Earth Attacks!


Raging Moderate, by Will Durst

Got to admit, didn’t find the Icelandic volcano spewing its guts over the last couple of weeks very upsetting. Of course, if you were one of the thousands forced to get up close and personal with airport terminal linoleum for days on end, I heartily apologize, but encourage you to consider it a small price to pay for our species’ conceit. The belching of Eyjafjallajokull was a cautionary notice to not take humankind too seriously. We may think we run things around here, but we don’t really run things around here.

Cartoon by Adam Zyglis - Buffalo News (click to run it in your publication)
Cartoon by Adam Zyglis – Buffalo News (click to run it in your publication)

I kind of like it when the planet kicks back. Jogs our memory. Re-establishes who’s the real boss. Our seemingly somnambulant landlord may appear to have nodded off in the midst of our noisy shenanigans but we should never forget it’s a light sleeper, ubiquitously omnipresent and equipped with weapons that make atomic bombs look like dime-store novelties.

What’s most surprising is the lack of terrestrial retaliation. We’re perpetually plundering the home of our host. Poking and prodding and stripping away the upper crust and excavating precious jewels and minerals hidden within. I would have called the entire human population a cab and kicked us out a couple of eons ago. No, really. Eons. A Sherwin-Williams lava flood during the Mesozoic Era would have done the trick nicely. We could easily have been the first victims of Colony Collapse Disorder.

All we do is pillage. And loot. And ransack. And turn up the thermostat without permission. So a wake-up call like this is kind of bracing. A reminder that we’re all just fleas on a rock. Very busy fleas running around a highly volatile rock perhaps, but still tiny mites clinging to a roundish boulder hurtling through space at fantastic speeds trying to hold on and not poop our pants.

It’s a relief when the evidence that our planet is a sentient being and capable of throwing poison into our air and turning villages into pools of fire and hurling stones the size of houses a mile across the sky is only an inconvenience. You can be a tertiary curmudgeon, and still not a huge fan of people dying in large numbers like with a hurricane or an earthquake, or a tsunami or another Billy Crystal movie. All of which seem to be happening a bit more often than what should be normal as of late, or is our ability to instantly view those disasters in high def on YouTube just freaking me out?

And wasn’t it a bit of the old ironic that with all the airports the ash cloud shut down around the world, Reykjavik’s Keflavik International Airport, situated just west of Eyjafjallajokull, stayed wide open — safe from the east-spreading, engine-clogging cloud. Or was this simply Iceland playing out its financial death rattle and scattering the ashes of its economy over Europe?

Or maybe the planet has finally grown weary of our poaching thievery and is demanding a series of human sacrifices. And speaking of unspeakable larceny, I’d like to nominate the CEO of Goldman Sachs to be jettisoned into the caldera by golden parachute. Lloyd Blankfein, who deserves the grateful thanks of a nation for finally giving a face to smug. And then to be safe, we humanely capture Bjork, tag an ear and ship her back up north to soothe our savage landlord. Lady Gaga?


Will Durst is a San Francisco-based political comic who often writes. This being a conspicuous example. Catch him hosting “The Green Collar Comedy Show” on Showtime all this month. Funnyfest. Calgary, Alberta. April 29 – May 2. 403.228.7888. New CD, “Raging Moderate” from Stand-Up Records now available on both iTunes and Amazon.

Copyright ©2010, Will Durst, distributed by the Cagle Cartoons Inc. syndicate. Call Cari Dawson-Bartley at 800-696-7561 or e-mail [email protected]. Will Durst is a political comedian who has performed around the world. He is a familiar pundit on television and radio. E-mail Will at [email protected]. Check out for the latest podcast. Will Durst’s book, “The All American Sport of Bipartisan Bashing,” is available from Amazon and better bookstores all over this great land of ours. Don’t forget to check out his rooftop comedy minutes at:


8 responses to “Earth Attacks!”

  1. Rob Avatar

    The author above says: "A reminder that we’re all just fleas on a rock. Weapons that make atomic bombs look like dime-store novelties."

