The Latest Republican Conspiracy Theory


It seems everybody gets their own pet conspiracy these days: Birthers, Birchers, Deathers, Truthers and whatever you call the people who won’t get their kids inoculated. According to the theories, nothing is as it seems and everyone is in on it. Following this reasonable assumption, I’ve come up with my own. Here it is: former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, RNC Chairman Michael Steele and Congressman Paul Ryan from Wisconsin are all Democratic plants.

Michael Steele RNC bondage lesbians
Cartoon by Mike Luckovich – Atlanta Journal-Constitution (click to comment)

It’s true. I have proof. The signs are everywhere. It’s so painfully obvious:

Who has been a bigger boon to the Democratic Party than Sarah Palin? There’s no way that’s for real. Come on, no one had ever heard of her and then suddenly she’s tanking the GOP’s presidential bid? That’s not suspicious? The press called her behavior “going rogue,” I call it taking orders from the opposition. So you’re going to run for Vice President and you’re not going to read up on the issues? Putin rearing his head? Wear a quarter of a million dollar donated wardrobe while giving speeches about fiscal conservatism? Use the catch-phrase “palling around with terrorists” while you’re schtuping a secessionist? It’s plain to see: she was working with David Axelrod and David Plouffe to get Obama into the White House.

Then with her help, Obama won (of course) by a huge margin. No one figured out that she was a double agent after losing the election? Then just to make the greenhorn Democrats seem more steady at the wheel she quit her job as a governor during one of the worst economic times since the Great Depression. Now she’s out to sabotage the Tea Parties by speaking on their behalf while taking six figure speaking fees from them. How was she not pretending she couldn’t remember a thing like “lift American’s spirits.” It’s insultingly clear! She even stumped for Senator John McCain last week in Tucson and said “some may claim that John was there at that first Tea Party.” Jokes about McCain being old? Really? Doesn’t that sound like something a Democrat would say about him? Yes. Yes it does.

And RNC Chairman Michael Steele, are we really supposed to believe in this phony “Bizarro Obama” act? POLITICO stated he’s spending twice as much as his predecessors on private planes, limos and flowers while trying to co-opt populist outrage. And now there are reports the FEC is investigating nearly two grand of RNC donor money being spent at a bondage theme club last February in West Hollywood. The same club Lindsay Lohan frequents just before she checks back into rehab. So far Steele is claiming it wasn’t him, although it still accomplishes his goal as a Trojan Horse. How much more does he need to spell it out for us: he’s in cahoots with the Democrats. He’s been working hard at it too, “honest Injun.” It’s not like he’s working on the shattered party ““ he’s writing books and taking speaking fees while chairman. Who is going to come out against empathy when the economy is in freefall besides someone trying to make the DNC look better? “Crazy nonsense empathetic. I’ll give you empathy. Empathize right on your behind. Craziness,” said Steele during the Sonia Sotomayor hearings. I wonder which of Obama’s speechwriters gave him that gem.

Do I need to draw a map for you people? Where’s my chalkboard? I don’t want any of you to freak out since my conspiracy has nothing to do with Nazis or Chairman Mao. Of course, that’s what they’d want you to think.

I brought up Congressman Ryan because he outed himself as an Obama plant last week. After health care reform was signed into law, he penned (allegedly) an op/ed in the New York Times. The title of the piece was “Fix Health Reform, Then Repeal It.” Why would you need to fix something if you’re just going to repeal it? Wasn’t that the unbelievable plotline for the movie Wolverine?! It doesn’t make any sense unless you’re really in the tank for Obamacare. Clean up the house, demolish it, and then listen to us about government waste. He’s clearly trying to make a mockery of Republicans.

Oh yes, we’re through the looking glass here people.


Tina Dupuy is an award-winning writer and the editor of Tina can be reached at [email protected], and follow her on twitter @TinaDupuy


36 responses to “The Latest Republican Conspiracy Theory”

  1. Cantor Avatar

    The Witch of Wasilla is my favorite neocon!

    I hear now that the Witch of Wasilla is on board at Faux News, they're going to change their slogan from "fair and balanced" to "scare the unbalanced"!

    And to say nothing of her "reality show", which in and of itself is a hilarious oxymoron!! GO GO SCARY SARAH!

  2. geoff Avatar

    More or less what I've been saying about Cal, WestTexasRedneck, SLOP, etc.

  3. OMG! Avatar

    Oh yea Tina Dear, did you hear the really wild one about 16000 new IRS agents? Those Repubs have a creative imagination wouldn't you say?

  4. OMG! Avatar

    March 30, 2010

    A Closer Look at the Capitol Steps Conspiracy

    William Douglas, an African-American reporter for the liberal McClatchy Newspapers, seems to have broken the story at 4:51 PM on Saturday, March 20, just hours after the alleged incident took place. Douglas did so with the seriously inflammatory headline, "Tea party protesters scream 'nigger' at black congressman."

    At 7:21 PM that same evening, Douglas upped the ante with a headline that moved from inflammatory to incendiary: "Tea party protesters call Georgia's John Lewis 'nigger.'"

