Springtime in Washington


Ah, springtime has arrived in Washington, D.C.

The National Cherry Blossom Festival is under way. The cherry trees, 3,700 of them given to America by the Japanese in 1912, are in full bloom.

It reminds me why Americans are so wary of Washington.

Cartoon by David Fitzsimmons - Arizona Star (click to purchase)
Cartoon by David Fitzsimmons – Arizona Star (click to purchase)

In the spring of 1999, you see, some culprits had been chopping down cherry trees.

The National Park Service, in a state of high alert for days, finally identified the tree fellers: three beavers, who decided to construct a dam in the Tidal Basin.

In a normal city, this situation would have been dealt with swiftly. The beavers would have been trapped, transported to another location and released.

In fact, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), not known for common sense solutions, suggested exactly that.

But Washington is no normal city.

No sooner was PETA’s idea floated than experts began crawling out of the woodwork. One said it would be tragic to separate the three beavers, since they’re likely from the same family.

Another said you can’t move beavers to a new colony because the new colony – beavers are Republicans? – would reject the freeloaders. Besides, what’s the point of being a beaver if you don’t have any buddies to plug up storm sewers with?

A third expert said that, all things considered, the most humane solution would be to euthanize the beavers.

Boy, did the public react negatively to that suggestion.

This is because beavers are cute. Their cuddly television presence clouded the public’s ability to address the problem rationally.

The fact is that if beavers looked more like their pointy-nosed cousins, rats, even PETA would have lined the banks of the Tidal Basin with rifles and shotguns to take out the varmints before they felled more beloved trees.

By that point, PETA returned to form. It demanded the beavers be allowed to continue damming the Tidal Basin – to hell with the cherry trees and the fact that “Tidal Basin” would need to be renamed “Tidal Wave.”

The hullabaloo went on for some time before the Park Service finally hired a professional trapper. The trapper caught the beavers and they were carted off.

You’d think that would have been the end of it. But not in Washington.

Activists, suspicious of what the Park Service really did with the beavers – Guantanamo Bay? – demanded their location be divulged.

That prompted the Park Service to issue a statement. It said that, due to the publicity surrounding the case, the beavers were moved to a “safe house,” which, apparently, is some kind of beaver witness protection program.

The beaver incident illustrates how convoluted and confusing things can get in Washington – simple ideas and solutions that work everywhere else are twisted and contorted and made unrecognizable there.

That’s why the fellows who founded this country had the right idea when they sought to keep most of the decision-making out of Washington – keep it among the people and within the states.

But the birds running the government right now don’t see it that way. They have Washington butting into every aspect of our lives.

Alas, springtime has arrived in Washington. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and the cherry trees are in full bloom.

And all I can do is worry about what that nutty town is going to meddle with next.


©2010 Tom Purcell. Tom Purcell, a humor columnist for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, is nationally syndicated exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate. For more info contact Cari Dawson Bartley at 800 696 7561 or email [email protected]. Visit Tom on the web at www.TomPurcell.com or e-mail him at [email protected].


10 responses to “Springtime in Washington”

  1. Jack Sprat Avatar
    Jack Sprat

    "A third expert said that, all things considered, the most humane solution would be to euthanize the beavers."

    Boy, don't move them it would be cruel, kill them its kinder, if that isn't Planned Parenthood's thought. Fortunately they're not babies, so they have a chance to live.

  2. geoff Avatar

    JS: you almost seem as obsessed with abortion as poor Kathryn.

  3. OMG! Avatar

    Comment from geoff

    Time April 6, 2010 at 10:41 pm

    "JS: you almost seem as obsessed with abortion as poor Kathryn."

    What the hell is wrong with that….seems you're the type to uses fetuses for fishbait? How about grinding them up in dog food?

    Shame to throw away all that protein wouldn't you think?

  4. geoff Avatar

    OMG: you're sick.

  5. Cal Avatar

    Careful OMG. You'll make gooff squeamish. Abortion is a such a nice, neat term that avoids talking about the truth like crushing skulls, piercing soft heads, sucking out the contents and throwing the remains in a trash can.

    Let's not bring up the dirty details. It's takes the bloom off the rose. Okay?