    Rob says: Global warming and ozone layer damage from solar winds, volcanic ash, forest fires from lightning strikes, etc. V.S. humanites landfills, automobiles, oil spills, etc. is nothing more than tiny poop on the face of the this planet.

    Me thinks we, as humans, significantly overestimate our affect "as fleas" on the face of this hurling stone to create any kind of significant "carbon footprint" impact compared to the NATURAL forces of nature and the universe.

    DISCLAIMER: (“cut and pasted” revised 4/30/10 at11 PM EST) directed to Syncopation/Geoff and others: It is not a requirement of the reader that the above readers post be read or commented upon. The above and future post’s may or may not be an original thought, verbalized in the posters own words OR “cut and pasted” email, spam or off topic (NOT a violation of this forum), nor meant to be "trashy, foul, offensive, racist, ugly, hateful, rude or crude" in any manner (contrary to unsolicited accusations from the Left) and may contain typographical error or improper grammar which need not be commented upon, and proper credit being given to the author (if provided by source) by link or author name (if provided), unless author is unknown (therefore the words “AUTHOR UNKNOWN” will be stated at the bottom of the post so as not to misconstrue plagiarism or a claim of authorship). Whether the reader finds the above post “interesting”, “offensive” (etc.) is strictly a matter of varying degree of personal opinion, taste, and belief with the understanding that this poster is not seeking either personal approval or negative comment. At the request of the poster, all liberal and non U.S. citizen readers are welcome and encouraged to “Zoom” past any posted material by this Poster they otherwise deem as “drivel” without requirement to offer insulting commentary or ask never ending inane “Socratic method” questions of this poster so as to provoke and induce argumentative and ineffectual banter for the purpose of demonstrating error in logic, content or source (verified or not) on the part of this Poster. This Poster is content with his position on the Right and does not seek to be converted to liberalism or to convert readers to Conservatism. Poster is not feeling “poor, crying, throwing a tantrum, frothing at the mouth or living in the dark”, etc. (contrary to unsophisticated and unsolicited accusations from the Left). Some material may be posted strictly for entertainment or discussion value and may not necessarily represent the viewpoint or political opinion of the Poster with complete accuracy. Poster retains the right to modify this disclaimer at any time.

  2. geoff Avatar

    Rob: "Me thinks." That would be a first.

  3. geoff Avatar

    Actually, you know, Rob: I doubt it. I mean: if you think, then Descartes would take that to mean that you exist. And there's no proof of that. You haven't shown us your birth certificate or your driver's license. So why should we take you at your word?

  4. Cal Avatar

    We have a local security company here called “Safe Touch.” There’s a guy who plays the criminal who’s always thwarted by the Safe Touch system. He ends each commercial saying, “Oooh, I HATE Safe Touch.”

    When I catch part of a gooff one-liner I feel the same way. For someone so void of original thought it’s the irony of ironies to read gooff say “that’d be a first” to anyone regarding thinking. gooff, defender of the Taliban–we are Borg.

  5. Rob Avatar

    We tend to over estimate our environmental impact on this planet, similar to the verbal poop that Geoff spews in this forum.

    Tiny and insignificant.

  6. Syncopation Avatar

    The goes Rob equating size with effect again. How very adolescent of you!

  7. geoff Avatar

    "When I catch part of a gooff one-liner." You protest too much, Cal.

    And Rob: in case you haven't realised, I'm not spewing anything verbally in this forum: I'm typing. Digitally, dactyly (if there is such a word).

  8. Cal Avatar

    This cartoon on Cagle caught my attention. I thought my browser was lured off to some kind of weird porn site until I noticed it was on the same page as the Durst article.

    Shouldn’t this be in a magazine with a sleazy cover? (Or at least a warning label?)

    And there goes StinkFull contributing yet another absolutely enlightening, juvenile one-liner for the umpteenth time today. How very adolescent of him… (I know using “him” and “adolescent” is redundant but then I’m repeating myself–again. As in déjà vu all over again, right Yogi?)

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