    As Douglas reminds his audience in the lead of the second posting, "civil rights icon" Lewis, now a Georgia congressman, "was nearly beaten to death during an Alabama march in the 1960s." The focus on Lewis encouraged the Washington Post's Colby King to opine a few days later that "[t]he angry faces at Tea Party rallies are eerily familiar. They resemble faces of protesters lining the street at the University of Alabama in 1956."

    King's take perfectly mirrored the Democratic talking points. If the immediate strategy was to discredit the Tea party movement as racist and split the movement's base from the Republican Party, then it was working splendidly.

    By Sunday morning, March 21, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) was publicly denouncing the actions on the Capitol steps as "reprehensible." What Boehner did not know at the time is that he had been himself victimized in one of the most appallingly successful media scams in recent years.

    If it were not for those damn ubiquitous video cameras, House Democrats and their media allies would have gotten away with it entirely. Instead, they must content themselves with a victory only among those who rely for the news on an increasingly myopic major media.

    To discover what did happen, I have reviewed video from at least four different sources, talked to several eyewitnesses, and analyzed the early media reports from the scene.

    Bottom line: the Douglas story would seem to meet the standards for libel. It is provably false, preposterously reckless, quite possibly malicious, and has caused real damage to publicly identified Tea Party leaders.

    Here is what happened. Rather than use the tunnel from the Cannon Office Building to the Capitol, a contingent from the Black Caucus chose to walk through a crowd of protesters. In none of the videos shot that day, including those by the members of the Caucus themselves, has anyone identified a single audible racial slur.

    What the videos show are protesters booing the black congressmen as lustily as they did their white counterparts. The one thing they do scream is the racially neutral "Kill the bill." The caucus members pass without incident until they reach the Capitol steps. There, an inattentive Representative Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO), flanked by a police officer, walks right in front of a man who has been screaming "kill the bill" through cupped hands for at least the last ten seconds.

    Cleaver appears to get caught in the vocal spray. Once the videos emerged, Cleaver would tell the Washington Post that the man "allowed saliva to hit my face." In the immediate aftermath of the incident, however, a visibly angry Cleaver — he poked his finger in the man's face after being sprayed — spread a much darker story.

    As Douglas reported in his 4:21 posting, Cleaver's office claimed in a statement "that [Cleaver] had also been spat upon and that Capitol Police had arrested his assailant." The Cleaver statement continued, "The man who spat on the congressman was arrested, but the congressman has chosen not to press charges."

    Yael T. Abouhalkah, the editorial page columnist in Cleaver's hometown Kansas City Star, a McClatchy paper, captured the party line nicely with the claim that "some Tea Party supporter spat on Cleaver Saturday on Capitol Hill because the U.S. congressman is black." The video evidence belies all this nonsense.

    About a minute after the incident, Cleaver returns to the scene of the crime with a Capitol Police officer. The "assailant" is still standing there shouting, unaware that he has committed anything like a crime. Heck, until a year or so ago, he had been led to believe that dissent was patriotic, not racist. More embarrassingly, Cleaver fails to recognize the man even though he is standing right in front of him, and the man is making no effort to hide. There is no arrest, no detention as Cleaver's office would later claim, no noble decision to not press charges.

    "There were no elements of a crime, and the individual wasn't able to be positively identified," a spokeswoman for the Capitol Police would tell "[Cleaver] was unable to positively identify." More troubling, in Douglas's report, it was only Cleaver who was said to hear the word "nigger." Even in the later posting, "Tea party protesters call Georgia's John Lewis 'nigger,'" Lewis himself does not make this claim.

    "They were shouting, sort of harassing," Lewis told Douglas. What they shouted, Douglas reports, is "kill the bill, kill the bill." House majority whip James CIyburn, who walked with the contingent, heard no racist remarks, either. "I experienced some of [the anger]," Clyburn told Keith Olbermann on March 22. "I didn`t hear the slurs."

    Douglas cites only Cleaver as the person who "distinctly heard 'nigger.'" It is Douglas himself who inflates that one one word into multiple "protestors" who "scream" it at Lewis. There is no story without that word, and given the lack of video evidence and Cleaver's willingness to dissemble on the alleged arrest, there is no reason to believe him.

    Nor is there any reason to believe Congressional Black Caucus member Andre Carson (D-IN), one of only two Muslims in Congress and a member of the progressive caucus. If Cleaver actually thought that he heard the slur in question, and he may have, then Carson told a story too outsized to be anything but willful propaganda.

    According to Brian Beutler in the Talking Points Memo posted at 5:41 PM on that Saturday, March 20, Carson had "a particularly jarring encounter with a large crowd of protesters screaming 'kill the bill' … and punctuating their chants with the word 'nigger.'"

    Although Carson claims to have been standing next to Lewis, Lewis again provides no confirmation. He is quoted only as saying, "People have been just downright mean." Regardless, it is Lewis who is the subject of Beutler's headline, "Tea Partiers Call Lewis ‘N****r.'" (For the record, Beutler, a recent Berkeley grad, has written for the American Prospect, The Nation, Mother Jones, and The Guardian.)

