A Standup President


Even in times of world peace, economic stability and oil-free coastlines, of which the present is not such a time, it’s uncomfortable to see a U.S. president doing standup comedy.

Example from Saturday’s White House Correspondents Dinner: “Unfortunately, John McCain couldn’t make it. Recently he claimed that he never identified himself as a maverick. And we all know what happens in Arizona when you don’t have ID: Adios, amigo!”

Cartoon by Adam Zyglis - Buffalo News (click to purchase)
Cartoon by Adam Zyglis – Buffalo News (click to purchase)

It’s not that President Obama, Commander-in-Schtick as The New York Daily News called him, is bad at this sort of thing. With material from ace speechwriters Jon Favreau and Jon Lovett, the president was actually quite good – even if a few quips, like the one about immigration, fell flat. Indeed, the president was far funnier than the night’s hired pro, Jay Leno, whose awkward use of note cards only made his skimpy material worse (“Senator John Edwards…a personal injury attorney who turned out to be a sleazeball. Who coulda seen that coming?”).

Much has been written over the years about whether it’s wise for journalists who cover the White House to rub shoulders with key administration players in this setting. The 96-year-old tradition itself is not problematic, but the president’s role as jokester becomes less appropriate each year in direct proportion to the public’s increased access to what was once an under-publicized event.

This is not to say a president should have one standard of behavior for high-profile events and a lower standard in private. Jokes like those delivered Saturday night, while relatively harmless, are uncomfortable to watch out of context, worldwide, via the Internet and cable-TV.

It’s probably asking too much for a president to issue heartfelt advice to U. of Michigan grads Saturday morning (“we can’t expect to solve our problems if all we do is tear each other down”), and deliver comedic barbs at the Washington Hilton a few hours later (GOP Chairman Michael Steele is “the Notorious G.O.P.”).

In truth, it’s been a while since Friar’s Club-type comedy was fashionable. When the goal is to make half the room hoot and the other half squirm, it’s not particularly Presidential, which is why Don Rickles never attained office above Roastmaster.

That holds true for vice presidents as well. Joe Biden spoke in March at the Radio and Television Correspondents dinner and strained, painfully, to be one of the boys. (“My job has its perks. Tiger Woods paid me a visit and gave me some tips. Hey, guys! They were golf tips.”)

It was particularly unattractive – at least via clips preserved on the Internet for all time – to hear the vice president say “hell” seven times in a 12 minute speech, in an awkward attempt to be viewed as with it and clever.

Americans enjoy seeing their president in occasional nonpolitical roles: throwing out the first pitch of the baseball season, playing with his kids and dog on the White House lawn, running on the beach in Hawaii, and even making a guest appearance now and then on latenight TV. Insult comedy, however, just like “Dancing with the Stars,” is best left for all the free time that comes with being out of office.

The funny thing about our changing times is that while nowadays almost anything goes, not everything plays well. C-SPAN and the Internet have seen to it that all the world’s a stage, and in many corners there is a pretty tough crowd.

“Today’s 24/7 echo-chamber amplifies the most inflammatory soundbites louder and faster than ever before.It makes it nearly impossible for people who have legitimate but bridgeable differences to sit down at the same table and hash things out.”

That’s what President Obama told the graduates during his standup appearance in Michigan. Appropriately, there were few, if any, laughs.


Peter Funt may be reached at www.candidcamera.com.

©2010 Peter Funt. This column is distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons, Inc. newspaper syndicate. For info call Cari Dawson Bartley at 800 696 7561 or e-mail [email protected].

Peter Funt is a writer and public speaker. He’s also the long-time host of “Candid Camera.” A collection of his DVDs is available at www.candidcamera.com.


21 responses to “A Standup President”

  1. Michael S. Avatar
    Michael S.

    Seems strange, the main selling point of Bush was that he was so personable. Despite many of his comedic moments being unintentional, ("putting food on your family"), his stand-up performance was pretty good.

    "This is not to say a president should have one standard of behavior for high-profile events and a lower standard in private. Jokes like those delivered Saturday night, while relatively harmless, are uncomfortable to watch out of context, worldwide, via the Internet and cable-TV."

    This reminds me of the disjuncture between mainstream media whenever Stephen Colbert roasted President Bush at the White House Correspondance Dinner. Mainstream newspapers said absolutely nothing about it. On the internet, it became a notorious and was widely praised. It's a bit different when the President does it since the job of humor should be to speak truth to power. But nonetheless, I want a President that can joke about things rather than a stiff repeat of Herbert Hoover or Jimmy Carter's presidency

  2. geoff Avatar

    Michael S.: yeah, Colbert was great.

