Ay, Caramba! U.S. Illegal Count Just Doubled
I should have known something was up when soccer team owners felt confident enough to put the squeeze on cities to help foot the bill for new stadiums.
Ballerina ball holds the record for the longest period of being the next big thing without ever becoming the next big thing. Starting back in the 1960s the sport was supposed to sweep across America. Sure, little kids played, but most of them left Scooby Doo and soccer behind when they grew up.
That’s why for the past 50 years mayors would sooner subsidize the WNBA than a ‘footie’ team.
Now the Atlantic complains Cincinnati, Detroit, Nashville and Sacramento are all willing to pony up between $25 million and $75 million tax dollars to subsidize their local futbol stadium.
Colin Kaepernick – founder of Millionaires Against Jim Crow – may have driven football fans out of NFL stadiums, but I don’t think the alienated were so desperate for a dose of patriotism that they would attend a game just to watch illegals wave Mexico’s flag.
This new popularity didn’t originate domestically. Just as the vast majority of soccer balls are made overseas and imported into the U.S., soccer fans are bred overseas and imported, assuming ICE is looking the other way. Quartz discovered the last time soccer was this popular was during the 1920’s when waves of immigrants came to take factory jobs citizens didn’t want to perform for Bologna wages.
Back then, the foreign-born population was nearly 14 percent, a hard number because none of those immigrants were hiding in the shadows. Today’s number is also supposed to be 14 percent, but the number is as soft as daughter’s elementary-school soccer ball. The real foreign-born number is so much larger it inspires rich capitalists to demand tax dollars to subsidize their hobby.
Two Yale professors recently completed a study that undermines all the numbers the nice men at the Chamber of Commerce have used to lull the citizen population to sleep. Edward Kaplan and Jonathan Feinstein were skeptical of population estimates for the number of illegals in the US. They believed the 11 million number, was too large and only excited MAGA deplorables.
These academics were convinced a more rigorous analysis would give a greatly reduced total.
Yale Insights reports the team, along with Mohammad Fazel-Zarandi, began with “parameters intentionally aimed at producing an extremely conservative estimate.” Kaplan was astonished by the result, “Instead of a number which was smaller, we got a number that was 50 percent higher.”
“After running 1,000,000 simulations of the model, the researchers’ 95% probability range is 16 million to 29 million, with 22.1 million as the mean (or average).” This total is twice as large as the generally-accepted figure and was arrived at through a conservative approach.
This means the U.S. has imported the equivalent population of Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua, if you accept the average, and if you’re a pessimist you can add Paraguay to the total.
It’s a testament to the intellectual integrity of the Yale team that the research was published, instead of being given a decent, Christian burial. The only reason the team isn’t currently asking Sen. Ted Cruz for suggestions on safe places to eat is because the dishonest Opposition Media has taken it upon themselves to inter the findings.
Little India may have covered the heck out of the groundbreaking report, along with Fox News and the Washington Times, but there was zero mention in the Washington Post, the failing New York Times, the Wall Street Journal or any of the TV networks.
And no wonder, when you consider the implications. The number doesn’t mean just the population of illegal aliens in the U.S. today is wrong by at least a factor of two, it means all the other numbers and estimates derived from the original faulty number are also wrong by a factor of two or more.
Here are only a handful of the costs and burdens illegals impose on citizen taxpayers that should be revised sharply upward.
The estimated $11.9 billion in yearly healthcare cost that taxpayers must cover might be $24 billion.
The $135 billion in federal, state and local taxpayer dollars that’s spent on illegals each year might be $270 billion.
The 4.2 million illegal alien children crowding our schools might be 8.4 million.
And the 1.8 million DACA illegals demanding citizenship in return for their crime might be 3.6 million.
Compared to those numbers, $75 million to subside a sport that snuck into the country on the backs of illegals looks like a bargain. The future of North America may indeed be found inside a subsidized soccer stadium, but if conservatives don’t wake up, it won’t be the future of the United States.
Copyright 2018 Michael Shannon, distributed by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate.
Michael Shannon is a commentator and public relations consultant, and is the author of “A Conservative Christian’s Guidebook for Living in Secular Times.” He can be reached at [email protected].
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