The Third Gulf War


Raging Moderate, by Will Durst

The president may have wrestled Afghanistan and Iraq to shaky standoffs but the newest skirmish in the heads-up display of Air Force One shows him losing the third Gulf War and losing bad. Taking shots from both sides — from both sides. Republicans are yelling at Obama for holding BP responsible for the Deepwater Horizon disaster AND for not doing enough to clean it up. That man sure is a geographic oddity. On two wrong sides of the same issue. Which ain’t easy.

bp gulf oil spill
Cartoon by Brian Fairrington – Cagle Cartoons (click to reprint)

The main burst of charges that Obama is scapegoating British Petroleum are oozing from the newest Republican Senate candidate from Kentucky, Rand Paul. A man naturally disposed to disturbing people with both his views and his coif. Please, someone, have the simple common human decency to tell him that 1985 is calling and it wants its hair back. Not even Lyle Lovett wears it like that anymore. Anthony Geary maybe.

But I digress. Calls are streaming across the aisle for the president to ignore BP’s jurisdictional claims and have the military take over. Because people suspect BP cannot be trusted. About anything. If they smile and say, “Hello,” check your back for shards of a malfunctioning Blowout Protector. “We’re trying our best.” We are familiar with your best. Your best sucks.

Top Kill was supposed to take 12 hours, then 24, 48 and now 96. You don’t have to be Stephen Hawking to spot a mathematical progression here. 12,288 is a mere seven press conferences spewed down the line. They didn’t want the video feed to go public because even you and I and your five-year-old helper-monkey would see the ferocious gushing and realize, “Whoa, that’s more than 5,000 gallons a day. That’s 5,000 gallons a frame. Where’s my banana?”

BP’s sole object is protecting profit. Covering corporate butt. In the last six weeks, not a single word that has leaked out of their mouths has been true. Eventually they will divest themselves of all U.S. assets, change their name and seep offshore to escape financial culpability in the courts, but until then the main object is to deflect blame, keeping responsibility to a minimum. And when I say responsibility, I mean money. The ultimate lubricant.

BP is not concerned with plugging or cleaning or stopping or fixing or reimbursing, except for how it affects the quarterly dividend. To that end they will lie and deny and in-comply and do whatever it takes. They will lie about what happened, what is happening and what will happen. They will lie because that is the culture in which corporations live. They will lie because it is their nature. They will lie because they’re good at it. They will lie to stay in practice. They will lie about lying. Offer up proof. They will lie. They will claim it was their evil twin. Remember when this all started on Earth Day and they said there was no leak. Why? Because they were hoping to get it under control and nobody would be the wiser.

Some people are calling for a boycott of BP. Not enough. Don’t just boycott British Petroleum; ride a bicycle to one of their stations, seize their toilet paper assets and send them to the Gulf. To help clean up. If Obama and the Oil Flushers can’t do the right thing, we’ll do it for them. Then stay on that bicycle for as long as you can.


Will Durst is a San Francisco based political comic who often writes. This being an indignant example. Catch his one-man show, “The Lieutenant Governor from the State of Confusion,” at the Vallejo (Calif.) Naval Museum June 3, and at the 142 Throckmorton Theatre in Mill Valley, Calif., June 5. His new CD, “Raging Moderate” from Stand Up! Records, is now available on both iTunes and Amazon.

Copyright ©2010, Will Durst, distributed by the Cagle Cartoons Inc. syndicate. Call Cari Dawson-Bartley at 800-696-7561 or e-mail [email protected]. Will Durst is a political comedian who has performed around the world. He is a familiar pundit on television and radio. E-mail Will at [email protected]. Check out for the latest podcast. Will Durst’s book, “The All American Sport of Bipartisan Bashing,” is available from Amazon and better bookstores all over this great land of ours. Don’t forget to check out his rooftop comedy minutes at:


6 responses to “The Third Gulf War”

  1. geoff Avatar

    “BP is not concerned with plugging or cleaning or stopping or fixing or reimbursing, except for how it affects the quarterly dividend.”
    Not long term, sustainability, but… the next quarterly statement.

  2. Cal Avatar

    Will Durst. The other Purcell of the Left. Zzzzzzzzz

  3. geoff Avatar

    Gee, Cal: still waiting to see you blame it all on the unions. Or Greenpeace. Anyone but BP & Halliburton.

    C'mon, are you scared? Is that how they teach you Marines these days?

  4. Rob Avatar

    George Bush, Queen Elizabeth, and Vladimir Putin all die and go to hell.

    While there, they spy a red phone and ask what the phone is for.

    The devil tells them it is for calling back to Earth.

    Putin asks to call Russia and talks for 5 minutes. When he is finished the devil informs him that the cost is a million dollars, so

    Putin writes him a check.

    Next Queen Elizabeth calls England and talks for 30 minutes. When she is finished the devil informs her that the cost is 6 million dollars, so she writes him a check.

    Finally George Bush gets his turn and talks for 4 hours. When he is finished the devil informs him that the cost is $5.00.

    When Putin hears this he goes ballistic and asks the devil why Bush got to call the USA so cheaply.

    The devil smiles and replies: "Since Obama took over, the country has gone to hell, so it's a local call."

  5. Cal Avatar

    geoff. Monthly reminder. I don’t intentionally read anything you write. Your level of obstinance is either incredible or commendable depending on one’s point of view. Are you mentally unstable or still on the quota system which requires you to address us by name?

    At some point it seems a rational man would just give it up. The key word is, of course, “rational.”

  6. geoff Avatar

    Cal: I don't think you have the slightest clue what the word "rational" means. You keep slinging out your personal attacks and opinions and calling them "facts." Your hissy fit rants are based on a whole lot of false premises and follow through a maze of emotive hot button key words, but nothing of substance.

    As I've said before: I'm just following in the old family tradition of fighting fascism.

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