Retiring Rep. Paul Ryan, R-NeverTrump, has revealed what he hopes will be his lasting political legacy; he intends to be the last Republican Speaker of the House. Ever.
Ryan is working hard to achieve his goal. The immigration bills he supports will do everything Donald Trump promised he wouldn’t do when he ran for president. Grant amnesty to DACA invaders and continue to dump low-wage visa workers into the food sector.
The bill that Ryan backs gives amnesty to a minimum of 2 million illegals. A more accurate estimate, depending on the fraud levels and federal lassitude, is 6 million illegals. Plus, 1.35 million H-2C visas.
A Real Clear Politics poll shows that as soon as the conservative GOP base got wind of the plan, generic Republican poll numbers started dropping. Ryan doesn’t care, he’s busy burning down the House.
Amnesty presents problems for barnacles like Curator of the Senate Mitch McConnell, R-Inertia, who want to remain in D.C. His solution is a warning that sounds more like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The New York Times reports “… a strategy is emerging on the right for how to energize conservatives and drive a wedge between the anti-Trump left and moderate voters: warn that Democrats will immediately move to impeach President Trump if they capture the House.”
America Rising, a GOP consulting firm, sent an email warning “Right now the only thing standing between the president and the Democrats’ underhanded impeachment attempts is the Republican majority in the House fighting to defend our president.”
Former Trumper Steve Bannon, still stinking and smoldering from his political self-immolation, stopped beating out the flames long enough to add, “You have to put Donald Trump on the ticket. You’re not voting for Congress. You’re voting for Donald Trump.”
Thoughtful voters may find this ‘if you don’t vote for me, the other guy is gonna get it’ strategy curious. What possible additional damage could Democrats do after Republicans have willingly legalized 6 million new leftist voters?
GOP apologists can’t even attempt to balance the illegals sellout with other conservative legislation. There is none. Planned Parenthood still cashes federal checks. Competition is still missing from healthcare. The budget remains uncut. The federal government remains bloated.
The one bright spot is there’s a good chance Cinco de Mayo will soon be added to the list of national holidays!
It was ironic that McConnell was quoted telling an audience he’s like a cemetery groundskeeper, “Everybody’s under you but nobody’s listening.” It’s an accurate description of McConnell’s tenure as Senate Majority Leader. He marks time, keeping the lawn mowed and the bushes trimmed while awaiting Jesus’ return – when something will finally get done.
This month marks the only achievement that is really important to the curator. McConnell is now the longest serving GOP Senate majority leader in history. His legacy is longevity. Something that can also be said of a turtle.
It takes dedication and gullibility to find something in McConnell’s record to celebrate. The Hill contends a refusal to hold a vote on Obama’s final nominee to the Supreme Court is “McConnell’s most lasting legacy.” And the Emperor of Inertia’s strategy wasn’t even original. He was following ‘Shotgun’ Joe Biden’s lead.
The Hill was also impressed because McConnell, “kept a steady hand on the party through two political revolutions within the GOP: the emergence of the Tea Party in 2009 and 2010 and the election of President Trump.” Yes, McConnell managed to waste an unprecedented grassroots movement for change.
Now two bodies filled with ‘leadership’ that can’t stand the president are using Trump as a human shield. Vote to keep people in office who won’t do what you want – to prevent people from getting in office who will do what their base wants.
If you’re like me and are tired of campaign-only conservatives, lets send a message in November that even McConnell can’t ignore. It’s time for conservatives to go on strike.
This November conservatives should vote for the GOP Senate candidate and write in ‘On Strike’ as their congressional vote. ‘On Strike’ – instead of Mickey Mouse or Goofy – sends an unmistakable message.
‘On Strike’, we can make a difference. The write-in vote in Alabama was enough to deny victory to the creep. Our November write-ins can deny another victory to do-nothing, country club conservatives.
A Democrat House will try to impeach Trump, grab guns and may require Christians to not only bake same-sex wedding cakes, but also attend the service. So what? McConnell has plenty of room in his legislative mortuary.
The strike ends in 2020. We recapture the House delivering another base-generated wave for McConnell. Only this time, instead of wasting it like the TEA party and Trump waves, McConnell will know he either uses it or we’ll lose him.
Copyright 2018 Michael Shannon, distributed by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate.
Michael Shannon is a commentator and public relations consultant, and is the author of “A Conservative Christian’s Guidebook for Living in Secular Times.” He can be reached at [email protected].
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