    Carson claims that the incident occurred when the group was walking from the Capitol. The Cleaver incident allegedly occurred while the group was walking to the Capitol. The lack of any audio or video evidence of at least two incidents of a "large crowd" of protesters shouting racial slurs should have killed this story before it left the gate. Even without the contrary video evidence, Carson's charge is so at odds with the reality of America circa 2010 that it undermines the credibility of any media person who reported it with a straight face.

    One of my correspondents, who was on the Capitol steps when the caucus members entered and exited, makes a sage observation: "And if what these congressmen said was true, wouldn't it be logical to think that there would have been many more Capitol Police officers escorting these gentlemen back into the Cannon building when they returned?" Videos show that there were only two police officers, and they were walking behind the congressmen when they left the Capitol.

    Still, this was more than enough for the factually indifferent Olbermann to conclude, "If racism is not the whole of the Tea Party, it is in its heart." To drive this point home, do not be surprised if some provocateurs on the left contrive an even more dramatic smear before November 2010.

  5. geoff Avatar

    OMG (jumping the gun again, are we? or just desperately clutching at straws?):

    A colleague who was accompanying Lewis said people in the crowd responded by saying "Kill the bill, then the n-word."

    "It surprised me that people are so mean and we can't engage in a civil dialogue and debate," Lewis said.

    Rep. Emanuel Cleaver , D- Mo. , said he was a few yards behind Lewis and distinctly heard "nigger."
    So technically, you're right: Lewis himself "did not make this claim." But to try to spin this into the suggestion that "provocatuers on the left" were behind this is… pathetic. You might as well admit your belief in the Easter Bunny.

  6. SOLP Avatar

    geoff, I hope you die soon!

  7. geoff Avatar

    SLOP: always such a pleasure reading your pithy, well-rounded, clearly argued comments. Love you too, babe.

  8. CarlE Avatar

    I am inclined to believe Tina. Under Michael Steele the repubs raised $96 million dollars last year and yet the have $10 million less in the bank than a year ago. The party of fiscal responsibility? This after DumbDumb W put the country in debt 6 Trillion on 2 tax giveaways to those that didn't need it and 2 wars, giving the last trillion to big finance corps as he was going out the door. Oh yeah, the repubs are real credible re: fiscal responsibility.

  9. Cal Avatar

    “Who has been a bigger boon to the Democratic Party than Sarah Palin?” Good question, my ghostly looking friend. Here’s the corollary question. “Who has been a bigger boon to the Republican Party than Ba-rack Hus-sein O-ba-ma, mmm, mmm, mmm?” He’s done for the GOP generally, and conservatives in particular, what no other Democrat has been able to do since Jimmy Cartuh—unite all of us from far Right to just left of center. Thanks, B.O.

    Oh, and thanks, T. I hadn’t heard the wardrobe cost comment in over a year. Didn’t all those clothes get donated to charity? Sorry, I keep bringing up those ugly facts that get in the way of your hated-filled ideology.

    The cartoon IS great though. I, too, would pay Steele to shut up IF we could find a conservative to replace him with. You’d have thought the RNC would have learned its lesson last year but we’re still putting moderates in leadership positions. Good work guys. Way to set things up for failure. We're looking at a gain of 30+ seats in spite of Steele (who really is a fine man, he's just wrong on too many issues) and as anger builds it should be no sweat to pick up 40+. The Senate's too big a reach but 5-7 looks doable this year alone.

    Ms. Dupuy, you might want to catch some rays in one of those tanning booths Tom Purcell was ranting about before the taxes hit. And smile, okay? It might brighten that sour looking puss of yours up a bit. Looks like you just sucked on a lemon or interviewed Karl Rove. In fact, you look like a liberal Democrat–mad at the world about something all the time. Are you related to Gene Lyons by any chance? Sorry, again, Jack. You were right.

  10. geoff Avatar

    Bill Maher: "I want to thank the Teabaggers for helping us pass health care, for resurrecting the Obama presidency. I know they're saying, 'Why are you thanking me? I was so against it, I marched on Washington with tea bags hanging off my Founding Fathers costume, with a gun on my hip and a picture of Obama dressed as Hitler, screaming about his birth certificate.' And America saw that and said, 'I think I'll go with the calm black man.'"

    So maybe there's something to this "conspiracy theory" after all…

  11. Cantor Avatar

    LOL!! Looks like Bill Maher has a fine wit and and a propensity for portraying reality.

  12. OMG! Avatar

    Here's another conspiracy Tina. Notice who is in the top 3 for campaign contributions. Lawyers.

    Ben Nelson Democrat (Elected 2001), NE Senate district

    Committee membership

    Senate Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Rules and Administration



    Top InterestsTop Organizations$ Near VotesGeography

    Total Campaign Contributions Received: $7,700,193

    Top 10 Interests Funding

    Interest Contributions

    Insurance $591,036

    Lawyers/Law Firms $543,081

    Banks and Credit $300,829

    Lobbyists $297,864

    Securities & Investment $296,899

    Health Professionals $276,226

    Real Estate $231,146

    Pharmaceuticals/Health Products $218,698

    Agricultural Services/Products $194,850

    Food Processing & Sales $161,800


    Bart Stupak Democrat (Elected 1992), MI House district 1

    Committee membership

    House Committee on Energy and Commerce



    Top InterestsTop Organizations$ Near VotesGeography

    Total Campaign Contributions Received: $969,360

    Top 10 Interests Funding

    Interest Contributions

    Health Professionals $64,164

    Electric Utilities $63,140

    Lawyers/Law Firms $54,549

    TV/Movies/Music $47,450

    Telephone Utilities $41,250

    Industrial Unions $39,250

    Telecom Services & Equipment $38,214

    Lobbyists $37,535

    Building Trade Unions $33,000

    Automotive $28,370

    Contributions from political parties and from other candidates are not included in top 10 lists.