  3. Cal Avatar

    I think we need to ask Good Life, “What would Jesus do?” I’m sure he could give us chapter and verse as to whether or not presidents should tell jokes in public or whether or not jokes are even appropriate to be told.

    From a political perspective there are a lot of possibilities:

    Perhaps Obama could sign a treaty dramatically reducing the average number of jokes presidents can tell.

    Congress could levy a tax on joke telling with the funnier comedians like Seinfeld being taxed at much higher rates than amateurs like presidents.

    We could create a “joke exchange” so that one president could buy jokes from another who isn’t quite so personable. (We already have a Chicago carbon exchange and that’s a HUGE joke.)

    Why not have the federal government provide free joke insurance just in case a joke falla flat? If the joke gets hurt, it’s covered. Non-joke tellers should pay a significant part of the price for the coverage.

    We could import jokes from the Middle East and prohibit anyone from telling jokes within 250 miles of our coastlines to ensure dependence on foreign jokes.

    When we run out of jokes we could have the Fed print up trillions of worthless jokes that will reduce the value of all jokes in the country.

    We could allow jokes to enter the country illegally and tell them wherever we want regardless of the damage they might do or how much telling them might cost. After all, some jokes have puns and riddles living in America and we don’t want to separate humor.

    We could create sanctuary cities where all jokes are welcome regardless of how funny they might or might not be.

    These are just a few ideas on the many possibilities to choose from. No joke.

  4. Syncopation Avatar

    >No joke.

    Marvelous irony, thank you Cal. If you spent more than two minutes on that you must be more bored than I can possibly imagine.

  5. Cal Avatar

    Comment from Syncopation

    Time May 5, 2010 at 4:49 am

    >No joke.

    Marvelous irony, thank you Cal. If you spent more than two minutes on that you must be more bored than I can possibly imagine.

    I guess this will have to substitute for intellectual debate between us. In response may I proudly say, it took me almost four as I was the sole author, editor, proofreader, typesetter, and printer, but thanks back for the “kind” words.

  6. Tired of the same ol Avatar
    Tired of the same ol

    Only three comments in and already Cal, or Syncopation, or goeff (but not *this* time – good for you!), or any of the rest of the "good ol' gang" see it as their civic duty to spout off and start attacking the author and each other. GIVE THE REST OF US A BREAK!!! Why do you people think that the only path to infamy is to spew the first thing that comes to your minds EACH and EVERY time a new article is posted? Get a life. A REAL one! Let the political commentaries address real politics, and don't be so quick to see that your pathetic tripe is the first one posted online. Your monopolization of any meaningful dialog has stopped being entertaining a very long time ago.

    I'm sorry if I'm not emphatic enough. GET A LIFE BEYOND COMMENTARY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    There. I'm not sorry anymore.

    – Saying what the rest of us think,


  7. Phil Avatar

    I whole-heartedly agree with you Tired.

    I apologize for my contribution towards your frustration.

  8. Glen Avatar

    Since Presidents are bound to fill up air time, cable time and net time, it is nice to have one that speaks well, silly or serious.

  9. Janet "Day One& Avatar
    Janet "Day One&

    Barry "Katrinaslick" Obumblefumble, the Carpetbagger from Kenya, the Stranger in Our Midst, in his arrogant, narcisscistic, conceited, racist way is the wannabe president of the 'little folks', the left-wing, bleeding hearts who wee-wee their beds, suck their thumbs, wait for their 'check', and cry "Mama" all day long……….How about that Obey-Dobey Dork??? He sees the writing on the proverbial wall…….. Buck Farack wasn't funny at Michael S.' "Correspondance Dinner" because the arrogant jackass can't make fun of his 17 months of stupid schtick.. The blame has to be diverted elsewhere…. Barry Mygoof Obamadinajad truly sucks……………

  10. dirtdiva Avatar

    It takes true intelligence to speak truth to power; even better when the power speaks the truth and makes us laugh! Mr. Obama doesn't need to be reined in. We need to celebrate a leader with a sense of humor and the smarts to back it up.

  11. Plugs Bidumb Avatar
    Plugs Bidumb

    The distinguished contributor above, Glen, says "it's nice to have one that speaks well, silly or serious…" Glen, Barry reads everything off a teleprompter…off prompter he's incoherent. He whistles every ess, Kenyan-clicks the consonants, and speaks ONLY the 'silly' written by his puppeteers, Rahm Eminimal and Davey Asolerod…….What more could one want in leadership??????

