Bright Side of the BP Oil Spill

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Raging Moderate, by Will Durst

To say the news coming out of the Gulf is not what you call encouraging is like saying it’s been a rough week for Dennis Hopper. And it’s making people crazy. No. Really. Crazy. Louisiana native and Democratic strategist James Carville went off on the President like a string of overstuffed firecrackers in a pot-bellied stove. And for Carville to savage the leader of his own party either means he’s mad as hell and can’t take it anymore or his wife Mary Matalin’s naggingly oppressive monotonic brain-washing has achieved full saturation. I would hazard a bit of both.

Obama BP oil spill thinker
Cartoon by Taylor Jones – Cagle Cartoons (click to reprint)

You got Republicans calling for domestic government intervention. While on the other side of Loopyville, some Dems are screaming for the military to take over. What the hell do they expect the Army to be able to do that BP can’t, shoot it? Surround the mil- deep spill, capture and occupy it? Proceed to win its hearts and minds? Hey, Alice, which way out of this rabbit hole?

Outside of that stone plug that Jack used in “Lost,” BP appears to have tried everything: Top Hat. Top Kill. Top Cat. Top Chef. Topkapi. Topographical maps. Topol. Topamax. Topo Gigio. But thus far, the only thing they’ve managed to accomplish is to make the spill very, very angry. Not as angry as folks near the affected areas who just want to get back to their lives. Especially in the wake of the recent “We’re BP and we’re so sorry” ad campaign that’s costing millions to air in lieu of expediting financial claims. Destined to rank right up there with marrying a Kardashian, for worst PR move, EVER.

Now word comes down the plumey pike that the wound we opened in the lower epidermis of the Earth might not be closed until a relief well is finished sometime in August, so perhaps we should accept the fact that the Gulf is short-term doomed and start to seek out the bright sides of the BP Oil Spill.

America has always been the Imperial Wizard of the International Optimists League. And now is a perfect time for us to jump back into the silver lining business. Because when this country is handed lemons, we make lemonade. All we need is a couple of dump trucks full of sugar and, ironically, some clean water.


“¢ Your shrimp dish comes pre-marinated.

“¢ Newly affordable waterfront properties.

“¢ Frolicsome beachside tar-ball fights.

“¢ Gulf Coast salad dressing: just add vinegar.

“¢ Jet Skis able to refuel mid-trip.

“¢ Lubricated Jelly Fish.

“¢ Mortared with oil and tar, sand castles now tide-proof.

“¢ Fewer silly election-year cries of “Drill, Baby, Drill.”

“¢ No more squeaky oysters.

“¢ Need an oil change? Wander down to water’s edge and squeegee a duck.

“¢ Hot enough day, and voila: the world’s largest fish fry.

“¢ Don’t bother drilling for oil, the oil is coming to us.

“¢ Romantic beach bonfires 24/7.

“¢Â  Wriggling out of your tight swimsuit is a breeze.

“¢ Every Gulf dock and pier instantly doubles as a Slip ‘n Slide.


Will Durst is a San Francisco-based political comic who often writes. This being an evident example. Catch his one-man show, “The Lieutenant Governor from the State of Confusion,” at a performing arts center near you. His new CD, “Raging Moderate” from Stand Up! Records, is now available on both iTunes and Amazon.

Copyright ©2010, Will Durst, distributed by the Cagle Cartoons Inc. syndicate. Call Cari Dawson-Bartley at 800-696-7561 or e-mail [email protected]. Will Durst is a political comedian who has performed around the world. He is a familiar pundit on television and radio. E-mail Will at [email protected]. Check out for the latest podcast. Will Durst’s book, “The All American Sport of Bipartisan Bashing,” is available from Amazon and better bookstores all over this great land of ours. Don’t forget to check out his rooftop comedy minutes at:


16 responses to “Bright Side of the BP Oil Spill”

  1. Cal Avatar

    Will's 15 bright sides were pretty good. "No more squeaky oysters" actually made me laugh!

  2. Ileanaleft Kaygunn Avatar
    Ileanaleft Kaygunn

    Question of the Day: How does Barry Obamanutjob "kick ass" while he has his " boot on BP's neck"?? Perhaps, he could audition for 'American I-dull'….And it was thought he was entirely talentless………………

  3. Southern girl Avatar
    Southern girl

    I'd like to have seen James Carville going off on Obama! That had to be good!

  4. aaron Avatar


    Did you have a point to make?