    Contributions shown for the last two years of available data, Jan 1, 2008 – Dec 31, 2009.


    Nancy Pelosi Democrat (Elected 1986), CA House district 8

    Committee membership

    House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (Ex Officio)





    Top InterestsTop Organizations$ Near VotesGeography

    Total Campaign Contributions Received: $2,456,260

    Top 10 Interests Funding

    Interest Contributions

    Health Professionals $246,050

    Lawyers/Law Firms $135,800

    Insurance $133,000

    Securities & Investment $118,300

    Hospitals/Nursing Homes $103,750

    Misc Finance $99,100

    Real Estate $91,500

    Public Sector Unions $89,000

    Transportation Unions $76,600

    Pharmaceuticals/Health Products $69,500

    Contributions from political parties and from other candidates are not included in top 10 lists.

    Contributions shown for the last two years of available data, Jan 1, 2008 – Dec 31, 2009.


    ichard Durbin Democrat (Elected 1996), IL Senate district

    Committee membership

    Senate Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Rules and Administration; Senate Committee on the Judiciary



    Top InterestsTop Organizations$ Near VotesGeography

    Total Campaign Contributions Received: $9,774,037

    Top 10 Interests Funding

    Interest Contributions

    Lawyers/Law Firms $2,071,831

    Securities & Investment $645,362

    Real Estate $424,046

    Pro-Israel $377,212

    Lobbyists $338,412

    Health Professionals $305,934

    Democratic/Liberal $228,950

    Banks and Credit $199,400

    Insurance $194,960

    Business Services $186,475

    Contributions from political parties and from other candidates are not included in top 10 lists.

    Contributions shown for the last six years of available data, Jan 1, 2004 – Dec 31, 2009.


    Blanche Lincoln Democrat (Elected 1998), AR Senate district

    Committee membership

    Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Special Committee on Aging



    Top InterestsTop Organizations$ Near VotesGeography

    Total Campaign Contributions Received: $8,098,380

    Top 10 Interests Funding

    Interest Contributions

    Lawyers/Law Firms $544,181

    Health Professionals $451,700

    Securities & Investment $404,016

    Crop Production & Basic Processing $333,675

    Oil & Gas $300,450

    Insurance $291,218

    Pharmaceuticals/Health Products $242,704

    Lobbyists $237,869

    Health Services/HMOs $199,399

    Electric Utilities $197,910

    Contributions from political parties and from other candidates are not included in top 10 lists.

    Contributions shown for the last six years of available data, Jan 1, 2004 – Dec 31, 2009.


    Patrick Leahy Democrat (Elected 1974), VT Senate district

    Committee membership

    Senate Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on the Judiciary (Chairman)





    Top InterestsTop Organizations$ Near VotesGeography

    Total Campaign Contributions Received: $3,328,610

    Top 10 Interests Funding

    Interest Contributions

    Lawyers/Law Firms $684,521

    Computers/Internet $305,461

    TV/Movies/Music $259,050

    Lobbyists $185,425

    Securities & Investment $104,553

    Real Estate $75,100

    Democratic/Liberal $63,475

    Pharmaceuticals/Health Products $63,300

    Business Services $53,425

    Misc Finance $48,800

    Contributions from political parties and from other candidates are not included in top 10 lists.

    Contributions shown for the last six years of available data, Jan 1, 2004 – Dec 31, 2009.


    Christopher Dodd Democrat (Elected 1980), CT Senate district

    Committee membership

    Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs (Chairman) ; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions; Senate Committee on Rules and Administration



    Top InterestsTop Organizations$ Near VotesGeography

    Total Campaign Contributions Received: $20,623,041

    Top 10 Interests Funding

    Interest Contributions

    Securities & Investment $4,021,181

    Lawyers/Law Firms $1,933,332

    Insurance $1,379,763

    Real Estate $1,293,497

    Banks and Credit $1,170,244

    Lobbyists $544,794

    TV/Movies/Music $475,720

    Misc Finance $455,120

    Accountants $440,900

    Health Professionals $392,300

    Contributions from political parties and from other candidates are not included in top 10 lists.

    Contributions shown for the last six years of available data, Jan 1, 2004 – Dec 31, 2009.


