Tag: BP oil spill
Cowboy Down
The same way that crème brulée is unlike pork rinds, and a Lincoln Town Car is not a pickup truck, so is Barack Obama not George Bush.
An Administration Adrift
Making Sense, by Michael Reagan As we pass the 50-day mark of the terrible oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, it seems like the more things change the more they stay the same. As I have previously discussed, sometimes terrible tragedies occur for which even the most diligent administrations cannot prepare. While it can…
Bright Side of the BP Oil Spill
To say the news coming out of the Gulf is not what you call encouraging is like saying it’s been a rough week for Dennis Hopper. And it’s making people crazy.
The Politics of the Gulf Oil Spill
Since last month’s oil-spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, two very different leadership styles have been on display. On the one hand we have President Obama, who took nine days before making a public statement on the spill. On the other, we have Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, who has been intensely and vocally involved…
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