  12. Turbo Tax Timmy Avatar
    Turbo Tax Timmy

    Illegal immigration is destroying America, look what it did to the White House!!!!1

  13. Sister Mary Avatar
    Sister Mary

    No joke, Cal. Brilliant.

    Someone's jealous, and it ain't pretty.

  14. Syncopation Avatar

    >>>Illegal immigration is destroying America, look what it did to the White House!!!!

    Don't you have a tea party to attend?

  15. ellis Avatar

    who is this janet day one person, or possibly what is it?

  16. BobFromLI Avatar

    re: Comment from ellis

    Time May 6, 2010 at 12:25 pm

    who is this janet day one person, or possibly what is it?

    Who cares? We know that 20% of the population will always be 'out there'. It's the Tea Baggers, Birthers, Tenthers and all the other nutjobs who have access to the Net that Al Gore gave us. These are the same nuts who believe that we have no Global Climate Change, that brown people are inferior (did SHE go to Harvard Law?), deficits don't matter…when they're in charge, that war and torture are the way to settle anything and that her high school education is just enough. I think their brains are powered by the 20% of the universe called Dark Matter…that we can't detect.

  17. Ernie Avatar

    He truely has made the Whitehouse out to be a joke. Wait til the laughing stops and we will all see what this neighborHOOD rabble rouser has really done. They are now talking about a Value Added Tax, well of course, it wont affect people making less than 250,000, will it?

    I didnt like the deficit under Bush at 4.5 trillion, so whats another 10 trillion? Lets make it another ten trillion

  18. Syncopation Avatar

    >>He truely has made the Whitehouse out to be a joke

    I agree. But enough about Bush the Lesser. Let's let him fall into our sordid past and learn from the mistakes he made.

  19. Cal Avatar

    "He truly has made the Whitehouse out to be a joke" Do we have to bring up Clinton, cigars, and Monica AGAIN? (Sink, you missed a typo in "truly." You're slipping.)

    “Tired” sounds like a certain Escritor in Tejas. Here’s my tired, old advice for “Tired.” If you come here to read the articles (you know, like Playboy), read them and move on. If you’d like to jump into the fray and contribute, please do so. However, if you want us to believe you read the commentary and yet want some of it silenced, then shove off. This is an open message board provided by Daryl Cagle to give people a forum to share their opinions. Some write well, some don’t. Some take the time to make thoughtful contributions while some jump in with simple one-liners. And about twice a month we get a whiner like you. If you don’t care to read it, skip it. But spare us the whining about _what_ gets written. This isn’t the New York Times. Well, that’s obvious. We have a few conservatives here so it _couldn’t_ be the Times.

    Hey Sister Mary! I couldn’t make it as a stand up comedian so I now do my best work sitting down. (Such as it is.)

  20. Jack Sprat Avatar
    Jack Sprat

    It would seem that Barry didn't get the memo that the event was normally one to lampoon one's self, but when you're "puuurrrfect" that appears to be harder to do.

    There is nothing about running the country into massive multi-trillion dollar debt in 1 1/2 years, taking control of two car companies, writing legislation to control Wall Street and the Banks, making a full frontal attack on our liberties, trying to “dump" the free market system, increasing (arbitrarily) consumer costs on every thing from gas to corn to electricity, and trying to destroy the free market system of our country for specious and failed policies of socialist failures of "other" third world countries you seem to want so much to emulate.

    Unfortunately he’s not done with his Marxist “joke” on the proletariat. Barry is about as “funny’ as a funeral procession for our brave fallen soldiers, once defending freedom. Now back to making a statement. I don’t doubt their honor but the honor of the person placed over them.

    Oddly, President Teleprompter, had the advantage of having Comedy Central’s “joke factory”, sure is funny, but I think more rather like a sock puppet with someone’s hand up his …. Well making him sound “funny”, didn’t need to go to that length, I look at him and see a love child between Dumbo and Barney Fife, but can’t fly and has “bullets”.

    Here’s a good Tea Party pic for you liberals you’ll appreciate the nuanced position on the boarder politics and see what those real racists are up to.


  21. Jack Sprat Avatar
    Jack Sprat


    Oddly I think "Tired" missed the train and we'll echo Mary and Janet's Kudo's.

    I'm afraid you caught Psyco abit off his game, what with the missing speellling to cheeeks.

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