    Barbara Boxer Democrat (Elected 1992), CA Senate district

    Committee membership

    Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works (Chairman) ; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; Senate Select Committee on Ethics (Chairman)



    Top InterestsTop Organizations$ Near VotesGeography

    Total Campaign Contributions Received: $11,979,330

    Top 10 Interests Funding

    Interest Contributions

    Lawyers/Law Firms $1,567,593

    TV/Movies/Music $819,543

    Real Estate $442,567

    Women's Issues $405,632

    Securities & Investment $317,451

    Health Professionals $299,190

    Democratic/Liberal $288,219

    Misc Business $265,457

    Business Services $260,624

    Misc Finance $258,834

    Contributions from political parties and from other candidates are not included in top 10 lists.

    Contributions shown for the last six years of available data, Jan 1, 2004 – Dec 31, 2009.


    Dianne Feinstein Democrat (Elected 1991), CA Senate district

    Committee membership

    Senate Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Rules and Administration (Chairman) ; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; United States Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control



    Top InterestsTop Organizations$ Near VotesGeography

    Total Campaign Contributions Received: $7,407,218

    Top 10 Interests Funding

    Interest Contributions

    Interest Contributions

    Lawyers/Law Firms $643,124

    Real Estate $367,155

    Securities & Investment $299,211

    TV/Movies/Music $298,866

    Computers/Internet $185,530

    Democratic/Liberal $177,835

    Lobbyists $174,278

    Electric Utilities $170,600

    Health Professionals $150,150

    Insurance $132,750

    Contributions from political parties and from other candidates are not included in top 10 lists.

    Contributions shown for the last six years of available data, Jan 1, 2004 – Dec 31, 2009.


    Harry Reid Democrat (Elected 1986), NV Senate district

    Committee membership

    Senate Committee on Rules and Administration; Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (Ex Officio)



    Top InterestsTop Organizations$ Near VotesGeography

    Total Campaign Contributions Received: $14,224,709

    Top 10 Interests Funding

    Interest Contributions

    Lawyers/Law Firms $1,990,707

    Securities & Investment $784,860

    Casinos/Gambling $656,815

    Health Professionals $544,275

    Real Estate $543,697

    Lobbyists $524,659

    Banks and Credit $374,696

    Business Services $368,459

    Misc Finance $315,440

    Insurance $310,000

    Contributions from political parties and from other candidates are not included in top 10 lists.

    Contributions shown for the last six years of available data, Jan 1, 2004 – Dec 31, 2009.


    John McCain Republican (Elected 1986), AZ Senate district

    Committee membership

    Senate Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions; Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs; Senate Committee on Indian Affairs; Senate Select Committee on Intelligence



    Top InterestsTop Organizations$ Near VotesGeography

    Total Campaign Contributions Received: $170,148,883

    Top 10 Interests Funding

    Interest Contributions

    Lawyers/Law Firms $10,049,737

    Real Estate $9,004,979

    Securities & Investment $8,841,831

    Republican/Conservative $6,817,283

    Misc Business $5,949,466

    Misc Finance $5,329,330

    Health Professionals $5,329,041

    Business Services $3,411,139

    Banks and Credit $2,620,951

    Insurance $2,494,581

    Contributions from political parties and from other candidates are not included in top 10 lists.

    Contributions shown for the last six years of available data, Jan 1, 2004 – Dec 31, 2009.


    NOW FOR THE GOOD, Where are the Lawyers?

    Thomas Coburn Republican (Elected 2005), OK Senate district

    Committee membership

    Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions; Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs; Senate Committee on Indian Affairs; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Select Committee on Intelligence



    Top InterestsTop Organizations$ Near VotesGeography

    Total Campaign Contributions Received: $5,355,913

    Top 10 Interests Funding

    Interest Contributions

    Health Professionals $541,326

    Oil & Gas $280,259

    Securities & Investment $239,523

    Misc Finance $168,577

    Republican/Conservative $158,540

    Insurance $142,508

    Banks and Credit $134,615

    Real Estate $125,511

    Lawyers/Law Firms $119,600

    Misc Manufacturing & Distributing $113,157

    Contributions from political parties and from other candidates are not included in top 10 lists.

    Contributions shown for the last six years of available data, Jan 1, 2004 – Dec 31, 2009.


    Joe Barton Republican (Elected 1984), TX House district 6

    Committee membership

    House Committee on Energy and Commerce (Chairman)



    Top InterestsTop Organizations$ Near VotesGeography

    Total Campaign Contributions Received: $1,819,237

    Top 10 Interests Funding

    Interest Contributions

    Oil & Gas $208,019

    Electric Utilities $199,600

    Pharmaceuticals/Health Products $138,000

    Health Professionals $107,050

    Mining $59,690

    Lawyers/Law Firms $57,550

    Misc Manufacturing & Distributing $55,650

    TV/Movies/Music $52,500

    Lobbyists $48,300

    Chemical & Related Manufacturing $44,300

    Contributions from political parties and from other candidates are not included in top 10 lists.

    Contributions shown for the last two years of available data, Jan 1, 2008 – Dec 31, 2009.


    John Boehner Republican (Elected 1990), OH House district 8



    Top InterestsTop Organizations$ Near VotesGeography

    Total Campaign Contributions Received: $3,430,213

    Top 10 Interests Funding

    Interest Contributions

    Insurance $224,720

    Securities & Investment $163,000

    Electric Utilities $156,950

    Banks and Credit $154,250

    Health Professionals $139,500

    Pharmaceuticals/Health Products $136,900

    Real Estate $127,550

    Lawyers/Law Firms $127,250

    Hospitals/Nursing Homes $99,025

    Misc Manufacturing & Distributing $95,000

    Contributions from political parties and from other candidates are not included in top 10 lists.