  6. geoff Avatar

    Cal: let's not talk about Cathollic orphanages. Let's not talk about the number of women who continue to die because of lack of access to adequate abortion facilities. Let's not talk about lack of contraception and lack of education on how not to get pregnant in the first place. Let's not talk about the inequality of "men" who can walk away and women who have to bear the burden.

    Let's just stick our fingers in our ears and hide in our dank little corners, right Cal? That's the way you handle everything, right Mr. Marine?

  7. Jack Sprat Avatar
    Jack Sprat

    "let’s not talk about Cathollic (Catholic would at least be spelled the same, I know I like it when you point out the minutia of “English 101” for me) I would believe that orphanages. Let’s not talk about the number of women who continue to die because of lack of access to adequate abortion facilities."

    Wow, such a statement of complete idiocy, but then we really don't expect an alien to understand "sanctity of life issues", because the Catholic Orphanage system is one of the largest private system that actually cares for the children (oh please go there moon muffin), and after the 1% or so of women who actually qualify for the Roe v Wade decision (you know Safe, Rare, Legal arguments in the first trimester – only) and there seem to be enough Planned Parenthood bathrooms to "crap out a baby" in, I don't know how elaborate that needs to be, but as for the lack of access, the 15 year old who had the school personnel take her to get one without her parents knowledge didn't seem to have trouble finding "adequate abortion facilities", perhaps you're thinking of the little country of Canadia and their questionable "facility" availability with the limited "resources", if you believe one of the Court rulings 'up dere", but according to that ruling they indicated that such a "termination of potential" health care user" would be "rushed" to the front of the death line.

  8. Cal Avatar

    I caught “Mr. Marine” at the end of gooff’s post and from Jack’s gleaned something about Catholic orphanages. I’m sure it was great. Well thought out, factually based, not an emotional “back atcha” rant. It’s good to see I still get to my bestest buddy in Canada. As much as he loves me and obsesses over every thing I write, it seems the least I can do.

    Jack, if I ever miss anything of value in one of gooff's posts, please let me know. I adore how he carves out nuggets of knowledge from the learning pit and I'd hate to let one pass by. I didn't have any idea how smelly Europeans were (OR how clean Muslims were during the Crusades) until you cut and pasted that from one of his enlightening epistles. That's the sort of detail we need to learn more about. Oh, btw, Biden thinks Obama's a clean guy, too. And articulate.

  9. Jack Sprat Avatar
    Jack Sprat

    "Jack, if I ever miss anything of value in one of gooff’s posts, please let me know."

    Not a problem, it's not as though it would take more than the time it takes to scratch my head, the hard part is finding something that makes sense enough to post on. Like "who's Saul Alinsky", there weren't blacks as "founding fathers of America, America's lynching by Democrats, and any other equally stupid thing a "professor professer" should really know "having taught history here" or the ever so intellectual there "only Sephardim" Jews in the Kibbutz he supposedly saw 16 year olds carrying M-16's on buses that made him more nervous than the PLO murderers. I don't expect much will be missed, I did see something where, "we (apparently he includes himself "editorially" since he has such vast understanding of our country, people and well not a damn thing) was blathering about how we "just haven't spent enough". I believe it was a book end "thought" to his we don't control the banks enough like they do in the "little" countries, with simple sounding answers and no "ugh" minorities, like those who aren't "lackeys of the state" and we let our spending "get out of control" unlike his fiscally responsible "country" (actually like 4 or 5 really big towns in a whole lot of trees and deer flies.

    Unfortunately I do try to give all posts an equal chance, and even end up reading some of his, hell you never know even blind squirrels find a nut every now and then.

    Frankly his 'adamant" stupidity, lack of knowledge, world history, and perspective boars me too much to do more than an occasional "gee, he really is this stupid". I had hoped that if I was marginally "nice" to him and genuinely tried to "engage" him in an article or two he'd do more that throw excrement from the cage, but alas he truly is a "child of Darwinian hope".

  10. Cal Avatar

    “but alas he truly is a “child of Darwinian hope”. With the exception of Stug, Good Life, maybe dr. ellis, and sometimes SeaChris, it seems there isn’t much in the way of original thinking on the other side here. But our resident professor stands out head and shoulders above the rest of them.

    I’m stickin’ with Rob’s (?) thought he’s really a professional blogger. I just can’t buy the whole professor of history thing. At least not if he actually does any work at some university other than opining on Cagle.

    Did Stug say he was leaving us?

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