  5. GWA Avatar

    Republicans are blaming Obama. Want the Feds to do more. What happened to Republican's wanting less government interference? Oh! elections are coming — blame Obama and the Dems for anything even when Republicans cut oversight every chance they got when they were in power.

    Thanks Will for a little sanity.

  6. DHFabian Avatar

    I do wonder what "Drill, baby, drill" Palin thinks should be done. America awaits her wisdom! Actually, I've yet to hear a single solution from the Republican leadership. The only idea they've offered to date, to my knowledge, was not to worry about it, insisting that the spill was really that bad, and that the ocean could absorb it (?).

    That said, I am pretty certain it wasn't Obama who screwed this up. First, this isn't BP's first major oil spill, so you would think they would have had some sort of plan in the event they had another spill. We might have known they didn't, if we hadn't embraced deregulation during the Reagan years. It was criminally negligent to have nothing — absolutely nothing — in place to handle such an emergency. But if we've learned anything since the 1980's, it's that major (deregulated) corporations don't handle things responsibly on their own.

    So then, what should President Obama do? Maybe a fly-over, the way President Bush flew over hurricane-ravaged New Orleans? Or maybe dive under water with some duct tape to stop the leak? Do you grasp the magnitude of this disaster? What Obama has done is brought in experts who actually know what they're dealing with. He has been on the scene, speaking with the people who work on these wells, doing everything possible to find a solution. (Sure beats just saying, "Heck of a job, Brownie.") He has brought together the best minds and resources. The horrendous reality is that there might well not be a way to fix it.

    The blame rests first with BP. Again. Then come the Big Money interests that push for reckless drilling and quick profits. Then comes the American public for their insistence that they have a God-given RIGHT to have their own car and drive as much as they please, refusing to be inconvenienced by public transportation or (heaven forbid) actually walking. This is the price we pay (again) for our refusal to join those modern nations that have built comprehensive public transportation systems.

  7. Hawker1 Avatar

    There's been 30-49,000 successful wells drilled in the GOM. By many oil companies, large and small. There have been very few oops, of which this is the largest. That's a much better record than virtuallu any heavy industry record. I would wagwe "Drill, Baby, Drill. Palin" would continue to say the same thing the Governors of the coastal states do. "Put a competent local supervisor aboard to inspect the equipmenr and procedures of the rigs.. Then back off and let them do their job.If they fail to correct anything thr inspectop tells them, then shut that rig doen….mot the entire industry. That's a stupid idea.

  8. Glen Avatar

    I loved the Republican Texas Governor's take, sort of an 'easy come, easy go,' one should not get too excited over an act of God! So, simultaneously both BP and Obama are off the hook in Texas. Gawd is responsible. Perhaps we should have a 'Stiff Gawd Month,' i.e., put no money in the plate during services. THAT will teach him!

  9. Call me conservative Avatar
    Call me conservative

    The fact that there was a pre-planned immediate response for barrier and burn that was not implemented due to FEDERAL ignorance in FEDERAL jurisdiction…and that neither BP nor the Secretary of the Interior, nor anyone in the Administration including Hizmajestyhisseff seemed to know of its existence…well, whatever happened to "the buck stops here"? Seems that the buck keeps geting passed. The GOP is rightly quiet on what to do now…why stick a foot in the fire when it's not your turn to dance? I hope we kick em all out in November and get a business minded administrator in 2012! Welcome to the party. Now enjoy a nice cup of Gulf Tea folks…

  10. Missouri Mom Avatar
    Missouri Mom

    DHFabian: I've been dying to say what you just said so eloquently. Not only do most of the people squawking for BP's and Obama's heads insist on their God-given right to have their own car and drive as much as they please, it's probably a BIG truck or SUV, and maybe two or three vehicles per family to boot.

    So, "call me conservative", the buck stops squarely on YOUR head and MINE. And it was a Democrat from Missouri that originally made that statement, not a darn "tea party" flake.

  11. virginialady Avatar

    I see nothing funny about any of this-you people are all idiots. And the Repubs want big government? You damned right we do. We don't want government in our noses for everything, no. We don't need government usually, we should be fully capable of caring for ourselves, unlike the Dems. However, when a crisis hits, when an emergency occurs, what the hell are we paying our taxes for if we can't depend on the feds to help out? You're damned right we're calling for help. Stay out of our health, stay out of our finances. But we are a part of this god-forsaken country and when a disaster on such a huge level occurs, this is exactly why we pay our taxes. If the feds cannot help in disasters, then we may as well all secede and be independent states.

  12. Cal Avatar

    GWA. It’s good to see you take the time to read through the responses in other threads. That way, you wouldn’t be the tenth person to ask the same inane question that’s already been answered multiple times.