    Contributions shown for the last two years of available data, Jan 1, 2008 – Dec 31, 2009.


    Jim DeMint Republican (Elected 2005), SC Senate district

    Committee membership

    Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations



    Top InterestsTop Organizations$ Near VotesGeography

    Total Campaign Contributions Received: $11,004,142

    Top 10 Interests Funding

    Interest Contributions

    Health Professionals $608,354

    Real Estate $555,985

    Lawyers/Law Firms $543,224

    Securities & Investment $427,008

    Insurance $404,385

    Republican/Conservative $345,509

    Electric Utilities $243,508

    Banks and Credit $242,228

    Misc Finance $230,154

    Misc Manufacturing & Distributing $230,077

    Contributions from political parties and from other candidates are not included in top 10 lists.

    Contributions shown for the last six years of available data, Jan 1, 2004 – Dec 31, 2009.


    Charles Wilson Democrat (Elected 2007), OH House district 6

    Committee membership

    House Committee on Financial Services; House Committee on Science and Technology



    Top InterestsTop Organizations$ Near VotesGeography

    Total Campaign Contributions Received: $678,903

    Top 10 Interests Funding

    Interest Contributions

    Banks and Credit $71,800

    Insurance $57,010

    Health Professionals $41,500

    Industrial Unions $37,000

    Electric Utilities $32,400

    Lawyers/Law Firms $28,300

    Misc Services $28,150

    Building Trade Unions $26,000

    Real Estate $24,400

    Securities & Investment $22,000

    Contributions from political parties and from other candidates are not included in top 10 lists.

    Contributions shown for the last two years of available data, Jan 1, 2008 – Dec 31, 2009.

  13. OMG! Avatar

    Now for a real conspirator:

    Michele Bachmann Republican (Elected 2007), MN House district 6

    Committee membership

    House Committee on Financial Services



    Top InterestsTop Organizations$ Near VotesGeography

    Total Campaign Contributions Received: $2,011,066

    Top 10 Interests Funding

    Interest Contributions

    Republican/Conservative $169,550

    Insurance $105,450

    Securities & Investment $74,700

    Misc Finance $62,700

    Banks and Credit $62,605

    Accountants $47,700

    Health Professionals $46,450

    Pharmaceuticals/Health Products $43,450

    Misc Manufacturing & Distributing $40,300

    Real Estate $36,950

    Contributions from political parties and from other candidates are not included in top 10 lists.

    Contributions shown for the last two years of available data, Jan 1, 2008 – Dec 31, 2009.

  14. Syncopation Avatar

    Speaking of the batty bigot Bachmann, check out her weirdness:

    “This cannot pass,” the Minnesota Republican told a crowd at a Denver gathering sponsored by the Independence Institute. “What we have to do today is make a covenant, to slit our wrists, be blood brothers on this thing. This will not pass. We will do whatever it takes to make sure this doesn’t pass.”

    “Something is way crazy out there,” Bachmann said in her remarks, billed as a “personal legislative briefing” by the Golden-based Independence Institute, which bills itself as a “free market think tank.”

    “This is slavery,” Bachmann said after claiming many Americans pay half their income to taxes. “It’s nothing more than slavery.”

    In a speech filled with urgent and violent rhetoric, Bachmann — who proudly acknowledges she is the country’s “second-most hated Republican woman,” behind only former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin – drew a clear line on health care reform.

    “You’re either for us or against us on this issue,” she said after deriding U.S. Rep. Betsy Markey, a Fort Collins Democrat, for “[sitting] on the fence” about health care proposals at recent town halls.

    Bachmann recently joined former U.S. Rep. Marilyn Musgrave, the Republican Markey defeated last year, in a telephone town hall where she told abortion opponents the health care “battle will be won – on our knees in prayer and fasting.”

    At times, Bachmann’s legislative briefing sounded more like the plot of a slasher movie.

    “Right now, we are looking at reaching down the throat and ripping the guts out of freedom,” she said. “And we may never be able to restore it if we don’t man up and take this one on.”

    While Bachmann didn’t ask this audience to “rise up” against President Barack Obama’s tyrannical rule, they stood anyway and applauded when she announced she was No. 1 on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s list of “top targets.”

    Despite health care reform proponents recently facing “the summer of discontent for Democrats,” Bachmann predicted Pelosi has the muscle to keep the legislation on a fast track.

    “[Pelosi] will slam this through in the month of September,” Bachmann said, even if she has to “break the arms of the Blue Dogs.” Then it comes down to the Senate, where Bachmann said “the lobbyists and special interests only have to hover around 15 senators,” with a bill expected by the end of the year.

    Bachmann urged those opposed to Democratic plans for health care reform to keep applying pressure.

    “This has to be defeated,” she said. “Cap and Trade has to be defeated. Those two alone have the strength to destroy this country forever, so we have to defeat them.”

