add to that a HUGE amount of unpopularity for President Bush, the promise of a young, energetic candidate talking of “hope and change”, the enthusiasm in minority communities, and the willing complicity of the mainstream media to avoid his past, and you have President Barack Obama. Love him or hate him, Dick Morris is a pretty shrewd political analyst. He engineered Clinton’s “comeback kid” victory in 1996 and is predicting Republicans will easily win back the House and barely take back the Senate. I’m on record for 35+ in the House and 5-6 in the Senate. Time will tell. What IS for sure, is there is more anger in America by far than there was in 1994 when Republicans won 54 seats. So in spite of the Left’s hopes that immigration will cause Hispanic and general voter backlash, Republicans will make large gains in November.

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