    And good to see Glen chime in with another complete over generalization. Where’s the anger here, Glen? Why aren’t you calling for Obama to be put on trial? Where’s all the heated rhetoric condemning his slow response? But then, you’re probably one of the few liberals who recognized George Bush wasn’t responsible for Katrina. I’m sure you were the voice of reason reminding us presidents can only do so much the way I have wrt Obama and the oil spill. But most of your fellow ideologues weren’t so kind. Funny how just having a Democrat in the White House changes some folks’ perspective, huh?

    DHFabian. The better question is what do YOU (and Missouri Ma) think is the solution? Stop drilling? Go to wind and solar? You lefties are amazingly quick to point fingers (never at yourselves, your plans, or your policies) but slow to offer genuine, workable solutions. You have these lofty, Pollyannish dreams about going green but no effective plan to do it. Cap and trade is NOT a plan. It’s a shell game to tax a non-existent commodity in order to punish traditional business in order to make different people wealthy. Your obsession with blaming “big oil” and corporations is old and it’s tired. We need more oil, not less. If you want to allow more coal plants, more nuclear, and more natural gas, then we can talk about reducing our dependence on foreign oil. In the meantime we need more of our own oil from right here in America. As a nation, we’re 20-30 years away from effective alternatives and until they work, we’re stuck with oil. That’s the simple truth.

    And if the environmental extremists hadn’t made drilling nearer to the shoreline impossible, we wouldn’t have BP conducting deep-water drilling where it’s much more difficult. We don’t stop practicing medicine because a patient dies in a clinical trial and we’re not gonna stop drilling for oil because of a spill. If you and Missouri Ma want to ride your bicycles around and live like Ed Begley, Jr., then you have my respect. But if you think driving a hybrid and recycling are saving the planet then you and your “great ideas” deserve to be ignored as that’s as ignorant and short-sighted as is your juvenile finger pointing.

    Hawker1 with a measured, reasoned voice of sanity among the loud loons of the loving Left. And virginialady weighing in tellin' it like it is! This is the fed's job. One of it's only real jobs. And it's screwin' the pooch left and right!

  13. John Doe Avatar

    you can fool some of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all the people all of the time ….. welcome to the black sea ….. let freedom of speech live ********************** Let’s all clean this mess up together as usual …..

  14. Glen Avatar

    Dear Cal.

    I am also one of a very small number of people of any political hue that was entirely against rebuilding New Orleans at its present location. The entire delta area is gradually sinking at the same time that global warming will cause more damaging storms than we are used to. Neither Bush nor Obama have any control over either. Democrats can see no further than a pool of blue votes in the city, Republicans can see no further than a pool of cheap oil (i.e., the oil spill is God's fault per the Republican Governor of Texas). It is notable that in all your general comments, you have neglected the roll of the Almighty. Tsk, tsk.

  15. Stug Avatar

    "DHFabian. The better question is what do YOU (and Missouri Ma) think is the solution? Stop drilling? Go to wind and solar? You lefties are amazingly quick to point fingers (never at yourselves, your plans, or your policies) but slow to offer genuine, workable solutions."

    – Actually, DHF and MM very succinctly pointed their fingers right at themselves, and all the rest of us, and were correct to do so.

    "This is the fed’s job. One of it’s only real jobs. And it’s screwin’ the pooch left and right!"

    – Really? Cleaning up behind the negligence of under-regulated private industry is the fed's real job? And what, exactly, should the fed be doing? Sorry to have to ask, didn't notice your post offering any genuine, workable solutions.

    "one should not get too excited over an act of God!"

    – This wasn't an act of God, it was an act of negligence.

    "The GOP is rightly quiet on what to do now"

    – Yes they are. Wouldn't want to bring to much attention to their "Drill-Baby-Drill" and "dergulate private industries" platforms during an election year when the results of those policies are so painfully obvious.

  16. Glen Avatar

    Stug. What problem? Just one little old itsy bitsy spill out of thousands of oil rigs in the gulf. Per the Governors of Texas and Louisiana (both Republicans), we should just keep right on drillin', maybe be just a tetch more careful. So. There is no real problem. Only a cowardly wuss like Obama would stop the drillin'! If the elected leaders of the Gulf States don't mind a little lubrication on their shrimp, why should we make any fuss? Anyways, since there really is no problem, there is nothing to blame Obama for, other than being left wing communist African infiltrator with Nazi/Socialist inclinations and a desire to eradicate old people with his death panels, that is. Heh, heh.

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