  15. Amilam Avatar

    So we have the always classy one sentence posts from SLOP, enormous block posting by OMG, and tanning advice from Cal. It's like groundhog's day with an extra chromosome.

  16. OMG! Avatar

    Comment from Amilam

    Time March 31, 2010 at 12:12 pm

    "So we have the always classy one sentence posts from SLOP, enormous block posting by OMG, and tanning advice from Cal. It’s like groundhog’s day with an extra chromosome."

    Yea well, someone has to do the heavy lifting. I would speculate it works that way in the economy too….so what flavor of freeloader are you? Nip, jab, and whine.

  17. ArtW Avatar

    OMG!: "Yea well, someone has to do the heavy lifting."

    You can be sure it won't be a lib.

  18. Cal Avatar

    Amilam. Nice to see you. I was going to ask you to try and teach Cantor and his friends how to write if you ever dropped by again, but I see you’ve taken a lesson out of their play book and chose to use the ever-popular one liner. Those are WAY cool! You're short on comprehension but you do have a reasonable command of syntax and grammar. (Been reading up on those Southern Democrats while you were away?)

    And hey, you gave SinkFullofConstipation’s _fantastic_ expose on Michelle Bachmann a pass without screaming “fraud” or “plagiarism” and not a single demand for a source. What’s up with that??? He couldn’t put something like that together on his own even under the threat of being waterboarded (or tortured) and yet you're not calling him out. I love the consistency. (That’s not a genetic/chromosomal abnormality thing is it???)

  19. geoff Avatar

    "A potentially damaging scandal has erupted that implicates Sean Hannity and Oliver North in the worst kind of charitable fraud. According to complaints filed with the FTC and the IRS, the two right-wing icons have exploited American veterans for personal and partisan gain. The actions filed by CREW accuse Hannity and North of misusing millions of dollars collected by the Freedom Alliance, a charity they promote and control."

    Be interesting to see how they spin this one.

  20. SOLP Avatar

    I see geoff loves to get all of his 'news' from leftist organizations, and for your info, dickhead(because that is what you truly are), CREW is being brought up on charges of slander and defamation of character. You know 'character', that thing that you and Obama lack!

  21. joshgeek Avatar

    not too sure about palin or steele, but paul ryan surely is not a democratic plant. I am represented by him and, knowing a little bit about his constituency, feel a need to point out to whom mr. ryan is ultimately accountable. The whole state of Wisconsin, really, but specifically the south-eastern portion of it is heavily democratic leaning. The fact that ryan even has the seat kind of astounds me, but I've never had a problem with him. I've seen him many times shill for the RNC. Never have I thought, gee, this guy doesn't seem like he belongs in the Republican party. I guess I'm kind of confused why he's being thrown under a bus with palin and steele. He has to rely on dem/"progressive" swing votes to stay in office… of course he's going to have to curb his own politics to some degree, simply for job security-and to retain a precious seat for the RNC. just sayin.

  22. OMG! Avatar

    Comment from geoff

    Time March 31, 2010 at 9:54 pm

    “A potentially damaging scandal has erupted that implicates Sean Hannity and Oliver North in the worst kind of charitable fraud. According to complaints filed with the FTC and the IRS, the two right-wing icons have exploited American veterans for personal and partisan gain. The actions filed by CREW accuse Hannity and North of misusing millions of dollars collected by the Freedom Alliance, a charity they promote and control.”

    Be interesting to see how they spin this one."

    You're being spun and don't realize it. Not me.

  23. Jack Sprat Avatar
    Jack Sprat


    I don't think you'll find the ever so eloquent Ms Tina LeFey an impartial arbiter of truth. She pretty much matches her lipstick mentality to her philosophy, red, as in Russian red and staunch liberalism. She would have had Little Red Riding Hood's Grandmother put in jail for killing the poor endangered, harmless wolf, who was undoubtedly trying to give her mouth to mouth resuscitation, but was certainly innocent of trying to "eat her", I'm sure sees Ira Einhorn as the Victim of that "skank" who he put in the trunk, after all the left wouldn't treasure and proclaim Earth Day after a cold blooded killer.

    Hence the bus has plenty of road cushion.

  24. Jack Sprat Avatar
    Jack Sprat


    "You’re being spun and don’t realize it. Not me."

    Truth and accuracy has never been one of geoof's strong suits, I think you'll find more in the pages of marvel comics.

    What he may mean is "he wishes it were true", after all you can find it on the huff 'n stuff post, gotta be true, I'm sure the Dearly Kooks will run a companion piece of shite to tarnish someone actually doing some thing worth while for some one rather than try to steal every dime they have.

    Seems that I saw that he had just sent $500,000 from his latest book to some charity, the cheap bastard.

    In Canada, geoof is used as a log splitter.

  25. geoff Avatar

    Hmm. As I said: interesting.

    SLOP: "CREW is being brought up on charges of slander and defamation of character." Strange Google didn't bring up anything on that: do you have a source?

    OMG: a quick and unconvincing one-liner. JS, true to his nature, instead of addressing the issue just tries to insult me.

    Spin, spin, spin.

  26. ArtW Avatar

    JS: "Seems that I saw that he had just sent $500,000 from his latest book to some charity, the cheap bastard."

    It is actually ALL the proceeds, less some expenses like marketing costs, Hannity makes nothing on the book.

    Contrast that with kind-hearted liberals like VP Biden who, since 1998, has given a total (TOTAL) of $5,575 to charity.

  27. Cal Avatar

    I had to go to the Huff and Puff Post to find it (now I need to take a shower) but the charges are that “not every penny donated goes to the families of wounded soldier’s as 'promised' but that some goes to Freedom Alliance’s scholarship fund.” Since this is the first I’ve heard of this “scandalous” report I can’t comment. I can tell you I would unequivocally trust Oliver North with my money, my home, and my life. I don’t know Sean Hannity personally but I find it hard to believe either of these fine men have done anything wrong. If a complaint is filed, someone will look into it and I’m sure we’ll find out. I know the Left would never make anything up out of whole cloth (Al Sharpton) or exaggerate something to make a political point.

    The bigger concern to me is being told “Under my administration if you make less than $250k your taxes will not go up one dime.” That’s a demonstrably provable lie. Can we investigate this one while CREW does its thing?

  28. Cal Avatar

    I'm not sure where to post this as we don't really have a global warming thread. But this may be the single most embarrassing thing I've ever watched. This man is actually a member of congress from Georgia.

    I could not believe this admiral had to sit there and respond to this complete idiot, moron, ignorant "congressman." My God, Forrest, you're dumber than Cynthia McKinney and she was the poster child for stupid before you came to town. Did your mother have ANY children that lived? (I wonder if he replaced her?)

    Careful, Guam might tip over and capsize. I thought it was a joke at first, but unfortunately, this is one of our best Democrats at work.

    I also can't believe no one laughed out loud. I could NOT have stopped myself. Well done, Admiral. God bless you.

  29. edavis Avatar

    Ms. teena doo phew,,,,,,,,,I do hope that is sounding French enough to please you. Award winning writer – you are amusing if nothing else. Actually you are wrong about most of what you write and don't bother to check your facts – award winning writer? I think not.

  30. Cantor Avatar

    Looks like edavis needs to visit the wizard for both a heart AND a brain.

  31. Cal Avatar

    "Looks like edavis needs to visit the wizard for both a heart AND a brain."

    Yeah, but he's got nothing on you. How's that search for a little courage going there Cowardly Cantor? And let me be the first to thank you for yet another amazing one-liner. You are totally awesome, duuude!

  32. CarlE Avatar

    OMG wears out my right index finger scrolling past his endless copy and pasting. Why bother posting the link? and you call that heavy lifting???

    How funny that Cal would bring up the word plagiarizing when his motto seems to be, "Plagiarize, that's why God made your eyes" (to paraphrase Tom Lehrer). Never has had anything of substance to say and is keeping his record going strong now.

    Let's not leave David Frum out of this. AEI and the repubs in general or trying to do him in for being a voice in moderation. Everyone of them with their Armagedon/Waterloo statements deserve to choke on their words.

  33. OMG! Avatar

    Comment from CarlE

    Time April 2, 2010 at 7:36 pm

    "OMG wears out my right index finger scrolling past his endless copy and pasting. Why bother posting the link? and you call that heavy lifting???"

    Typical moronic liberal. Let's see what happened here.

    Ants build nest, ants gather food for winter and hard times to survive. Grasshopper laughs and mocks ants. Cold comes, grasshopper demands ants share wealth. Ants finally help grasshopper supplying long blocks of nutritious food. Grasshopper complains of texture of food and amount of work needed to chew it….. Grasshopper dies blaming ants.

  34. Cal Avatar

    You'd think CarlE would still be in the shame hospital after posting one nonsensical, false post after the other and getting his literary head handed to him in a basket over and over and over. But like someone in a bad S&M flick he keeps lifting his head up taunting the guy with the mallet by calling him a punk.

    That sort of reminds me of the Monty Python movie where Arthur cuts off the Black Knight's limbs one by one. The Knight tells him "It's only a flesh wound" and "I've had worse." Even when all four limbs are gone his bloody stump says, "Come back here and take what's coming to you! I'll bite your legs off!"

    At least he's not trying to pass off lies as truth. (No one pays more than 50% in taxes! Republicans offered no alternatives! Oh, they did? Well, they didn't offer any legislation–there's a big difference! Oh, they did that, too? Who cares? I'll just keep making wildly unfounded claims regardless. It works on liberal blogs!)

    How about this one, CarlE? "Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time." — Monty Python and the Holy Grail

  35. Chris Avatar

    Tina you are hot! Are you seeing anybody?

  36. geoff Avatar

    Cal: "You’d think CarlE would still be in the shame hospital after posting one nonsensical, false post after the other and getting his literary head handed to him in a basket over and over and over."

    When/where did that happen?

    "But like someone in a bad S&M flick." I'm afraid I don't watch that kind of movie, Cal. Could you tell us the titles of a few of your favourites, so we can find out what you're talking about?

    "At least he’s not trying to pass off lies as truth." Jealous, are you, Cal?

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